Saturday 27 August 2011

'Robbie Mook', a real-life Randian bad guy in the vein of 'Ellsworth Toohey' and 'Wesley Mouch'

Jai singh | 08:28 | | | | | |
What an unfortunate name, 'Robby Mook', but deserved, since he is obviously a very dirty socialist of the worst sorts.

Emailed to me from the DCCC, crying for money to stop «gasp» eeevil Republicans from fixing the economy...
Serr -- We just got word that Karl Rove’s secret donor funded swift-boat group is dumping an additional $119,502 into misleading ads attacking Democrats.

We must keep pace. Check out Democratic Leader Pelosi’s message below and please consider making a contribution of $3 or more before the August 31st FEC deadline hits to hold Tea Party Republicans accountable for their reckless agenda. Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar by House Democrats.

Thanks -- Robby

Robby Mook, DCCC Executive Director
From: Nancy Pelosi
Sent: Thursday, August 25th, 2011 11:27am
Subject: Outrage

Friend --

Republicans have just launched a dishonest new TV ad campaign in multiple districts across the country attacking Democrats who are standing strong for Medicare and seniors. Reports say the GOP has spent over $500,000 on this ad campaign of misleading attacks so far.

Now, after weeks of avoiding constituents who are outraged with their votes to destroy Medicare while preserving tax cuts for billionaires and Big Oil, House Republicans are set to return to Washington in a matter of days.

We must raise $500,000 before the August 31st FEC (Federal Election Commission) deadline to show that grassroots Democrats are united and committed to holding Republicans accountable for their reckless Tea Party agenda.

Contribute $3 or more before the August 31st FEC deadline and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a group of House Democrats.

We cannot let Republicans get away with selling out our seniors and the middle class. Stand with me today and help us win back our House Majority.

Thank you,

Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader

Oh, let me save myself from the trouble of replying to the Mookster's stupidish email...

F-you, 'Robby Mook', your entire Democratic Socialist Party, your moocher-baiting and your 'Community Organizing'. Now go get your free Pelosi lap-dance, and trouble me no more.

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