Thursday 30 June 2011

Which one wins? Joe Wilson: YOU LIE! or Mark Halperin: YOU DICK!

Jai singh | 18:58 | Be the first to comment!
Back-to-back truth-to-power.

And on MSNBC, a network known for it's dicks!

If this had happened on FOX News, LeftLibProggs would be ready to torch the studios. But MSNBC (which only LeftLibProggs watch) won't be harmed; in fact, if Halperin is fired forever, and winds up at FOX, I might just tune in to see what he's all about. Because frankly, I've never watched him, ever, before today, in this short video clip.

This, by Rep. Joe Wilson, albeit less obscene, was more dramatic because more people saw it live and it was right in BHO's lying face. So, hands down, this one is still the winner.

Brings a smile to my stone face, both of 'em.

Rush Limbaugh on Halperin's remarks...the Stock Market surges!

Rush needles well, doesn't he?

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Peace Officer vs. Law Enforcement Officer

Jai singh | 06:01 | Be the first to comment!
BANGOR, Maine — A Bangor police officer conducting a check of downtown businesses arrested a local transient shortly before 12:30 a.m. Saturday after finding him charging his two cellphones in an outdoor electrical outlet hidden behind some flowers on Harlow Street.

Shaun Fawster, 23, was charged with theft of services as well as with carrying a concealed weapon, Bangor police Lt. Jeff Millard said Tuesday, citing an arrest report.

The report indicated that Fawster had a folding knife tucked underneath his shirt, Millard said.
This, an excellent example of the difference between a Peace Officer and a Law Enforcement Officer.

A Peace Officer would've warned the guy. A Peace Officer would help a drunk get home from a bar, give him a ride or get him a taxi. Mission accomplished: no one was harmed or injured, and the situation was defused.

This Law Enforcement Officer found a way to make an arrest. That's what they do, that's who they are. They seek out ways to enforce the letter of the law, no matter how trivial or what consequences an arrest will have for the 'lawbreaker' or how much of a chilling effect they cause for society. Law Enforcement Officers seek to build up their own usually overinflated egos, and desire to make sure everyone knows that they are large and in charge.

Our nation now has many more Law Enforcement Officers than Peace Officers, and is in a much sorrier state for it.
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Wednesday 29 June 2011

Ann Coulter, on Liberals

Jai singh | 18:02 | Be the first to comment!
"Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest pussies on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn't play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives. Their mothers made excuses for them when they threw tantrums and spent way too much time praising them during toilet training."
...reacting to the mob of LeftLibProggs who attacked Glenn Beck and his family in New York's Bryant Park.

I lurves me some Ann Coulter, don't you know.

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John Lennon - Ronald Reagan

Jai singh | 16:13 | Be the first to comment!
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UrtheCast: God's Eye?

Jai singh | 04:32 | Be the first to comment!

I don't really know what to make of this. UrtheCast (h/t Theo):

Livestreams are good for more than watching Shiba Puppies (shocking, I know), now that UrtheCast (pronounced “EarthCast”) will be streaming high-definition video of Earth from the International Space Station (ISS). Two HD cameras, one still and one video, will be fixed on the Russian module of the ISS to deliver non-stop 24-hour views of Earth.

The still camera will be taking wide-angle shots spanning 45-kilometers (roughly 27-miles) with a resolution 18-feet per pixel. The other higher resolution 3-feet per pixel camera will be shooting video at 3.25 frames per second.

UrtheCast video will also be running with some custom APIs that will allow you to search, rewind and fast-forward, zoom in and out, and virtually steer the camera. The ISS orbits the Earth 16 times per day, ranging from 52 degrees north latitude to 52 degrees south latitude.

Limited to the orbital path of the ISS; so, if Iran nukes Israel when the ISS is on the opposite side of the planet, that'll be missed. But it might be back around just in time to see Iran (and Mecca) become the world's largest pools of fused silicon.

God's Eye Nebula

Coming to a planet near you Spring 2012.

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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Greece: “We will see tanks protecting banks because there won’t be enough police to do it,”

Jai singh | 18:34 | | | | Be the first to comment!
If the Greek parliament doesn't pass the necessary austerity measures to prevent a default on it's debt, they will be committing 'suicide'...

Greece faces ‘suicide’ vote on austerity

Greece will be committing “suicide” if its parliament fails to back sweeping austerity measures aimed at averting a catastrophic default, according to the head of the country’s central bank.

The stark warning by George Provopoulos, governor of the Bank of Greece, further heightened the stakes ahead of a knife-edge vote on Wednesday in the Greek parliament.

What's at stake? Why, if you believe the EU president, the fate of the world's economy...

Europe ramped up pressure on the Greek parliament Tuesday to approve drastic austerity measures, warning that it would otherwise face a swift debt default that would rock the world economy.

As Greek police clashed with protesters ahead of this week's vote, Brussels told Greece that no "Plan B" would be waiting if it failed to pass the measures demanded by creditors in return for loans needed to keep Athens afloat.

"There are decisive moments and the coming hours will be decisive, crucial for the Greek people, but also for the eurozone and the stability of the world economy," EU president Herman Van Rompuy told the European parliament.

We'll have to watch this closely. On the left, dirty socialist protesters are screaming bloody murder. Just like they will do here when our country faces austerity measures.

But there is not be a 'Eurozone' to loan us money to bail us out, and the Chinese are becoming petulant, so...

Let's watch, shall we? We can learn just how well dirty socialists behave when they are denied. Poor things.

Photos collated from here and here.
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Financial Times: Dollar set to lose reserve status

Jai singh | 05:21 | | | | Be the first to comment!
..."over the next 25 years", says the august managers of $8,000 billion in sovereign wealth funds for sovereign institutions last week...

The results are the latest sign of dissatisfaction with the dollar as a reserve currency, amid concerns over the US government’s inability to rein in spending and the Federal Reserve’s huge expansion of its balance sheet.

“Right now there is great concern out there around the financial trajectory that the US is on,” said Larry Hatheway, chief economist at UBS.

The US currency has slid 5 per cent so far this year, and is trading close to its lowest ever level against a basket of the world’s major currencies.
If we can retain reserve status for 25 years, I'll be amazed.

If we lose reserve status, that means we can no longer print dollars for to pay our debts to foreign nations, or to buy oil on the world markets. We would have to back up our desires with real, not imaginary, currency. And immediately, we would see financial disaster, as inflation would skyrocket practically overnight.

How many other countries get to buy oil with money they can print in the basement, do you think? Answer: none. Only the country with the reserve status gets to do that, and 'get away' with it.

Which means, soon enough, a world of hurt for our domestic policies which rely on imaginary currency and debt loads shifted to future generations.

Sorry, Democrats, but there's always been a timetable limit for your 'nirvana on earth' cradle-to-grave dirty socialists desires; the limits are becoming ever-more visible and concrete as time passes.

Tick, tock, tick...tock.

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Sunday 26 June 2011

Problem in Blogger: BackLinks that were not linked.

Jai singh | 14:31 | | | | Be the first to comment!
For some strange reason, Blogger's backlinks to this here site are not getting linked to the proper posts.

These backlinks always show up in my "Preview" window, all of them at once; but of course they always go away when I publish a post. These were captured from the preview of a post published 6/26/11.

I'm'a gonna contact Blogger and try to see what's up.

This post serves as a tool for Blogger's agents to see what's missing.

Come on, Blogger, let's get backlinks working. Or, better, adapt the industry-standard 'trackback' system used by other blogging sites.


Missing BackLinks below the fold...

Eye of Polyphemus: Kaley Cuoco
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