Saturday 26 May 2012

Brett Kimberlin: "Not only did I have to overcome my past..." Heh.

Jai singh | 07:59 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
This 2007 TIME magazine article on convicted Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin titled "The Wizard of Odd" contains this interesting bit of Kimberlin biography...
After his release from prison in 1993, Kimberlin pursued a musical career and an import-export business, eventually landing in his mother's basement in suburban Washington with a wife and two children.
I always wondered where that bit of internet lore originated! Note, TIME's Massimo Calabresi was trying hard to be sympatico to this guy!
More from the TIME piece...
KIMBERLIN IS ONE OF THOSE people who indulge in late-night e-mails. "You have to explain what makes me different," he wrote in a message sent to me at 2:36 a.m. last month. "Not only did I have to overcome my past, but I then had to rise above millions of others to accomplish what I have. That is what makes this story special."
Overcome your past, Brett Kimberlin?

How's that working out for you now ?

Previously: A SHINING STAR! to Democrats: Convicted Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin
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Friday 25 May 2012

A SHINING STAR! to Democrats: Convicted Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin

Jai singh | 06:34 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Convicted Felon "Speedway Bomber" Brett Kimberlin
Who, you ask, is this assclown Brett Kimberlin, and why should anyone care? After all, he is a convicted prison-term-serving felon, a bomber-terrorist who should just simply be a forgotten nobody begging for Obama's assistance on a street corner in some overly-crowded welfare burg like Baltimore or Philadelphia or New York City ?

Evil Blogger Lady (affectionately known as EBL) has helpfully provided a great wealth of detail about Brett Kimberlin. A snippet...
Brett Kimberlin is an American leftist political activist, convicted felon, and ex-convict.[1]
In 1981, Kimberlin was convicted of a series of bombings that took place in Speedway, Indiana in 1978. When Kimberlin was arrested, authorities found timers in his possession matching the ones used in the bombs. [1][2]

Kimberlin had previously been convicted of charges including conspiracy in an international drug smuggling ring and impersonating a federal officer.[2][3]

Kimberlin was the subject of a 1996 book by journalist Mark Singer which revisited the story of Kimberlin's unsubstantiated claims to have sold Dan Quayle marijuana in the 1970s. [1][2][3][4]

Since being released from prison, it has been reported that Brett Kimberlin's activities have been funded by various left leaning groups, including the George Soros funded Tides Foundation; wife of Senator John Kerry, Teresa Heinz; and Barbara Streisand.[5] Andrew Breitbart warned about Brett Kimberlin via Twitter in October 2011.[6]
Read the rest of the new far-Left Democrat's pet terrorist Brett Kimberlin story there. Thanks! EBL for amassing this data!

Why, again, should we care what Brett Kimberlin is doing today?

Well, we could ask Barbara Streisand, who gave to Brett Kimberlin's 501(c)3 politically-motivated 'hate fund'. One that he's using funds from, as "Lawfare", to attack, threaten and terrorize right-leaning bloggers like RS McCain, who has had to take his family and go into hiding to escape the very real threats this "Proud DEMOCRAT!" Brett Kimberlin has unleashed. After all, when a convicted bomber threatens you, there's reason you should take heed.

Did I mention Barbara Streisand supports this guy? and plenty of other prominent Democrats authoritarians who simply don't want to wait for an election; they want CONTROL! of everything Americans do, and they want it NOW! while they still draw miserable breaths.

This guy is scum, literally scum of the earth, and one of those who needs be put back in jail.


Remember Bill Ayers?

Another unrepentant terrorist who bombed. Lucky Bill didn't do time, but did also become a far-Left hero, launching the political career of our current President from his home. Even ghost-authoring Obama's remarkably well-written (since, Obama's 'writing' has failed to impress) book 'Dreams From My Father' (WHICH father?), if strong evidence can be believed.

Ayers became a Liberal Arts professor, imbibing in our youth his far-Left beliefs and helping CHANGE our Republic to the very fragile state it's now in. Very.Fragile.State. Any wrong move and we could be plunged into financial catastrophe. Why, even the Facebook stock-launch-and-subsequent-crash was worriedly examined as a possible trigger to a financial collapse! (but whatever you do, don't google 'bank run').

How long before Brett Kimberlin also gets 'promoted' to haughty tenured Professor - Pet Unrepentant Terrorist of the Liberal Fascist Left? Wait...he already is. You can donate to his 501(c)3 right now! Just ask Babs Striesand how!

Also blogging on Brett Kimberlin, convicted terrorist and Democrat love-child:

Film Ladd: Top Signs You're Being Harassed By Brett Kimberlin, The Convicted Criminal Lying Felon Speedway Bomber Terrorist Funded by Barbara Streisand

DaTechGuy: "Immediately Recognized it as Newsworthy: Why Stacy McCain Matters", who says "Stacy isn't the target, he's the EXAMPLE to be made.", so as to SHUT UP! the Right. Just as the efforts by the #StopRush Crowd seek to SHUT UP! Rush Limbaugh.

Speaking of #StopRush (since I blog so much nowadays, I'll just fit this right in here!), here's what a principle player and leader to that group, @Shoq, said to his Twitter 'followers' just days ago, celebrating the recent tragic death of Andrew Breitbart:

STOP RUSH Leader "SHOQ" Celebrates Andrew Breitbart's Tragic Death
 There's not many Leftists as hateful and malevolent as is this creature Shoq.

Wait...there are. Plenty of 'em. Just read Markos Moulitsas' Daily Kos. Or venture into Democratic Underground. Or read the commentary at Huffington Post. There are these malevolent critters who are 'kind and oh-so gentle DEMOCRATS! who long for Peace in Our Time everywhere you look! Just look for them, you'll find.

A note to bloggers detailing the necessity for online security (after all, when Democrats can't stand being pointed out and laughed at, they WEAPONIZE!), provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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Sunday 20 May 2012

There's this 'Fellow' 'Republican' named Joseph Cotto...

Jai singh | 06:42 | Be the first to comment!
...who has posted, as a 'Republican', calling for the defeat of Wisconsin (REAL) Republican Governor Scott Walker in the upcoming recall election. Cotto says (h/t pw commenter Dale Price) that 'his' sort of Republican isn't really the kind who argues with Democrats; he'd rather let the bully win than get scratched in battle.

Just a weak-spined whimp, Joseph Cotto.

My comment, left at the Washington Times site where this whimp writes...

Firstly, hopefully, the Cotto kid lies. He is not a Republican by stretch of anyone's imagination...or at least I hope he's not. Perhaps he's a plant, a Moby?

Cotto may be a 'dream' Republican in the eyes of the new far-Left Democratic Party; a 'Republican' they can manipulate with deft application of slurs. Cotto likely can't stand up to being called a RAAAAACIST! or some other Alinsky-derived, Obama-honed tactic that Democrats have perfected for use on our 'soft', pliable, weak blue-bloods who are now proven ideological losers (eg. Bob Dole and John McCain).

It's dangerous to allow Cotto to brand himself as a Republican. Like Brooks and Frum and Lisa Murkowski, these sorts give ground to the encroaching Left with every 'moderate' deal they make, and by doing so drive the much-vaunted 'Center' farther to the Left. Congratulations! You've a new starting point; can't you move just a bit more for us, please? It's for the CHILDREN!.

Does anyone really thing that we've stayed Centered, politically, in this ever-weakening, struggling-to-survive Republic? Or have we moved increasing Left-wing as time's passed, because the so-called 'Republican' Party is so weaked by the 'moderates': Cotto, Frum, McCain and Romney, and their ilk, that have as their first-response to 'give ground' easily? 'Losing more slowly', as it's been termed. Google it.

The TEA Party is a response to the far-Left; and as such is a natural and important response to the far-Left. Perhaps it's too late to expect that these good American TEA Partiers (who only want to see this Republic NOT become just another far-Left goon-land dragged down by encroaching neo-Socialists) will succeed in righting this Republic.

Meh. Cotto. I direct a pungent yellow stream in your general direction.
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Thursday 17 May 2012

Ricketts GOP Advert: Obama’s chickens are coming home to ROOST!

Jai singh | 05:07 | Be the first to comment!
From today's New York Times, a pants-shitting. It seems that the GOP is finally going to unload on Barack Hussein Obama:
WASHINGTON — A group of high-profile Republican strategists is working with a conservative billionaire on a proposal to mount one of the most provocative campaigns of the “super PAC” era and attack President Obama in ways that Republicans have so far shied away from.

Timed to upend the Democratic National Convention in September, the plan would “do exactly what John McCain would not let us do,” the strategists wrote.

The plan, which is awaiting approval, calls for running commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by his former spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose race-related sermons made him a highly charged figure in the 2008 campaign.

“The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way,” says the proposal, which was overseen by Fred Davis and commissioned by Joe Ricketts, the founder of the brokerage firm TD Ameritrade. Mr. Ricketts is increasingly putting his fortune to work in conservative politics.

“Our plan is to do exactly what John McCain would not let us do: Show the world how Barack Obama’s opinions of America and the world were formed,” the proposal says. “And why the influence of that misguided mentor and our president’s formative years among left-wing intellectuals has brought our country to its knees.”

Obama's chickens are coming home to ROOST! Finally! And if Senator John McCain opens his flytrap, someone smack him!

This should've happened 5 years ago. The media, including the far-Left New York Times, has done a disservice to this Republic; ignoring the character and underpinnings of this radical person. For Barack Obama to attain the highest office in the land with little more than his gifted speaking ability, using the amorphous and ambiguous words "HOPE" and "CHANGE" and whatever other claptrap phrases he rose up on, with little else of substance, is one of the worst and most divisive political grandstands this nation has ever witnessed.

There's proof of his inability to cogently lead, evidence that's readily apparent to any except the hardest-line leftist partisans who blindly support him: our miserable economic conditions: the unemployment, the high gas prices, the looming inflation that will be the result of the massive money-printing driven by Keynesian economic policies. The total failure of his middle-East endeavors (Egypt, Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood, anyone?).

Yes, Mr. Obama's past must be as well aired as any other politician's. To have waited this long is a travesty.

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Friday 11 May 2012


Jai singh | 19:07 | Be the first to comment!
Why, you ask, do the crybabies on the Left want to silence Rush (again)? Let's see...

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Sunday 6 May 2012


Jai singh | 08:20 | Be the first to comment!

Related, from 'Big Hairy News' (h/t RS McCain:

Great job, man~!
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Tuesday 1 May 2012

May Day: It's Not Just for Communists Anymore.

Jai singh | 05:17 | Be the first to comment!
Environmentalists. Al Gore, are you listening?

Unions. The SEIU, the Teacher's unions. Don't forget the UAW and Teamster's; all desirous of a one-Party system controlled by the Democratic Party; the 'Progressives'.

It seems that the Democratic Party, a once-proud Party that Americans could at least count on to 'care' for the Constitution, for the Republic, are now all aligned far-Left; so far-Left that they are correctly termed neo-Communists.

So, happy! May Day to all of you Dirty Socialists. Oh, Democrats.

We'll remember you in November.

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