Thursday 21 November 2013

The Legacy of the US Empire...I respond to Max Keiser

Jai singh | 05:48 | Be the first to comment!
Our no-doubt failing Republic will leave behind a legacy of "...worthless dollars, garbage and Prozac in the water." Thus spake Max Keiser on The Keiser Report, 16 September 2013...

I beg to disagree with Mr. Keiser.

Our legacy will be the US Constitution, before Leftists and their allies used it for toilet paper.

Never in world history has there been a document that gave people such freedom of action, and power over their ‘rulers’. Now, we see that being pissed away by Statists who seek to CONTROL people by identifying them as ‘victims’, then exploiting their artificially created victims to stay in political power.

Oh, and de Tocqueville explained why we would finally collapse: representatives have learned how to bribe citizens to vote for them using funds from the Treasury. Even when the funds don’t exist, they’ve invented them, extending our collective debt to unimaginable levels, due sometime in the future after all those who gave and took the monies are safely rotted away.

A pox on our ‘ruling class’, both Democratic and Republican.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."

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Monday 18 November 2013

"...the GOP coalition constitutes a shrinking portion of the electorate."

Jai singh | 05:54 | Be the first to comment!
This oft-repeated meme sickens me…
“Republicans need to understand that their political problems are neither tactical nor transitory,” said Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.). “They are structural and demographic. The hard truth is the GOP coalition constitutes a shrinking portion of the electorate. To change that daunting reality, Republicans must appeal to groups that are currently outside their ranks or risk becoming a permanent minority.”
Why is it that, to keep our Republic strong and not transitory; economically sound and not teetering on the brink of collapse; our citizens free to behave as humans should if given enough space (“endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights”) we must prostrate ourselves to disparate groups of weak-minded, easily manipulated (‘Community Organized’) humans who, for whatever reason, miss the reasons we’ve sustained a free Republic for over 200 years?

I’m not saying humans are racially prone to differences in political persuasions. But I am saying that the knowledge and ideas proffered by (what used to be) solid GOP leadership seem to be missing in the ‘groups’ we must now attract to keep this Republic open and free.

Why is it so difficult for the GOP to attract sufficient numbers of thinking people from any ‘group’ anymore? Why do humans have to keep proving to each other by example, over and over again, that Socialism is a dead-end, and leads humans at worst to their suffering and death, at best to their caging, or to otherwise degraded outcomes?

Seems that for the most part, this Republic, that we’ve had in place for well over 200 years, has given humans the best opportunity for outcome of any political system on the planet (given our population count: you can’t compare the US to, say, Switzerland; that dog won’t scale).

The GOP offers(ed) the opportunities. Democrats, the new far-Left version, offer the People’s Republic of China: top-down control of every person, with few freedoms to live outside the controlling framework managed by the State. What’s the shame of it is that members of the ‘groups’ we now must attract all seem to be OK with that.
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