Thursday, 13 February 2014

"REVENGE!", saith Hillary Clinton

Jai singh | 06:26 |
"REVENGE", saith Hillary Clinton, and the DC Beltway clown show clan collectively shits a pantload.

This lady Hillary Clinton seemingly has a black hole of pure spite cored in her icy heart. Who (beside husband Bill) knew?

According to documents released (much to the chagrin of most Democrats, who want to see this "lady" installed as U.S. President just as soon as they can be rid of the "clown disaster" who has, at this junct-ure, served his purpose, and is now but a drag, a bore, an overreaching, tyrannous "I've got a pen and a PHONE!" banana-Republic-leader wannabe) is safely upchucked to the United Nations, where his massive ego, set free once again, will allow him to continue his dream of CHANGE for ALL; and RULE the WORLD!).

Hillary Clinton's close friend and longtime personal adviser Diane Blair, a political science professor hanging at the University of Arkansas, died, and left an archive of documents donated to the University. Before Hillary and her minions could feed them to shredders, this was unearthed...
Fayetteville, Arkansas (CNN) - Shortly before Hillary Clinton’s effort to pass health care reform died in the summer of 1994, the first lady asked a close friend and confidant for advice on “how best to preserve her general memories of the administration and of health care in particular.”
When asked why, according to the friend’s June 20, 1994, diary entry, Clinton said,
Two Fugly Chicks and a Strutting Cock:
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Diane Blair, 1979
Seems Hillary was overly annoyed that her healthcare program (for the PEOPLE!) went down in flames. And, likely, that her cock Bill was screwing everything that moved, which was fine with her, remember, but she hate-resented anyone else who publicly disapproved of such antics and had nerve enough to say so. Senator Claire McCaskill (D, Missouri) earned the lady's wrath...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Hillary Clinton and Sen. Claire McCaskill once had such hate the Missouri Democrat said she feared being in an elevator with the former first lady, a book says.

"I really don't want to be in an elevator alone with her," McCaskill told a friend in remarks quoted in the forthcoming "HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton."

The tension between the two Democrats came after McCaskill said on NBC's "Meet the Press" while she was running for election that former President Bill Clinton was "a great leader, but I don't want my daughter near him,"
What sane woman would want her daughter near known sexual predator Bill Clinton?

So, revenge. What else could a lady do?

Hillary Clinton becomes just the latest, and to date the most prominent, poster child for political revenge.

Already the poster child for Uncaring Abandonment: Benghazi. For leaving her charge, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his staff forgotten, unprotected and unsecured in an isolated Embassy on the anniversary of 9/11/2001, when known al Qaeda activity was peaking nearby, and having warnings of same ahead of time; then remarking soon after weeks of lying and deceiving as best as she and her indifferent golf-pro Boss could (some video-game-maker pissed off ALL the MUSLIMS!),

"What DIFFERENCE, at this point, does it MAKE!" how these Americans died.

Nice lady, this Hillary Rodham Rotten Clinton.

This spiteful woman doesn't deserve to be the President of the United States. Too much evil lurks in that icy cold heart.

Instead of becoming the first (failed) female President, Lady Hillary, be content that I made for you this poster. And, fittingly, fitted with an Alfred Hitchcock quote..

Happy Valentine's Day, Lady Hillary Clinton~!

Hope Bill remembers to send you flowers.

Or, more likely, he'll send Huma Weiner instead.


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