Thursday 28 March 2013

Mark Levin: "Hugo Chavez is not dead. He's in the White House!"

Jai singh | 06:22 | Be the first to comment!
Nailed it, Mark.

Download the mp3 for March 27 here.

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Sunday 17 March 2013

Sarah Palin at CPAC 2013: Video and Photos

Jai singh | 16:12 | Be the first to comment!
One of the positives of this year's CPAC, and one of my favorite people who are politicians.

"Barack Obama promised the most transparent administration ever. Barack Obama, you lied."

"We don’t have leadership coming out of Washington, we have reality television."

"Background checks? Yeah, I guess to learn more about a person’s thinking and associations and intentions. More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President — should've started with yours."

No one fires up far-Left hatred better than Sarah Palin. She fights, she doesn't hold back. She won't give in to the bastards.

We certainly need more of Sarah Palin, and dozens more like her.

"He is considered a good politician, which is like saying Bernie Madoff was a good salesmen. The difference being, the president is using our money."

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Tuesday 5 March 2013

The BIG Slice: "Why I Am No Longer A Republican."

Jai singh | 21:27 | Be the first to comment!
Hate it when my comments go into moderation at Lefty hell-holes, this one a new "Stolen Slice of America, as directed by chief Dirty Socialist in Chief Barack Obama".

"The Big Slice", "Why I Am No Longer A Republican." Rubbish. Reminds of that bobbler Charles Johnson's Little Green Flounce, when he decided he wanted to attract a nice fresh slice of liberal...PIE!.

My reply to "Heather1381" (doesn't matter if they publish it or not, now does it?)...
Your problem? You made mistakes. You chose poorly. So, anyone and everyone else is to blame! Your expectations became, that you somehow deserve other people's money, other people's care and sympathy, just because you screwed up and you feel bad about it?

Sorry, but there's plenty of exemplar people who did and do screw up, and then turn their thinking mind's eye inwards to discover what strengths they have, what innate strength of character they can mine, and what are the methods they can use to better themselves and still retain some shred of personal dignity. To live your life bitter because your expectations that others should fulfill your needs, and because they didn't you lash out, is disgusting to me, and should be shameful to you.

I'm glad you finally found peace, if you want to call your needy mindset that. But please, don't blame a political Party for your own personal screw ups. Our Constitution wasn't written to guarantee you happiness and peace of mind, but to allow you opportunity to excel if you are capable. Your newly adopted far-Left Democrat party is but a collective of dirty Socialists who expect others to provide that what they haven't earned and don't deserve.

The "Big Slice". Indeed.

Oh, @BigSlice1, Welcome to blogging. )

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Dictator Hugo Chávez dies; leaves his parrot to Barack Obama, his fondness for Cuban Healthcare to Michael Moore.

Jai singh | 18:34 | Be the first to comment!
Dirty Socialist Hugo Chávez finally does us all a favor, kicks the bucket. Michael Moore, Cuban healthcare hardest hit.

Hey, Jabba the Filmmaker, be sure to hop a plane straight to Havana next time you feel just a wee bit 'Sicko'. I'll bet they move you right to the head of the line!

Barack Obama's not a dictator; he's happy to sally forth and 'splain that to all of us. In doing so, Barack Obama becomes the only American president who ever had need to reassure Americans that he's not really a dictator. Many good Americans wonder if they can believe him, for once.

We know you're not a dictator, Barack Obama. We can ask any one of your parrots.
Not a dictator, but as it seems in the photo below, Barack Obama, you're a lover, not a fighter!

Barack Obama and Hugo Chávez: Jedi Mind-Melding ?
For fairness, I tried to find another American president who had kissed Hugo Chávez full on the lips. Couldn't. Imagine that.

"I am not a dictator!" That line's a keeper, Barack, the line that will come to define your Presidency.

As James Taranto clarifies it, that's "Obama's declaration of ineffectuality"...
When we first heard Obama's "I am not a dictator," as we noted Friday, it reminded us of Nixon's "I am not a crook." But on further reflection, Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" is a more apt comparison. Of course Obama is not attempting to cover up wrongful behavior, but he did answer Yellin's question in a weirdly literal way that was both a deflection and a revelation.

It's true, of course, that Obama isn't a dictator. He also seems to point that out a lot, as National Review's Andrew Stiles observes. Last month, for example, he noted that "I'm the president of the United States, I'm not the emperor of the United States" and called this a "problem" that he has "struggled with throughout my presidency."

It seems Obama wishes he had dictatorial powers. He probably enjoyed that little fantasy of having the Secret Service take his adversaries prisoner. In itself, that's no big deal: We wouldn't be surprised if other presidents occasionally entertain similar flights of fancy.
Sigh. Just keeps getting better, this miserable Barack Obama Presidency. Economy's hanging on by a thread; the newest bubble, the Stock Market, is ready to pop; there's more welfare and food stamp recipients than at any other time in American history.

Far-Left Democrats, led by this sorry President, are attempting to circumvent the Bill of Rights. There's 2700 new light-armored tanks purchased for the DHS, to go along with their newly-purchased billions of bullets. Seems someone is prepping for domestic unrest in a big way; the next (and final) Civil War is being whispered even in polite company.

Yes, Barack Obama, you'll always be known as the "Greatest of Great Uniters". The "Bringer of Light, Justice and Peace". The 'Best Little Post-Partisan-Wanna-be-Dictator who Couldn't'.

As for Hugo Chávez? He's always picked (for) the best...his company (Dirty Socialists), his healthcare (Cuban), and his favorite American President (Barack Hussein Obama).

Hey Hugo! Enjoy Hell, Mr. Other Dictator.

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