Sunday 13 November 2011

Occupy Denver vs. BlogCon 11: Conservatives get their rout on.

Jai singh | 08:21 | | | |
Seems that the Occupy forces finally got a well-deserved squashing. Kurt Schlichter at Big Government (video at the link)...

The weirdos, losers and mutations who make up the Occupy movement showed the world their glass jaw when their Denver branch descended upon the FreedomWorks BlogCon 2011 new media convention on Friday. There’s a lot for conservatives to learn from this close encounter of the dumbass kind.

Sure, we learned that their personal hygiene leaves much to be desired – like, well, personal hygiene.

We learned that their concept of private property is shaky at best; radio host Tony Katz hilariously schooled one shaggy gentleman on the air at length about who owned a particular chair the Occupier attempted to occupy. And we learned that they wear Guy Fawkes masks not because of any particular affinity for the noted radical Catholic terrorist but because some guy wore it in the movie V For Vendetta and it was apparently a really bitchin’ movie.

These are not deep thinkers.

But the most important lesson is that the Occupiers are a joke; they are nothing but coddled, Potemkin protesters who collapse at the first sign of resistance.
These clowns have been treated with kid gloves by gutless (or even sympathetic) politicians from Zuccotti Park to the Port of Oakland. They’ve been allowed to live in filth, dominate public spaces and generally descend into a festering petri dish of social, criminal and epidemiological pathologies by cowardly mayors and other enablers unwilling to do the most basic job of any government leader and keep order.

The mainstream media adores them, viewing them as advancing their shared left-wing agenda while also recalling the activist Sixties of legend.  And, of course, the media helpfully covers up the ever-growing roster of outrages perpetrated by these nimrods. No accountability there. Even the cops are required to treat these geniuses with professional respect.
It’s been all up-twinkles for them – until now.

Not to paint a couple of botched protests as the Battle of Stalingrad, but when these idiots rushed into the midst of the assembled conservative new media folks gathered at BlogCon 2011, it was about the first time anyone ever took these cretins on en masse.

They ran into an impenetrable wall of mockery, and they had no clue what to do.

They folded like a house of stinky cards.

The foundation of the success of the Occupiers is the tacit agreement by the elite to treat them with respect, to take their incoherent assemblage of bad ideas seriously, and to ignore the fact that the emperor’s new clothes are dirty, clichéd and have Che’s mug emblazoned on them.

The BlogCon folks didn’t.

They did not play along. They showed no respect. Instead, they went on the offense, kept on the offense, and turned the Occupiers’ strengths against them. It was awesome.

Jeff G, blogger at protein wisdom, captured the following video. It seems a private school teacher, Celia Bard of St. Mary's Academy, brought her class along to join Occupy Denver; they became part of the group that set out to annoy BlogCon 11 attendees. After spending class time coaching these students to believe they too were the 99% (even though their parents shelled out $14K per year tuition; how many of these kids could be termed 'underprivileged and wanting', you think?) they were turned loose to learn from hands-on protesting...

Occupy Denver vs. BlogCon11 from Serr 8d on Vimeo.

"This is what we're taught in're fucking up our future"

Nice. Stay classy, St. Mary's. Teach your our children well.

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