Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Federal Government's Popularity is Now Rated at Lowest Level EVER.

Jai singh | 06:06 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
How popular is the Federal Government right now? Lowest ratings ever recorded.

The only people who love government now are likely to be simple government employees; and of course government-loving LeftLibProggs; and of course those who live life large whilst suckling at government's teat. Democrats love promising more government teat to moochers in return for their votes, so you know they want to keep United Federal Sow well-fed and funded with Other People's Money.

But, for most good people, our mammoth Federal government has earned the lowest ratings ever recorded, even lower than when it was considered 'evil' under George Bush. Even the enlightened O!bumbling O!ne now sitting in the White House (a temporary home to him, thank goodness) can't make these ratings smell any better...

It turns out the Federal Government is now less popular than any polled industry. Including Bankers, Lawyers, and Oil men.

It didn’t used to be that way. In 2003, the first year the government was added to the poll, it had a net +6 favorable rating, 41/35. A 41/35 rating this year would have put the government 12th of the 24 industries (+ government for 25 total) that were polled.

But as it turns out, the government hasn’t kept that rating. By 2004 the government was in the negative, and by 2008, the last year of the George W Bush administration, the government was running at a -42 net, 18/60. That number rebounded in 2009, after the election of Barack Obama, to a -25 net, 29/54, but has worsened again in every year since.

So now under Obama the result is slightly worse than it ever got under Bush, having dropped to a -46 rating, 17/63, which is dead last in the poll. The oil industry was slightly better off, despite the gulf and high gas prices, at a -44. Bailouts haven’t dragged banks nearly as far, as they only register a -17, while perennial pincushion lawyers only hit a -16.

Everyone who is an American should be affiliated with the TEA Party, because only the TEA Party is pushing back against the Federal government's great overbite.

The rest of you, Democrats mostly, who lurves some massive Government, are but whimpering wussies, unknowingly waiting for the inevitable collapse, after which you'll find things...not one bit to your liking.

Good luck with that!

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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Uncle Onyango Obama pops up: First Family HAMMERTIME!

Jai singh | 06:27 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Not since Aunt Zeituni has Barack Obama been so disappointed in a member of his family.

Not since Roger (Coke Head) Clinton and Billy (Beer Guzzling and Public Urination) Carter has American had need to be so disappointed in a president's First Family.

It's not just the street-living outliers, either. M'Chelle Antoinette has spent outrageous amounts of taxpayer monies on her personal junkets; bringing along her friends and sycophants (and the Secret Service).

Is Michelle Obama a vacation junkie?

In a story published late last week in The Daily Mail which followed another by the National Enquirer, First Lady Michelle Obama's vacation habits including expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels are under attack. Critics have discovered over $10 million tax dollars has been spent on her personal recreation - in the last year.

Just as the Obamas' summer break on Martha's Vineyard has already been branded a PR disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets, The Daily Mail published new reports of extravagances.

White House sources claimed that the First Lady has spent $10 million of U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations in the past year alone.

Branding her 'disgusting' and 'a vacation junkie', they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.

The 'top source' told the National Enquirer: 'It's disgusting. Michelle is taking advantage of her privileged position while the most hardworking Americans can barely afford a week or two off work. 'When it's all added up, she's spent more than $10 million in taxpayers' money on her vacations.'

The First Lady is believed to have taken 42 days of holiday in the past year, including a $375,000 break in Spain and a four-day ski trip to Vail, Colorado, where she spent $2,000 a night on a suite at the Sebastian hotel.

Tell me that, if George Bush's wife, the gracious and unshakeable Laura Bush, had undertaken such inappropriate and expensive 'vacations', there would not have been backlash from the usual suspects?

Oh, speaking of a 'First Family' America could be proud of...

George Bush Family Photo

Aunt 'Zeitunia'. Uncle 'Onyango'. Indeed.

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Monday 29 August 2011

Finally.... (the unfortunate annual all-Troll post)

Jai singh | 19:57 | | Be the first to comment!
...a woman for William.

I mean, this one is dumbth incarnate.

We knew there was one 'out there' somewhere, William, far enough out; so! take advantage. You can't be wedded to a cat for life.

Oh, and if Barry hadn't already taken the newly-minted mantle of 'Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure' (SCOAMF, a new internet meme I'd never heard of: no one tells me these things!) this gal would be first qualifier.

Sheesh. No one tells me of these things. Seems even Hitler knew~!

This post serves to meld two things: William and this...person, and this...person as SCOAMF runner-up.

(Maybe, William, if the love blossoms, (there's no reason it shouldn't, given that both of you hates, hates HATES! Conservatives, TEA Partiers and smarter people) you could get elfie to be your best ? )

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Paul Krugman, ANOTHER Leftist, wonders why we don't believe in 'their' AGW

Jai singh | 05:40 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Mr. Perry (and many Conservatives; a majority I would surmise) realize that the climate is changing. But what we deny is that it's caused solely by human activity.

Having the Left embrace the notion of human-caused (AGW) climate change didn't help convince us. The worst possible happenstance for nascent scientists was that failed left-wing politician Albert Gore embraced the notion of human-caused climate change after his bitter defeat in 2000.

Now, we have the Left pushing AGW as one of their weapons of ideological CHANGE: AGW used as a world-wide tool, used as a weapon by the haters on the Left, against free enterprise.

When you say that 'deniers' only do so because they are ill-informed, you should realize that many of those who are doing the informing are not considered by Conservatives to be of any use or value; and that the AGW believers, to have embraced these left-wing spokesmen, to help shove the notion of human-caused climate change down the world's throat, wasn't such a good idea.

Worse: there's an as-yet unspoken (but they are itching to speak it!) meme circulating around the Left's environmental movement that, given their belief that humans have caused this problem, the real solution is to force the human population down to 1/3 or so of it's current numbers. That's what these Al Gore sorts want: far fewer people on this planet. If there is a civilization-turning point, then these wackos may well celebrate the dying of billions of people, to avenge their 'Mother Earth'.

Look around you, ask yourself: is the Left's ideology served by supporting the notion of AGW climate change?  Do these ideological bedfellows 'fit' with you, for your own left-wing desires and purposes?

How far are you willing to go with this, Krugman?

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Sunday 28 August 2011

Sunday Funnies: Marxine, M'Chelle and Barack, Oh My!

Jai singh | 16:34 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!



Plouffe: Mrs. Obama, I need to speak with you for a minute.


Plouffe: Mrs. Obama?

Michelle: Can’t you see I’m trying to get the meat out of the claw? It’s very tricky. I need to concentrate.

Mrs. Obama, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you . . .

Michelle: Oh no, another masseuse quit?

Plouffe: No, I’m afraid you’re going to have to cut the vacation short and leave a day earlier than planned.

Michelle: Oh, well I have some bad news for you: I’m staying. Now scram.

Plouffe: Mrs. Obama, the president has to leave a day early to deal with the hurricane, and we’d like you to come with him.

Michelle: You think I’m taking orders from a little worn like you? You look skinny. Why don’t you go get something to eat, worm? If he wants to go, rev up his jet and get him out of here. Now let me finish my lobster.

Mrs. Obama, I’m really sorry, but we’re worried about the symbolism of the first lady remaining on a luxurious vacation while the East Coast is getting destroyed by a hurricane.

Michelle: Symbolism? How about the symbolism of me smacking you over the head with seashell?

Plouffe: Now Mrs. Obama, I don’t think that’s necessary.

Michelle: I’ll show you what’s necessary.

(She throws a lobster tail at him)

This isn’t working. (Calling out) Mr. President? Mr. President? You need to speak with Mrs. Obama.

Obama: (from far away): I’m busy.

Plouffe: Busy with what?


Obama: I’m on the phone.

Plouffe: Who are you on the phone with?


Obama: I’m in the bathroom.

Plouffe: Mr. President, can you come over here?

Obama: I’m . . . I’m on the phone in the bathroom.

Plouffe: Mr. President!

Okay, I’m coming.

(Obama enters the room)

Michelle: Your lackey here is risking his life by telling me I’m going home with you one day early. Set him straight.

Obama: Michelle, I’ve got to get back to Washington to deal with the hurricane, and you -

What are you going to do about the hurricane, fix people’s houses? You don’t which end of a hammer of to hold.

Obama: Now Michelle, that’s not fair.

Last time you tried to hang a picture you busted open your finger and spent a whole week looking at it to see if it was infected. You can’t use a teleprompter to fix a house, Barack.

(under his breath): And people think it’s the job that’s giving him gray hairs.

What’s that, lackey? You’re like Ed McMahon, always laughing at everything Johnny Carson over here says. Well I do what I want. And I’ve decided I’m staying until Tuesday.

Oh God.

Darling . . .

Don’t you darling me. I’m sure Ed McMahon will fix everything for you. Now if the hurricane comes through here Sunday when will the stores be open?

Reggie Love:
By Monday if the damage isn’t too bad.

Obama: Reggie cut it out! She’s not staying.

What did you say?

Obama: I mean, sweet flower, please come home with your Barry.

Michelle: Screw you, Herbert Hoover.
(Go read the EXCITING FINISH~! )

Oh, and speaking of M'Chelle, Theo's Caption Contest...

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Saturday 27 August 2011

Sorry, Barack.

Jai singh | 23:53 | Be the first to comment!

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'Robbie Mook', a real-life Randian bad guy in the vein of 'Ellsworth Toohey' and 'Wesley Mouch'

Jai singh | 08:28 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
What an unfortunate name, 'Robby Mook', but deserved, since he is obviously a very dirty socialist of the worst sorts.

Emailed to me from the DCCC, crying for money to stop «gasp» eeevil Republicans from fixing the economy...
Serr -- We just got word that Karl Rove’s secret donor funded swift-boat group is dumping an additional $119,502 into misleading ads attacking Democrats.

We must keep pace. Check out Democratic Leader Pelosi’s message below and please consider making a contribution of $3 or more before the August 31st FEC deadline hits to hold Tea Party Republicans accountable for their reckless agenda. Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar by House Democrats.

Thanks -- Robby

Robby Mook, DCCC Executive Director
From: Nancy Pelosi
Sent: Thursday, August 25th, 2011 11:27am
Subject: Outrage

Friend --

Republicans have just launched a dishonest new TV ad campaign in multiple districts across the country attacking Democrats who are standing strong for Medicare and seniors. Reports say the GOP has spent over $500,000 on this ad campaign of misleading attacks so far.

Now, after weeks of avoiding constituents who are outraged with their votes to destroy Medicare while preserving tax cuts for billionaires and Big Oil, House Republicans are set to return to Washington in a matter of days.

We must raise $500,000 before the August 31st FEC (Federal Election Commission) deadline to show that grassroots Democrats are united and committed to holding Republicans accountable for their reckless Tea Party agenda.

Contribute $3 or more before the August 31st FEC deadline and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a group of House Democrats.

We cannot let Republicans get away with selling out our seniors and the middle class. Stand with me today and help us win back our House Majority.

Thank you,

Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader

Oh, let me save myself from the trouble of replying to the Mookster's stupidish email...

F-you, 'Robby Mook', your entire Democratic Socialist Party, your moocher-baiting and your 'Community Organizing'. Now go get your free Pelosi lap-dance, and trouble me no more.

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Friday 26 August 2011

Friday Photo: NOT a Barking Spider

Jai singh | 06:32 | | Be the first to comment!
...but a backyard spider.

Cute little fella, eh?

I'd be remiss (since I mentioned barking spiders) not to link this (h/t JeffG) at Military Times ...
So here’s the news: audible farting has been banned for some Marines downrange because it offends the Afghans.

I know there are many things in the Afghan culture that don’t seem normal to Americans and it’s hard to spend seven months working in someone else’s back yard. Still, the Marines I saw downrange are doing a pretty good job at trying to do the right thing around the Afghans.

They’re not supposed to cuss because it could be misunderstood (that one goes out the window a lot). And they stay away from talking about politics, religion or girls because those topics could escalate into major disagreements (they can’t communicate anyway because of the language barrier).

But farting? That’s practically a sport. Ok, it’s not soccer, but a good contest could open the door for cross-cultural exchanges, jokes and other gallows humor.

So, for all Marines getting ready to go downwind, I mean downrange, be forewarned — you may have to hold it in… at least until you get back to your hooch where you can loudly crop dust your friends.


Be sure to read the comments there; this one is typical...
Really? We are worried about offending people who crap in the corner of their own living space. On a daily basis Marines are accosted by the grotesque living conditions of the ANA and ANP, assaulted by non-stop request to go to the sack with them, have to put up with their complete incompetence, have to worry about whether or not their ANA and ANP tag along is going to bail during a fire fight (or shoot at you, or maybe he is the one who put that IED in place), but we can’t fart in front of them. Sure thing. Maybe the guy who made this call should step away from his desk for a minute and put eyes on what’s really happening down range.

And some wag put together a list of terms that mean 'farting'. Yes, 'barking spiders' is one of them; but I'd heard that one decades ago, and is one of my favorite euphemistic synonyms for that familiar human condition.

Oh, Semper fidelis, Marines, and let 'em rip.
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Thursday 25 August 2011

Smart Selector: Presidential Candidate Selector thinger not so smart ?

Jai singh | 19:14 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Interesting. I think I broke their Smart Selector.
2012 President Selector Rankings:
1. Ideal Theoretical Candidate (100 %) [No one exists who is my ideal candidate]
2. Newt Gingrich (announced candidacy) (80 %)
3. Rick Santorum (announced candidacy) (75 %)
4. Eric Cantor (not running) (69 %)
5. Mike Pence (announced non-candidacy) (68 %)
6. Sarah Palin (66 %)
7. John Boehner (not running) (66 %)
8. Wayne Allyn Root (63 %)
9. Lindsey Graham (not running) (63 %) [First sign of major gasket failure]
10. Mike Huckabee (announced non-candidacy) (62 %)
11. Mitt Romney (announced candidacy) (61 %)
12. Michele Bachmann (announced candidacy) (58 %)
13. Ron Paul (announced candidacy) (57 %) [Anything Paul postive is amazingly wrong]
14. Jeb Bush (not running) (57 %)
15. Rob Portman (54 %)
16. Tim Pawlenty (dropped out) (51 %)
17. Mitch Daniels (not running) (49 %)
18. Bobby Jindal (announced non-candidacy) (49 %)
19. Haley Barbour (announced non-candidacy) (43 %)

Now it just gets stupid.

20. Joseph Biden (presumed vp candidate) (43 %)
21. Rick Perry (announced candidacy) (42 %)
22. Hillary Clinton (not running) (38 %)
23. Buddy Roemer (announced candidacy) (33 %)
24. Barack Obama (announced candidacy) (29 %)
25. Herman Cain (announced candidacy) (29 %)
26. Jon Huntsman (announced candidacy) (29 %)
27. Donald Trump (announced non-candidacy) (28 %)
28. Gary Johnson (announced candidacy) (25 %)
29. Michael Bloomberg (announced non-candidacy) (14 %)

Come on. I've supposedly more to like in Joe Biden and Barack Obama than Rick Perry and Herman Cain? Seriously?

Needs a tune-up, this whacky robot does.

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NYT Editor 'Wesley Mouch' Attacks Rick Perry for Being a Politician

Jai singh | 06:06 | Be the first to comment!
It's interesting to note the Left's reaction to each potential usurper to Mr. Obama's highly-privileged seat.

Here we read the NYT's fabled 'Wesley Mouch' attacking Mr. Perry for doing what politicians do best...raising money through traditional methodologies; using the power of whatever seat to assure ease of re-election. Of course, if we wanted to choose a politician who did not create such a structure, you'd find a way to tear her down: Sarah Palin, Alaska's Governor, attacked the power structure of the Office, and the trappings of both political Parties alike; but she's takes the brunt of your put-downs for being...well, not good enough to serve as President (in your LeftLibProgg neo-Marxist eyes only, from your seats in Elitesville and in the path for handouts).

Either Perry or Palin would serve this nation much better than Mr. Obama has; he who came up embracing Chicago-style politics (politics that're so much softer and cleaner than Texas' or Alaska's 'machines'); Obama having arrived via the socialist incubators operating at the highest levels of academia, then following the path outlined by Andre Gorz, Peter Dreier, Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward: implementing "transitional reforms", "non-reformist reforms" to push the United States to socialism (re-branded as "CHANGE" by ACORN-inspired Barack Obama) via financial crisis brought on by the incompatibility of soft-socialism and capitalism.

Well, we are at the predicted fiscal crisis point; there's a community organizer in the White House and on every street corner it seems to help transition us to socialism. Dreier's dream is on the brink of becoming reality. Unless the situation gets violent, and we inherit fascism instead.

And you're worried about a few dollars spent in Texas by a governor who worked the existing system as it's always been done?

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Jai singh | 04:00 | | | | Be the first to comment!
As in, all good things come in threes.

Firstly, this NRO piece by Mark Steyn, "The Imperial Presidency", eviscerates Baracky without mercy...

Bill Clinton thought otherwise. “I got tickled by watching Governor Perry,” said the former president. “And he’s saying, ‘Oh, I’m going to Washington to make sure that the federal government stays as far away from you as possible — while I ride on Air Force One and that Marine One helicopter and go to Camp David and travel around the world and have a good time.’ I mean, this is crazy.”

This is the best argument the supposedly smartest operator in the Democratic party can muster? If Bill Clinton wants to make the increasingly and revoltingly unrepublican lifestyle of the American president a campaign issue, Governor Perry should call his bluff. If I understand correctly the justification advanced by spokesgropers for the Transport Security Administration, the reason they poke around the genitalia of three-year-old girls and make wheelchair-bound nonagenarians in the final stages of multiple sclerosis remove their diapers in public is that by doing so they have made commercial air travel the most secure environment in the United States. In that case, why can’t the president fly commercial?

You’d be surprised how many heads of state do. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands flies long haul on KLM. Don’t worry, she’s not in coach all night squeezed next to the mom with the crying baby and the party of English soccer hooligans baying moronic victory chants all night. She rides up front and has so many aides that sometimes she’ll book the entire first class cabin! By contrast, the president of the United States took his personal 747 (a transatlantic aircraft designed to hold 500 people that costs a fifth of a million dollars per hour to run) to go from Washington to a Democratic party retreat in Williamsburg, Va., 150 miles away.
Read the rest.

Then, this moti, tweeted by David Limbaugh, linked at NRO, is sure to torment Barack Hussein Obama II.

Finally,  and in observance of BHO's college daze, there's this video by Afroman, 'Smokin' Weed' (of course, the width of this video window is "420". Of course. )

Haze to the Chief~!

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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Maxine Waters or Max?

Jai singh | 06:08 | | | | | Be the first to comment!

Democrats can never be without a 'Marx that Roars'. Anthony Weiner is out, and that little jack's ass in Florida lost his election (what was the name?), so we now have a new (well, not new, just newly featured) RAAAAACIALIST! spouting inanities.

Perhaps this latest runneth-of-mouth is to divert attention away from the House Ethics Committee investigation of Ms. Waters. That investigation isn't moving fast enough; seems some Democrats want to stall the inevitable. Let's get busy and get another crook convicted, shall we?

Twitter reactions to Marxine...

" When Maxine Waters told the Tea Party to go to hell, she was simply inviting them to her district." *

"listening to maxine waters, frederica wilson, n rest of dems is like watching warner bros looney toons" *

" Make this viral tell Maxine Waters Ca# 323-757-8900 fax 323-757-9506 DC# 202-225-2201  fax 202-225-7854 where 2 go" *

" Ok tell the truth which one if you Hobbits pissed in Maxine Waters koolaid this time?

Meh. This obviously deranged person simply needs her meds. She's 72 years old, a dedicated Black Liberation Theology promoter, and likely well-represents the nest of neo-Marxists who comprise her inner-city district. They deserve.

Read this, "The Recognition of Reality", written yesterday and posted to Market Ticker dot org. You'll begin to realize that Marxine and her sorts haven't all that much time left to demand things they don't deserve.
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Monday 22 August 2011

So, for those interested in how Vince Young is doing with his new team, the Philthadelphia Eagles, in Preseason...

Jai singh | 06:54 | | | Be the first to comment!
Yes, I was curious. So...

Vince Young has looked awful. I don't care what people want to say about him because he has been nothing short of a hot mess.

But this is what I expected of him. Let's just be honest here: He's a moron.

According to USA Today, he scored a 6 out of 50 on the Wonderlic intelligence test as an incoming rookie.

I know quarterbacks are not judged by their brain power alone, but c'mon.

The test asks questions such as "which of the following does not belong: Wednesday, Friday, September, Tuesday?".

Based on that, I have serious questions if he can learn an offense in a short amount of time, and so I give him a C. He's doing what I expected.

And as I expected as well. Is he capable of playing in Philadelphia, in front of a much more raucous and unforgiving crowd than the one at Nashville?

Looking at the numbers, Vince Young has been outplayed to the fullest by now third-string Eagles quarterback Mike Kafka.

Kafka, a second-year player out of Northwestern has been pretty stellar spelling Vick and Young in the Eagles' first two preseason games.

Sure, Kafka has not thrown a pass in a regular season game, but he may get the opportunity this year should Michael Vick go down.

In two games in the preseason Kafka is 27-38 for 292 yards. He has thrown two touchdowns to just one interception and has five rushes for 36 yards. In comparison, Vince Young is only 8-13 for 79 yards and an interception.

Mike Kafka has been a model of consistency while Vince Young has been a crap-shoot.

After making so many brilliant moves this offseason, the Philadelphia Eagles would be stupid not to make Mike Kafka their No. 2 quarterback behind Michael Vick.

And should the organization in fact make this move, Vince Young should be released. The Eagles don't need the negative hoopla that would surround Young riding the bench.

Eagles fans: expect Vince Young to be out of Philadelphia before his Eagles career even begins.

I'll keep this MoronWatch going for as along as I can stand it.
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Al Gore, Tennessee's Most Famous Far-Left Failed Politician, Curses Americans for their Disbelief

Jai singh | 06:03 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Trending today in RealClearPolitics is this editorial by the Pittsburg Post-Gazette's Jack Kelly, "Chicken Little Gore goes on a tirade".

I suppose that when Al Gore said "The SCIENCE! is SETTLED!" he expected American children to stop arguing with him, bend the knee and give Him their full and expectant attention, and do exactly as He said to do. After all, He is the Goreacle, He Who Must Be Obeyed. Certainly he does not brook well any disrespectful children or tolerate their mouthy disbelief. At the Aspen Institute, Aug. 4, he unleashed on those who doubt HIM...

Former Vice President Al Gore went on a profanity-laced tirade at the Aspen Institute Aug. 4 against the rising number of Americans who are skeptical about man-made global warming.

According to a Harris poll in July, only 44 percent of us now believe carbon dioxide emissions are warming the Earth, down from 51 percent in 2009 and 71 percent in 2007.

Global temperatures peaked in 1998. People have noticed winters are getting colder.

When evidence emerged in 2009 that scientists affiliated with the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Britain were "hiding the decline" by fudging data, few journalists paid much attention.

But a lot of Americans did, apparently. In a Rasmussen poll Aug. 3, 69 percent of respondents said it was at least somewhat likely scientists have falsified research data.

According to global warming theory, carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are trapping heat in the upper atmosphere, inexorably warming the planet.

The theory ignored inconvenient facts:

• In the Medieval Warm Period (950-1250 AD), and the Roman Warm Period (250 BC-400 AD), there were no automobiles or factories, but temperatures were warmer than now.

• In geologic history, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere were much higher, but temperatures often were lower. In the Late Ordovician Period, CO2 concentrations were 12 times higher than they are today. The Late Ordovician Period was an ice age.

• Vostok (Antarctica) ice core samples indicate temperature changes have preceded changes in CO2 concentrations by an average of 800 years. This couldn't happen if CO2 caused temperature changes.

• CO2 in the atmosphere has increased since 1998, but temperatures haven't.

Now a peer-reviewed study of NASA satellite data indicates the computer models warmists rely upon grossly exaggerate the amount of heat being trapped in the atmosphere.

Mr. Gore's alarmist predictions have proved false. Polar ice caps are larger. So is the polar bear population (and the scientist upon whom Mr. Gore relied for his claim that the polar bear is endangered is facing accusations of scientific misconduct). The rise in sea levels -- which has been going on since the end of the last ice age -- is slowing down.

Mr. Gore can respond only with curses, and ever more hysterical predictions of imminent doom. His credibility is in tatters. In the public mind, he's gone from Nobel Prize winner to Chicken Little.

"Chicken Little". Heh. If I had time, I'd work that one up. But all's I have is ManBearPigore.

Al Gore is a 'Failed Politician' you ask? Why you say so?

Al Gore is a failed politician. He could not win the Presidency in 2000 because he FAILED to win his freakin' HOME STATE! After having won several elections here in Tennessee, he FAILED to WIN his HOME STATE! That line should be imprinted on his tombstone.

Al Gore is a failed politician, period, end of story. He turned far-Left and paid the price for it. As should all these politicians who turn Left, and in doing so turn their backs on their country.

Oh, and Al Gore continued his FAIL after his failed political career because he did seek out and embrace, and become the lead face for, the theory of Global Warmalism. That embracing by a far-Left politician cratered any chance the theory had to become popular (cratered, rightfully, except in the minds of those far-Left whack jobs who would bend the knee and assume the position for anyone, especially if they come in on the political charts to the left of Hugo Chavez; look to Chavez' left, you'll find Al Gore).

Seriously, who could look at Al Gore, failed far-Left politician, and see little more than a failed far-Left politician trying to push a possibly fake (but the Science! is SETTLED!) theory? He did those scientists and their theory no favors by taking the lead, really.

The worst mistake climate scientists ever made was to embrace Al Gore as their titular leader.

Gore should have stayed on that little island he went to after his 2000 loss, continued to eat cheeseburgers until he was as fat as Marlon Brando, start wearing a Moo Moo, and fer chrissakes stayed out of SCIENCE!. Any other reasonable person, chosen at random, would have presented the theory of Global Warmalism better than failed far-Left politician Albert (HUGE ELECTRIC BILLS!) Gore.

Winging around on his jets, with that huge electric bill, proves he is also a hypocrite, a jerk, and an @sshole.

That is all.
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Sunday 21 August 2011

Appearing in Public When You Are Dead

Jai singh | 12:06 | | | Be the first to comment! fine, as long as you don't get your picture taken.

Original caption, appearing at Cowboy Blob's latest photo caption contest...

MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 30: Duchess of Alba, Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart and Alfonso Diez attend ELLE Awards 25th Anniversary at the Matadero cultural center on June 30, 2011 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)

I had nuttin' for it, until blogger BobG (blogging from somewhere Near the Salty City) posted that excellent caption you see up there. Norman Bates would approve, I'm sure. I riffed off of BobG's caption, but BobG did all the heavy lifting. And has this one won, I'll warrant.

And please, Lady, Countess or Duchess or whatever you are, check your embalming before going out in public again!
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'Wesley Mouch', New York Times editor, excels in cluelessness yet again!

Jai singh | 09:46 | | | | Be the first to comment!
One doesn't get to read an editorial that is this steeped in cluelessness and is as disconnected as is this one very often. 'Wesley Mouch', you've exceeded your own limitations!

Firstly, there is no business who should willingly come riding to the aid of Leftists. Your policies, collectively, are anathema to this nation's success; your actions (including the over-regulating of industry, embedding your Party with corrupt Unions, your meme-speak that demonizes Corporations as 'not even people' and demonizes the 'rich' as 'not paying their fair share') are plain-spoken enough: Leftists who now control the once-proud Democratic party desire only to buy votes and support from community-organized Moochers using Other People's Money. There's no consideration given to the needs of businesses or corporations until you 'want' more from them, to wrench away more taxes used to expedite your causes.

Secondly, the policies you are begging monies for are doomed anyway. The various social welfare programs won't last: Social Security is, as all realize, doomed to fail. Medicare and Medicaid, and this newly-created monstrously damaging program ObamaCare, will drain this Republic's treasury dry (wait..they already have).

Mr. Koch responds to Mr. Buffet, and indirectly, to you:

“Much of what the government spends money on does more harm than good; this is particularly true over the past several years with the massive uncontrolled increase in government spending. I believe my business and non-profit investments are much more beneficial to societal well-being than sending more money to Washington. — Charles G. Koch, Chairman and CEO, Koch Industries, Inc.

So, that for your pipe. Enjoy your smoke!
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Jimmy Carter vs "Killer RABBIT!", the video

Jai singh | 07:19 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Joy McCann over at the Conservative Commune posts a warning story of possible Presidential lament: some foul LeftLibProggs are recounting the story of Jimmy Carter's fall from grace and the subsequent election of Ronaldus Magnus Reagan by a landslide vote in 1980. The REAL reason Carter lost? These unnamed leftists think it was not Jimmah's failure to free the hostages, nor the horrible 'Misery Index' he caused, but the attack on his person by a 'killer rabbit', occurring during one of Said rabbit 'attack' (and the subsequent public hilarity surrounding his disclosure thereof), heralded (if not caused) Mr. Carter's fall.

I barely remembered that 'killer rabbit' story, but if these leftists want to think that the same sort of thing is getting ready to happen to Barack Hussein Obama (the Jimmy Carter of our age), then let them.

When BHO loses the election, let's hope it's for the right reasons: people are fed up with his LeftLibProgg crap, and "We Are NOT All Socialists Now". That's enough to get him soundly beaten, if he weren't such a charismatic Community Organizer who can promise our monies to moochers for their votes.

Here's a nice video I uncovered: Jimmy Carter and the attack of the KILLER RABBIT!

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Saturday 20 August 2011

Rule 5 Sunday: Victoria Secret's Candice Swanepoel

Jai singh | 20:24 | | | | Be the first to comment!
A beautiful South African model, Candice Swanepoel was recently voted #10 on Forbe's top-earning models list; earning $3M in 2010 - 2011. That's how it's done.

More photos of Candice below the fold...

Robert Stacy McCain's Rule 5 Sunday certainly is a fine way to start a week, isn't it?

The man's a damned genius, for inventing (and for carrying on the implementation of) that Rule.

RSM's Rule 5, last Sunday's edition

Aw, hell, one more!
She has also walked the runways for the world's top designer's including Tommy Hilfiger, Dolce and Gabbanna and Diane Von Furstenberg.

Last year, the stunning blonde has earned herself a spot at number ten on the Forbes World's Top-Earning Models list, with estimated earnings of $3 million over the past 12 months.

She won the coveted role of a Victoria's Secret Angel in 2010, following in the footsteps of international beauties such as Giselle Bundchen and Heidi Klum.

The blonde beauty is currently dating fellow model Hermann Nicoli who she has been with for five years.

She spoken about her ideal night in with her lover which she says would involve 'an evening at home relaxing, watching a movie on the couch and eating a home-cooked meal'.

The devil's in the house...

UPDATE: Linked by RS McCain! Thanks!

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Ron Paul

Jai singh | 09:22 | Be the first to comment!
Have you ever dealt with a PaulBot? No?

Here you go.

Now you have.

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End Games

Jai singh | 08:48 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
I think what's easy enough to see is this huge, Sovereign-dinging massive mountain of debt we here in the U.S.A. owe to other nations; debt that this little Republic can no longer afford to continue to accrue (if you want to argue, debt we should never have allowed Democrats to create; Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and other general welfare-for-votes schemes). A simple fact: the only way to contain this debt and stop a fiscal and physical collapse (if it's not already too late to stop it) would be the TEA Party's suggestion to Cut, Cap and Balance, and try to restore what we should never have abandoned: a Federal policy of fiscal sanity.

If you want to save this Republic, the TEA Party is the only way; eventually it must come to severe budget and program and agency cutting, capping the debt ceiling and balancing the Federal budget every year. Austerity programs may be necessary; in other flat-broke countries those sorts of austerity programs lead to riots and demonstrative outbursts. Here, such outbursts (likely to occur first in the Democratically-controlled overpopulation centers: NYC, LA, Chicago, Philadelphia &c.) will be more violent, deadly even. Unfortunately. From that violence could spring government tyranny, and from that tyranny...Katy bar the door.

We are in the end game of this. The next steps may well lead to an upheaval you'll wish you hadn't hoped for.

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Friday 19 August 2011

NASA: Space Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Save... Space Aliens.

Jai singh | 04:32 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Let me get this straight: instead of NASA taking us farther out into space, preparing science and technology to help humanity leave this little stinking mudball, they are now taking us farther out into speculative territory once inhabited only by Hollywood.

Let's look at the time line...

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report for Nasa

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.

Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth's atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by scientists at Nasa and Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.
I strongly believe we here in the USA peaked in July of 1969, with the landing of a human on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.

Since, we've had various societal peaks and valleys, but mostly we have collectively declined (thanks!, collectivism). This decline is now apparently noticeable even from Sirius, if we are being 'watched' by NASA's 'space aliens'.

Why would space aliens have to worry about us poor little humans here in the failed USA? How could we be a danger to other space alien races, since we now lack the basic technology to reach even our own satellite ?

The original "The Day the Earth Stood Still" was remade in 2008, and featured this very same plot structure: we, humans, need be destroyed to save 'Mother Earth', a rare gem indeed. Utter insipid bullshit, playing to the 'global warming' fearmongering promoted by mostly Left-leaning Democrats and social Leftists planet-wide.

Today, once-proud NASA, instead of preparing to help us get us off this little planet, is now directed to make Muslims 'feel better' about themselves and to promote half-baked theorems supporting speculative science; nice 'collective' science that exists and is supported by LeftLibProggs for to attack our Capitalist successes and our way of life.

Yes, friends and neighbors, we are definitely now in a steep economic, moral and professional decline.



Paul Krugman, today... (h/t LMC)
Paul Krugman: Think about World War II, right? That was actually negative for social product spending, and yet it brought us out. I mean, partly because you want to put these things together, if we say, "Look, we could use some inflation." Ken and I are both saying that, which is of course anathema to a lot of people in Washington, but is in fact what the basic logic says.

It's very hard to get inflation in a depressed economy. But if you have a program of government spending plus an expansionary policy by the Fed, you could get that. So if you think about using all of these things together, you could accomplish a great deal.

If we discovered that space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat - and really inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that - this slump would be over in 18 months. And then if we discovered, oops, we made a mistake there aren't actually any space aliens.

This might get interesting. ;D

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Thursday 18 August 2011

Joe Wilson (You LIE!) proven correct.

Jai singh | 03:46 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Yes, imagine that. Barack Obama did lie.

"You LIE!" came after Barack Obama specifically said that ObamaCare monies would not be used to cover illegal immigrants, remember? Real Clear Poltics....
Obama claimed that his health care reform plan (now called Obamacare) would not allocate money for illegal immigrants.

According to Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), the Congressman who yelled out at Obama, nearly $8.5 million has been set aside for "seasonal farm workers." Wilson says this group is made up mostly of illegal immigrants.

Now the Congressman says he was right. "It is clearly providing money that should be going to American citizens to illegal immigrants," Rep. Wilson told FOX News today.

Nothing we didn't know already, really.

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Wednesday 17 August 2011

So, why did the NRA lend support to that little shithead fleebagger, Wisconsin State Senator Jim Holperin?

Jai singh | 05:41 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
The recall election for two of the Democratic Wisconsin 'fleebagger' state senators didn't go well for Republicans last night: both 'fleebaggers' get to keep their seats.

The National Rifle Association (NRA), an organization I've long supported, gave an (A) endorsement to little shithead fleebagger Jim Holperin, and I am forced to defend the NRA for doing so.

Long before I became interested in broad-spectrum politics, long before the current chasm in Republican - Democratic ideology drove me to support all-and-only Republican tickets, I voted Democratic when the NRA endorsed a solid 2nd Amendment Democratic candidate.

Yeah, the NRA is single-issue, and believes that in order to keep that single issue front-and-center it’s best to not just pick a party and support only that party, but to judge each candidate on individual merits. Usually it’s no contest: Democrats love gun control; it is a featured party plank.

But the NRA caught massive hell from members when they were poised to endorse Harry Reid for re-up. Finally, the NRA acquiesced, and offered no endorsement in that race.

This comment set off the following exchange (limited to my responses; if you want to follow along, follow the damned linky)...
happyfeet posted on 8/16 @ 9:15 pm
I blame the cowardly self-serving fat-ass socialist douchebags at the National Rifle Association

But Holperin supported legislation deemed helpful to preserving the 2nd Amendment, therefore earning the rightful endorsement of the NRA.

What about ‘single-issue’ do you not understand ?

That single issue (the 2nd Amendment) is the only issue the NRA cares about. It’s a hell of an issue to bear standard for; and I support them for their unwavering support of it.

That is all.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has recognized the gun rights voting record of State Senator Jim Holperin with an “A” rating, and has endorsed Holperin in the current recall election.

“Your strong and vocal support of our right to keep and bear arms” led to the organization’s backing, according to the letter of endorsement.

“Hunting, fishing, trapping and other outdoor sports are very important to many 12th Senate District residents,” Holperin said. “Therefore, I’ve always worked hard to defend our northwoods sporting traditions, including the least restrictive exercise of 2nd amendment rights.”

Holperin said over the past three years he’s either authored or co-sponsored legislation to authorize the concealed carry of weapons, protect the right of in-the-home self defense (Castle Doctrine), and create a mentor program for young hunters. Conversely, he’s helped to kill legislation requiring weapons to be “micro-stamped”, along with other anti-gun measures.

“I’m grateful to the NRA for recognizing my legislative record of protecting gun rights and our northwoods hunting heritage,” Holperin concluded. “I’m proud to have the organization’s endorsement and I intend to continue working to advance legislation that protects 2nd amendment rights.”

Recall that the NRA was responsible for Al Gore losing Tennessee in 2000. We worked our asses off here; it paid off handsomely, wouldn’t you say?

There are other things we are proud of. S’long, you RINO bastard...

WASHINGTON – Former president George Bush, a gun enthusiast and decades-long member of the National Rifle Association, has resigned from the group because of its statements that agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are “jackbooted thugs” who harass gun owners.

“Your broadside against federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor, and it offends my concept of service to country,” Bush wrote to NRA president Thomas Washington in a May 3 letter that was released yesterday. “It indirectly slurs a wide array of government law-enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us.”

Bush said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre’s description of federal agents as ” `wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms’ (and) wanting to `attack law-abiding citizens’ is a vicious slander on good people.” LaPierre used the description in a fund-raising letter sent to the NRA’s 3.5 million members early this year, and he defended it in the wake of the April 19 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.
Telling truth isn't always easy. But the NRA will tell the truth, no matter who cries like a pissy baby.

Heh. The NRA: giving the TEA Party a fall-back position. You be sure to Thank us some day, m’kay?

Much like when Sarah Palin stood up for her old mentor, John McCain, for his re-election (much to the butt-hurt of ‘feets). You always dance with the one who brung you.

If the NRA hadn’t endorsed this little shit, then this little shit and lots of other little shits who are Democrats could cry “See? the NRA will turn it’s back on us in a heartbeat! Why, again, should we risk alienating our caucuses and fellow travelers and support these 2nd Amendment rights?”

Why, indeed?

Wasn’t so long ago that Democrats were not far-LeftLibProggs. Remember the blue dogs? All but dead now, driven out by the new, neo-Marxists.

But not all of them, obviously, are that far gone. This little shit did the right thing, whatever his inner thoughts are, he did pull the right levers. And was rewarded for it with that endorsement.

The NRA is the only big tent with flaps left open, I suppose.

It’s a difficult line to walk.

But we have a solid string of successes to point to.

As of this morning, 51 members of the U.S. Senate have signed letters to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton saying they will oppose any ATT that includes civilian firearms ownership. These strongly worded letters caution the President and Secretary of State to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Thanking the NRA for our long-standing work on this issue, Senator Moran remarked, “I appreciate the NRA’s partnership on this important effort to defend the rights of American gun owners. I want to thank them for their active support in sending a strong message to the Obama Administration that our firearm freedoms are not negotiable.”

There’s not 51 Republicans in the US Senate.

Both chambers of the Wisconsin legislature voted to approve one of the nation’s strongest Right-to-Carry bills by solid bipartisan margins. Today’s signing of the Wisconsin Personal Protection Act into law leaves Illinois as the only state that provides no way for its citizens to carry firearms for self-protection outside their homes or places of business.

Glenn Beck with David A. Keene, NRA 2nd Vice President, at the NRA Convention Banquet
Louisville, KY, May 19, 2008 (photo credit: serr8d)

The official NRA line, which I pretty much nailed just above...

NRA is non-partisan in issuing its candidate grades and endorsements. We base our political decisions solely on gun-related issues, as we are a single-issue organization. By not taking into account political party affiliation and/or non-gun-related issues, we ensure we do not divide our base of support that is united in its support for the Second Amendment.

We have a pro-gun incumbent-friendly policy that dictates our support for pro-gun incumbents seeking reelection over pro-gun challengers. We stand with our friends who stand with us in Congress or the state legislature. We would lose all credibility if we abandoned our friends who have stood by us. Of course, should a pro-gun challenger win his election, then he will be the beneficiary of this policy when he seeks re-election.

Given the string of obvious successes, I can pretty much say without worry that their policy is, generally, effective.

I mentioned, above, the Reid Exception
The National Rifle Association has learned a powerful lesson. That lesson is that they are not the all powerful group they thought they were whose members jump at their mere request. Whether or not they will retain this lesson for use in the future however? That will remain to be seen.

In recent months the NRA has made no secret their overt desire to endorse Senator Harry Reid in Nevada’s Senate race. Claiming to be a “single issue” group that only cares about the second amendment, they touted Reid’s record on gun rights as justification for this potential endorsement. What they were not ready for however was the backlash from their members who had quite a different opinion of Senator Reid.

What the NRA learned is that vast swaths of their membership were not single issue voters. They learned that their members were lovers of the whole Constitution. And as word of the potential endorsement spread the pushback was becoming obvious and even threatened the organization’s ability to raise money. …

Well, there is good news to report. The NRA has backed off. We Tea Partiers demanded it and they blinked. …

The real reason for this hasty decision and poorly provided justification for it is because the NRA has felt the sting of what Americans who have had too much are capable of. And anyone who flirts with the destructive ideology of liberalism or supports liberals will be in our line of fire.

Eventually, the gouge between Left and Right will be such that no organization can bridge it. Then, there will be open conflict, which is not a pleasant thing, really.

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Tuesday 16 August 2011

Obama's 'Battle Bus' Tour

Jai singh | 06:43 | | | Be the first to comment!

'Battle Bus' moniker from BBC News...

Obama's battle bus no symbol of hope

In British elections we're used to what we call "battle buses", cheerfully painted wagons, festooned with party slogans and colours.

US President Barack Obama has embarked on his first bus tour in office.

But his vehicle for the trip through the rural parts of three Midwestern states looks like it really is heading for a battle.

Big, blocky, black, with painted-out windows, it looks more like a police mortuary van than a symbol of hope arriving on your street.

It is a ponderous business campaigning when you are president, all that need for protection and the weight of office on your shoulders.

Two years in, the problems you inherited are now the problems you own. Part of Obama's message is that it is not his recession, not his fault. It's the blame game.

A shame this is not his 'Farewell Tour'.
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"What is Business Waiting For?" asks Joe Nocera, a Person of Left-Liberal-Progressive Persuasion

Jai singh | 04:00 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
In order for businesses to seriously consider the sort of framework you've proposed, hiring for hiring's sake and not for a business' proven 'short-term' best interest, the framework of Government must also change...back. Back to what, you ask? Hasn't Government always been much like this current paradigm?

No, it hasn't. Government has grown...monstrous, and social. Government has encroached into every facet, into every tiny detail of commerce and industry. Isn't that a good thing, you ask? Don't we need as much Government as possible, to ensure that every Citizen is treated equally and fairly, and succeeds in life?

No, we don't. Such thought is the problem. We cannot bake individual success into our little Republic's responsibility to it's Citizens; and it's people like you who think Government is the solution, and more of it is better, that is the problem.

A Left Liberal Progressive Government is anathema to thriving business and full employment. Mark that in stone; it's solid fact, and can't be altered, no matter how much 'social need' there is that you desire to address with Government, at the expense of your economic engine.

You've got to put this monster down; control your desire to have Government micromanage to the point that you smother growth and Capitalism. You must curtail the ever-increasing expansion of Government, so that this Republic's economic engine can again run smoothly.

You've got to appease me. Who am I, you ask?

Why, I am John Galt, and I'm not a lone figure. I'm everywhere, signing your paychecks.

Or not, as the case may be.
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Monday 15 August 2011

New York Times' editor 'Wesley Mouch' demands that Obama get busy and make JOBS!

Jai singh | 05:56 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
A 'Jobs Agenda', 'Wesley Mouch'? Don't you mean another (sure-to-fail) stimulus program where monies are diverted to certain chosen Left Liberal Progressive sorts of peoples and causes, as were the other 'stimulus' programs?

We've been there, done that. The previous $800 billion stimulus program didn't work, couldn't work as promised; the promise being to limit unemployment rates to below double-digits isn't much mentioned anymore, is it? 'True' unemployment is well up into the double-digits; some categories of people suffer true unemployment at well above 20%.

To get employers to hire more and to move forward this stagnant 'Obama' economy, government should try to become more minimalistic: we MUST reduce burdensome regulations (are you listening, EPA?); government MUST let go of the Unions (most jobs that go overseas do so because Unions have demanded too much from our home corporations in comparison to other nation's workers).

The best and most helpful Mr. Obama could be is by proposing slashing burdensome government mandates and regulations; he should stop his Party from accepting donations from the various Unions, and try to just get out of the way of private enterprise. Oh, and he could open up the offshore drilling he's still marginalizing. And allow (even subsidize) the immediate construction of some 80 to 100 new nuclear power plants (there's some shovel-ready jobs!).

None of those things will happen, because being a Left Liberal Progressive means you are counter to job creation. Unless it's a government job, of course.

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Sunday 14 August 2011

Barack Obama's "Cheap Shot" - the Dover Photo

Jai singh | 18:34 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Today's New York Post...
Thirty American troops came home to Dover Air Force Base last week.

They died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan by Taliban with rocket-propelled grenades. Many were members of SEAL Team Six, the fabled special operations unit that flew stealth choppers into Pakistan after Osama bin Laden, putting the old monster down in a pile of his porno tapes.

Nineteen of the 30 families asked for no media coverage of the ceremony at Dover — that request for privacy was, of course, honored.

By everyone, that is, except Barack Obama.

He slipped in a personal photographer, who snapped a dramatic photo of the president saluting in silhouette.

Of course he did. He then released it to the media, and posted it on the White House page as the 'Photo of the Day'.

Can nothing be sacred to this jerk? Can nothing escape being used as agitprop, propaganda?

Can't let any crisis go to waste, can he?

Well, here's the photo. As he deserves it to be.

Yep, he's a "Good Man" alright. A Real Good Man.

The humility of the executive is important. Americans are sick of everything in their lives being used for political theater. Obama’s Dover photo is a transparently political artifact, waved energetically at the public in a time of collapsing poll numbers.

This is what happens when war becomes silhouetted against politics, a desperate bid for re-election overrides common sense, and the honor and respect due to our fallen heroes and their families is not the highest priority of the commander in chief.

Is it 2012 yet?

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Saturday 13 August 2011

On That Photo of Michele Bachmann Eating a Hot Dog at the Iowa State Fair...Obama Ate One, Too.

Jai singh | 11:36 | | | Be the first to comment!

From May 10, 2009.

You go, girl.
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Sarah Palin at the Iowa State Fair

Jai singh | 11:17 | | Be the first to comment!
Letting the other Republican potentials sweat, and fermenting the LeftLibProggs' hatreds.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin embraces a fairgoer while visiting the Cattle Barn at the Iowa State Fair August 12, 2011 in Des Moines, Iowa. Although she has not announced any intention of running for president, all of the Republican presidential hopefuls are visiting the fair ahead of Saturday's Iowa Straw Poll to greet voters and engage in traditional Iowa campaigning rituals.
(August 11, 2011 - Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images North America)

Run, Sarah, RUN~!

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Did Charles M. Blow just call Herman Cain a 'monkey' ?

Jai singh | 09:44 | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
He's at it again, the New York Times' favorite racialist, on a tear regarding the TEA Party.

Charles M. Blow, you and your cabal of LeftLibProggs have no right to discount the 20% of Americans who are TEA Partiers; how do you feel when you, part of the bed-wetting 20% of far-Left Liberal Progressives are marginalized with words? Most of the TEA Partiers are well-educated, older people who've seen this Republic in better times, and absolutely hate the way that the new neo-Marxist Progressive Left has taken over the Democratic Party and has all but driven the United States of America out of business and into default.

Over 40% of Americans don't pay a cent of income tax; some of those non-payers receive 'Earned Income Credits' for doing absolutely nothing. Where does this money come from? Why, from the "Taxed Enough Already" (TEA) folks who comprise the TEA Party. Why do you think that you, or your flock of moochers, deserve any more of monies you haven't earned? And if you do manage to get more, you'll simply want more; who is to pay for it?

There is no nirvana coming 'round in this Republic that you, you far-Left Liberal Progressives, can create to your satisfaction. You can't force working people to work for those who do not want to work. It's come to this: the failed socialisms introduced by FDR and LBJ will die in America, as these same social -isms have died or are dying every where else they've been implemented. Everyone who isn't equipped with partisan blinders realizes we're in the end game here; we are spiraling down to another civil disaster. We will fail; this Republic can't take what you Democrats demand. It's the transition to post-failure you'll find most troubling I'll warrant.

Oh, and before you start calling people 'monkeys', next time look around to see who is in your blast radius. There are good men and women who support the TEA Party; Herman Cain is one of them.

Meanwhile, where is the guy who's supposed to be leading this here Republic ?


Either he's on vacation, or dreaming of being on vacation.

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Thursday 11 August 2011

Fast and Furious...

Jai singh | 06:33 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
...blogging, that is. I'm in a hurry today.

Sister Toldjah on the Wisconsin recalls...

Your plot to seize control of the state senate is dead, and there's a reasonable chance you could lose next week the two seats you gained this week.

In other words, Democrats, union bosses, and progressives, for your $30,000,000 and all your bussed in, slogan-chanting help, and even if you save those two seats next week, you'll have won nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada. Bupkis.

So go ahead, try to recall Walker next year. Take your campaign to save your corrupt, self-serving arrangements to other states. Spend all the money you can. It looks like a great idea. To conservatives.

Iconic photo of the Year ?

Oh, and some UK parents realize what's the problem. Look to London to see the fruition of the liberalization of schools and attitudes, and the effect of eschewing a proper level of discipline on youth ...

UK riots: 'Being liberal is fine, but we need to be given the right to parent'

"Parents are fearful about how they chastise their children," Clasford Stirling, a veteran youth worker, who runs the football club at Broadwater Farm community centre in Tottenham, said. "There's been an erosion of authority for a long time. Parents move very gingerly not to upset their own kids – that's the reality."

"Bad behaviour and criminality has been glamorised on the streets. Teachers are scared to punish children. The modern child isn't frightened of their parents. They don't care if the police lock them up,"

Truth, dat. We aren't afraid to eventually lock the little buggers up (our prisons are perpetually the fullest on the planet, save maybe China's and North Korea's) but to avoid such necessities later we should engender a healthy fear of authoriteh at a young age. That would be a good thing to do, as human animals also need to be trained.

If (when) this rioting gets started here in America (well, look at Wisconsin, at the targeted beating of whites by blacks at the fair last week) there won't be a hesitant reaction by police, business owners and citizens; we are not disarmed as the Brits allowed themselves to become. Some little shits will get killed.

Ours will be a bloodbath.

Oh, and on our Dirty Socialist in Chief, this found at Theo's...

Our Incredible Shirking, Shrinking President

Dumbass is going on vacation. Again.

Democrats are getting increasingly worried about their chosen O!NE...

With President Obama’s reelection on the line, Democrats are increasingly anxious about what they see as his failure to advance a coherent and muscular strategy for addressing the nation’s economic ills.

Growing numbers of Obama’s allies, beyond the liberal activists who have expressed disappointment in the past, contend that he has trimmed his sails too much since the party’s electoral defeats last fall. This sentiment has sharpened in the wake of the negotiations over the debt ceiling, when the president accepted Republican demands for spending cuts without obtaining guarantees of tax revenue increases, which he said were necessary for a “balanced approach.”

Obama’s standing has been further challenged by a string of recent events that are testing his presidential mettle: the first-ever credit downgrade of the U.S. government by the Standard & Poor’s rating agency on Friday night, a helicopter crash in Afghanistan that same night that killed 22 Navy SEALs and eight other service members, and a topsy-turvy stock market once again prompting fears of a double-dip recession.

“The president has shown himself unwilling to just dig in on a position,” said Dee Dee Myers, who was Bill Clinton’s White House press secretary. “He’s for jobs. I’ve heard him say that. He’s for being the grown-up in the room. But beyond that, I’m not actually sure what his bottom line is.”

His bottom line, Dee Dee, is to get re-elected so as to continue enjoying these taxpayer-funded vacations.

After all, he's the King of da Moochers, and just wants to lead by example. He's certainly doing that very well, wouldn't you say?

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