Sunday 22 June 2014

Various sundries 2

Jai singh | 07:54 | Be the first to comment!
Posting some image manipulations only, much like the first time.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen helps out his friends Lois Lerner and Barack Obama.


Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright, finely feathered. 

Knowing why these referent quotes conform is left as an exercise for the gentle reader.
As is procuring the necessary Eye Bleach..

"Arab Spring is over. Welcome to Jihadi Spring."

Just get the timing right, please.

Police Brutality Sucks. 

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Paging Colin Powell?

Jai singh | 07:27 | Be the first to comment!
Not so much worried about Senator John McCain, his rants or his thoughts (Got Aricept?) as I am about Colin Powell's lack thereof.

Recall Colin Powell? That same retired General and Secretary of State, who supported Bush and the GOP until a Black man came along, then he jumped to the Democrats' Obama Camp of far-Left Failure?

Where are you on this Iraq debacle, Colin Powell? Why so quiet? Not a peep, not even a whimper?

Silence, because you'd have to criticize Barry Hussein, who hasn't had a commendable foreign policy success in 6 years?

Barack Obama, teamed with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry (and windup toy Slo-Jo Biden), have performed what's tantamount to the "Greatest Clown Show on Earth" in conducting Affairs of State. And that's speaking nicely.

With his silence, Colin Powell damns this Administration. As does any real American.

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