Friday 31 August 2012

Clint Eastwood and the Empty Chair

Jai singh | 20:15 | Be the first to comment!
This event will become an iconic moment in political convention history. Clint Eastwood, 82 years old, representing Conservative Hollywood (yes, there is such a thing) speaks to an empty chair wherein sits the empty promises made by Barack Hussein Obama, failure.

Clint Eastwood wore Mr. Obama like an old shoe! A gutsy performance by a legendary Hollywood personality, and as much as the Left will hate him for it, there's nothing they can do but fume. And fume they did. Almost immediately after Clint Eastwood rebuked Mr. Obama's lofty emptiness, he (or his Obama 2012 team of neo-Marxists), in a fit of anger, twittered-huffed "This seat's taken". And left an image of Dear Leader sitting in Dear Leader's own personal Chair for Life.

Mistake, that...

OT, but I'd be remiss in not posting this; an excellent artist, John McNaughton, painted a canvas he entitled "Obamanation" that details 60 failings Mr. Obama has subjected this Republic to over the past 4 years...

Do give his site a visit.


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Monday 27 August 2012

Why is the TEA Party so important to this Republic?

Jai singh | 04:49 | Be the first to comment!
This, a comment left at the New York Times in response to their latest lying wailings that the GOP has gone 'too far Right'...

It's a good thing that Paul Ryan and the TEA Party 'faction' have come along, just in the nick of time to thwart the far-Left swing of the once-proud Democratic Party! Yes, what you are decrying as a far-Right shift is but a reaction to the far-Left shift we've been watching since at least the 1980's.

I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976. I voted for Al Gore, U.S. Senator from Tennessee, twice. Unfortunately, I had to shift away from the Democratic Party, because of the radical far-Left takeover that's choked the 'democracy' from the Democrats.

Look at yourselves first! Listen to Artur Davis! There's no need to speculate as to why the TEA Party is in ascendency! Without a TEA Party anchor holding center, this Republic will fail, because far-Left Democrats and Establishment Republicans are now corrupt; both are missing the desire to check a bloated, statist government. Both have forgotten what is fiscal responsibility. Neither are capable of keeping this Republic intact much longer, I fear. At least not as it was founded.

Democrats, listen to Aurtur Davis. Hear, hear!
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Thursday 23 August 2012

A Teleprompter Obscures Barack Obama's Face at a Campaign Rally, Causing Great Hilarity !

Jai singh | 04:01 | Be the first to comment!
Drudge links a Reuters photo at Yahoo, using the ominous phrasing "'RUDE' REUTERS PHOTO RAISES EYEBROWS..."

You ain't seen nothing yet, Matt Drudge!

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Tuesday 21 August 2012

On Todd Akin, Legitimate Rape and Legitimate Murder

Jai singh | 05:32 | Be the first to comment!
As are all the far-Left Democrats, you're furiously spinning Todd Akin's misspoken phrase, 'legitimate rape', to mean things you'd like to see it believed he meant for naught but pure political gain.

What Todd Akins meant by 'legitimate rape' was 'violent rape'; as in 'First Degree' rape. As you know, there are several legal degrees describing murder: First, Second, Third, and Manslaughter, but all murders whatever the legal degree resulted in a death; therefore all degrees of murder are just...murder, right? Legally speaking, no they aren't. When Todd Akins used the phrase 'legitimate rape' what Todd Akins really meant to say was 'First Degree rape'. A distinction of legal nuance; a violent rape that once deserved the death penalty (and still does AFAIC).

The Left considers abortion to be well and good: Democrat's publicly-supported abortion mill Planned Parenthood is an acceptable industry that's supported, even encouraged, by all good Party Democrats (and yes, Democrats DID build that business). But it is an undeniable fact that abortion does result in the death of a human. An unnatural death; a legal degree of murder. Let's call abortion, as conducted by Democrats, 'legitimate murders'.

To those of you who embrace abortion, I say to you without misspeaking that abortion of a human resulting in the death of that human is your acceptance of legitimate murder. Legitimized by the Democratic Party; a once-proud institution now ruined by absorption of far-Left ideology, including but not limited to legitimate murder.

There's a cross (or shall we say an albatross?) you'll forever bear.
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Saturday 18 August 2012

A new line of SANDRA FLUKE CONDOMS could be advertised this way...

Jai singh | 11:14 | Be the first to comment!
Fitting. But not for all!

Sandra Fluke nosed her way back into the news just a few days ago, introducing Barack Obama for a Denver speech, and reminding me of her 'activism' (recall her plaintive squalling that Georgetown refused to pay for her birth control?).

An anti-religion, pro-deviancy activist who conducts ideological agitprop; who is paid and promoted by far-Left interests and neo-Marxist Democrats, deserves to have her own line of working-gal condoms, I'm thinking. Well, maybe not; come to think of it, that'd be a bit too Capitalistic for these dirty Socialists!


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Sunday 12 August 2012

Romney-Ryan RR 2012 vs. Obama-Biden Obama 2012: Sustainability vs. Vaporware

Jai singh | 06:39 | Be the first to comment!
RR2012: With Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan we have something Democrats have failed to provide: a concrete Budget that's available for study. Senate Democrat Ron Wyden (D, OR)* joined with Congressman Paul Ryan to provide a budgetary path to Medicare reform. With that budget we see in place a clear vision to a sustainable future. Getting to that future will be difficult; without taking some painful measures many Americans will find hard to swallow, our economic system will crash and burn. All economic projections indicate that the path to crash and burn is undeniable; it's in our future, and in our children's future.

OBAMA2012: Another term featuring Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the far-Left Democrats, will bring us even more of the same miserable failings we've watched for the past several years. Democrats have submitted NO BUDGET since 2009 (Obama did send over a budget; it was laughed out of both Houses of Congress, by both political Parties: it was an embarrassment). There's no Democratic - Obama budget or plan, folks. Just rhetoric designed to manipulate frantic voters.

What we have in Barack Obama is a simplistic nirvana-dreamer who has offered no clear path to a sustainable future; he's good for a speech with vague promises, laden with amorphous, feel-good words (recall 'HOPE' and 'CHANGE'?) that are designed to attract voters who have no depth of field. His economic plans and policies are proven to be vaporware.

So, the American people must take a hard look at the two economic plans. They must study the budgets (well, there's only one budget on the table), and understand the economic paths both teams present. If the People of this Republic can ignore the Community Organizer's vaporware and amorphisms, and study and understand the hard facts that are the economic realities we face, then the choice is clear.

*Last December, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) announced that he was joining with Ryan to propose a budget and entitlement reform plan. Romney brought up Wyden's name at his third rally of the day in Manassas, referencing that joint plan as the sign of Ryan's commitment to preserve Medicare.

"The president's put out a plan on Medicare. He would cut spending $700 billion," Romney said to a raucous crowd that the campaign estimated at 8,000. "Paul Ryan and Sen. Wyden said, 'No, we need to restore, retain and protect Medicare.' That's what our party will do."

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Saturday 11 August 2012

"President Obama is the president of the United States and the good news is on Nov. 6 he won't be any longer."

Jai singh | 13:06 | Be the first to comment!
 "President Obama is the president of the United States and the good news is on Nov. 6 he won't be any longer." - Paul Ryan

Romney - Ryan 2012 #RR2012

Way past time to kick the SCOAMF to the curb!


Paul Ryan is THE VP nominee that the TEA Party can get behind. I held back any real support for Mitt Romney for some time, wondering exactly who would be his VP nominee. If it'd been a non-TEA Party-approved candidate, my support would be tepid at best. Even though it's easy to realize that anyone with a pulse is better than Barack Hussein Obama, it'd be a bitter pill to swallow another choice. That's just the way it is.

Romney's selection of Paul Ryan makes more sense than would a weak, establishment GOP candidate-appointee. And Paul Ryan gives new hope that the HOPE and CHANGE will actually happen this time around; and that 'Jug Ears' and 'Joey Hairplugs' can look for work doing what they do best: Community Organizing the effort-free moochers and worrying about Amtrack train schedules.

This train, the RR 2012, is gonna flatten all over the far-Left dirty Socialists who are Barack Obama and Joe Biden!
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Sunday 5 August 2012

"Imagine an America without gays and lesbians."

Jai singh | 12:58 | Be the first to comment!
This comment from a (formerly?) Democrat liberal gal, left on an article on Adam (Fired for being a Douchenozzle) Smith at Business Insider deserves to be 'outed'. Because I like it so very much!
NYPumaGirl on Aug 4, 1:20 PM said:
@Jea Eaja:
This will sound sad at first but it must be said. Imagine an America without gays and lesbians.

- Women's clothes fit again. We're not too fat. The designers are gay men and hate and fear women's bodies and are cutting the clothes for men's bodies, not ours. Imagine women clothing designers and 1950s fashions back again. That's one result of no more gays in America.

- Little girls don't have to starve and throw up their food so gay men will say they're acceptable.

- Women aren't shown as competitive, vindictive, jealous catty wh0res on tv anymore. The end of oversexualized shows like Sex in the City which was written and produced by a gay man, as a drag queen fantasy of what gay men would live like, if only they were women and could attract straight men. Real women don't live that way. I have money and I am in NYC. We're not like that. It's a nasty, envious hate piece on women.

- The "go to the gym you should be at a gym" culture would go away. Straights don't have to live at the gym. Our every night is not a meat circus for instant anonymous sex, so we don't have to live that way. But gay culture tells us we ought to and in fact had better or else.

- Boys safe in organizations like college football and the Boy Scouts. No more boys being harassed and raped when straights aren't there to protect them.

- Women like me safe in organizations where there are lesbians. I lost a job because a lesbian boss asked me out and I said no. No attorney would touch the case for fear of being called a hater and losing business. What about my rights? As a straight I HAD NONE. This was when I began to change my opinion as a Democrat towards gay and lesbians and what rights they should have. This was when I began to see it was out of control.

- American children no longer have to be taught by cartoons and Muppets that sodomy and other deviant practices are "cool! You should try"

- No more relentless, subliminal messages in children's tv shows, books and movies. No more gay anything in a Disney cartoon. Seriously: seeing gay jokes in Disney cartoons like Hercules also began opening my liberal eyes to kind of a WTF... what is going on here...?

- No gay pride marches, anywhere, ever again.

- Most importantly no longer having to watch what I say. I can say openly, um, kids don't need to be taught sodomy, and no, it is not natural, and it is not okay - and not expect to have my house burned down for it. Seriously. This is America. We were founded on freedom to speak freely. If that goes, we all go.

Can someone please point out to me the bad things about gays and lesbians leaving America? Less flower arranging? Less cute shoes and dresses? Less reality shows on tv? More hot guys for me? I am as Dem and liberal as they come but I really fail to see the downside to this.

Why are gays considered so special really? What do they contribute to society that a straight wasn't doing a lot better and more reliably before the closet opened?

Designing women's fashions comes to mind at once as the number one thing we women were doing just fine before gay men took it over. As an hourglass figure I hire female seamstresses to make all my clothes for me. Life has never been better and I have never looked so good. Suddenly everything fits... there is a reason for this, girls.

Don't defend gays. Gay women want you and gay men want the best looking men. Both call us fat, fish, and breeders. There is NOTHING WORTHWHILE this demographic is providing us. Adam Smith, typical vicious queen, attacked A WOMAN.

Think about it good and long, ladies. Think. About. It.
Well, the idea is interesting, NYPumaGirl, but I don't think it will be achievable.

Not because gays and lesbians are diminishing in numbers, because they are not reproducing. Quite the contrary; although you would think that if they were really 'gay from birth' then their faulty genes would eventually be selected right out of the gene pool, that's not the case; they are (so they claim) increasing their numbers daily (why is that, Darwin?).

The are becoming more numerous because I think ALL Democrats are 'softening', and all Democrats will one day be at least partially gay or lesbian. Democrats are all becoming bisexuals. That's the ultimate goal of the political wing of the militant gay ideologues; a wave that is now close to cresting; to make their aberrant behaviors the new normal...a complete takeover of America's morals and values by way of enforced political correctness. Religions will have to go or be absorbed to the New Normal. So, Dan Cathy, you represent what might be the 'last stand' against the encroaching deviance. Good for you!

You are a Good Man.

So, what will this country look like when gays and Democrats (same animals, really) win, take over? Certainly we will have nice window dressings!
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Friday 3 August 2012

OFA has an app for that...

Jai singh | 23:55 | Be the first to comment!
Finding Democrats, that is. From the subculturestuff that is propublica dot org...

Is Your Neighbor a Democrat? Obama Has an App for That

Curious how many Democrats live on your block? Just download the Obama campaign's new mobile app.

The app, released last week, includes a Google map for canvassers that recognizes your current location and marks nearby Democratic households with small blue flags.

For each targeted address, the app displays the first name, age and gender of the voter or voters who live there: "Lori C., 58 F, Democrat."

All this is public information, which campaigns have long given to volunteers. But you no longer have to schedule a visit to a field office and wait for a staffer to hand you a clipboard and a printed-out list of addresses.
Huh. Now if George Bush and Karl Rove had unleashed that, the caterwauling would be unbelievable! But Dear Leader, he can lead his bunch of small-minded sheeple wherever he wants to, and they will follow willingly.

Oh, I've a handy screen shot of that iPhone app!

Heh. That, and a few drones, Obama can effectively force all his minions to donate on his schedule. Maybe he can do away with the steady flood of emails begging and pleading for more and more moolah for the moochers. Hell, even looney-tune Al Gore is getting his pleading on!

A Radical Far-Left Misanthropic neo-Commie Begs for a Capitalist's Cash! Irony, it is to Burn!

Oh...Hello Kitty!
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Chik-fil-A[mericans] Push Back Against the Hateful Left. Oh, and me, too!

Jai singh | 05:24 | Be the first to comment!
The key to keeping our society free is to keep alive and free the open expression of any one individual's or group (a corporation, if you will) of individual's beliefs. When a subset of far-Left (yes, they are), the 'new' type of modern Democrat (helped to become even more far-Left by our society's excellent advances in communications technologies), decide that they can decide for you what you can believe, what you can say and how you can say it...after they've decided that (and they have), then it's time for push back. I've always believed that push back against the far-Left institutions and against their trolls (hi, @Karoli!) is important, and needs to carry on. And it shall.

Dan Cathy, CEO of Chik-fil-A, had the temerity to push back against a subset of the far-Left...the organized LGBT sorts who want to 'marry', to take the centuries-old concept of 'marriage' and CHANGE it to include their unpalatable and risky behaviors. I believe as Dan Cathy obviously does, that marriage should be available only for use by two opposite-sexed humans who are not related. Others feel differently, and they've made themselves heard, over and over and over again. Fine! But when someone pushes back against you, expect it.

We saw the huge turnout Wednesday 8.1.12, with world-record-setting sales for Chik-fil-A. You know what? I hope that,with the 'kiss-in' the LGBT folks plan, they can repeat those record-setting sales today! And I *guarantee* the good employees of Chik-fil-A will be just as nice to the spiteful, hateful far-Left community as they were on Wednesday (but hopefully they will bleach the bathrooms afterward).

It'll be interesting to see exactly the comparison in sales, between Wednesday's (normal folks) vs. today (not-so-normal folks). I'm guessing much lower sales. Most of the freaks only ask for free waters.

Oh, and since I'm known far and wide for my whimsical photoshoppery, here's a quickie I whipped up yesterday for a Huffington Post meme, a Twitter search tool they'd installed on a post begging users to display photos of "Chik-fil-A alternatives".

Never, you of the far-Left, ask for a display of photos. I can respond to this sort of request, and quickly...

...and, better, for free! because I am free to do whatever I want to do, and there's no human on the planet who'll stop me!


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