Monday 30 December 2013

Edward Snowden

Jai singh | 08:11 | Be the first to comment!
I left this comment at RS McCain's post "If He's Lost Lawrence O'Donnell...". Read there for the context of my reply, which follows:

I disagree, RS.

No matter what Edward Snowden says post-release, how awkwardly he frames his remarks, or his HS dropout status, or that it took a Gleens Greenwald(s) to get his material 'out there', what he *did* for all of us matters. Hugely.

Snowden's focused unwanted attention on the size, scope and secretive nature of our (HA!, our?) Federal Government. He's opened a lot of eyes and minds. People who hadn't a clue are now seeing our lives in situ Orwellian, on Steroids. Everyone who isn't a mind-numbed TV addict is now aware of just how giant-sized Big Brother has become.

You can't pump a gallon of gas without being videoed. Your cell phone is your personal minder; every where you go, you are tracked. Of course, "Why worry? I have nothing to hide!".

*Link to Wired: Why ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’ Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance*

Perhaps those not paying attention need a new TV reality show? "Days of Our Lives - In the Fishbowl".

Edward Snowden is the Paul Revere of our time, AFAIC.

A Christmas Message From Edward Snowden from Gendo on Vimeo.

Updated... Who, exactly is 'Eric' [sic] Snowden ? )

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Monday 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas, Mr. President!

Jai singh | 09:46 | Be the first to comment!
Oh. Perhaps not.

Difficult to smile when you've (what did Rush Limbaugh hope he'd do?) screwed up so much in so little time.

Here's hoping he'll have a repeat performance in 2014!


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Friday 20 December 2013

A&E's Duck Dynasty brought out the REAL AMERICANS.

Jai singh | 06:11 | Be the first to comment!
Whereas Barack Obama's ObamaCare holiday outreach program? Not so many.

Cute onesie you've got there, bucko!

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Thursday 21 November 2013

The Legacy of the US Empire...I respond to Max Keiser

Jai singh | 05:48 | Be the first to comment!
Our no-doubt failing Republic will leave behind a legacy of "...worthless dollars, garbage and Prozac in the water." Thus spake Max Keiser on The Keiser Report, 16 September 2013...

I beg to disagree with Mr. Keiser.

Our legacy will be the US Constitution, before Leftists and their allies used it for toilet paper.

Never in world history has there been a document that gave people such freedom of action, and power over their ‘rulers’. Now, we see that being pissed away by Statists who seek to CONTROL people by identifying them as ‘victims’, then exploiting their artificially created victims to stay in political power.

Oh, and de Tocqueville explained why we would finally collapse: representatives have learned how to bribe citizens to vote for them using funds from the Treasury. Even when the funds don’t exist, they’ve invented them, extending our collective debt to unimaginable levels, due sometime in the future after all those who gave and took the monies are safely rotted away.

A pox on our ‘ruling class’, both Democratic and Republican.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."

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Monday 18 November 2013

"...the GOP coalition constitutes a shrinking portion of the electorate."

Jai singh | 05:54 | Be the first to comment!
This oft-repeated meme sickens me…
“Republicans need to understand that their political problems are neither tactical nor transitory,” said Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.). “They are structural and demographic. The hard truth is the GOP coalition constitutes a shrinking portion of the electorate. To change that daunting reality, Republicans must appeal to groups that are currently outside their ranks or risk becoming a permanent minority.”
Why is it that, to keep our Republic strong and not transitory; economically sound and not teetering on the brink of collapse; our citizens free to behave as humans should if given enough space (“endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights”) we must prostrate ourselves to disparate groups of weak-minded, easily manipulated (‘Community Organized’) humans who, for whatever reason, miss the reasons we’ve sustained a free Republic for over 200 years?

I’m not saying humans are racially prone to differences in political persuasions. But I am saying that the knowledge and ideas proffered by (what used to be) solid GOP leadership seem to be missing in the ‘groups’ we must now attract to keep this Republic open and free.

Why is it so difficult for the GOP to attract sufficient numbers of thinking people from any ‘group’ anymore? Why do humans have to keep proving to each other by example, over and over again, that Socialism is a dead-end, and leads humans at worst to their suffering and death, at best to their caging, or to otherwise degraded outcomes?

Seems that for the most part, this Republic, that we’ve had in place for well over 200 years, has given humans the best opportunity for outcome of any political system on the planet (given our population count: you can’t compare the US to, say, Switzerland; that dog won’t scale).

The GOP offers(ed) the opportunities. Democrats, the new far-Left version, offer the People’s Republic of China: top-down control of every person, with few freedoms to live outside the controlling framework managed by the State. What’s the shame of it is that members of the ‘groups’ we now must attract all seem to be OK with that.
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Saturday 19 October 2013

Americans: Fat, Dumb, Happy, and Doomed.

Jai singh | 08:00 | Be the first to comment!
Bob Belvedere over at Camp of the Saints linked an essay by Mark Steyn, "Potemkin Parliament", in which Mark tell us what we already know: America, the Little Republic that Once Could and Did, is doomed to failure. That prompted me to leave this comment at Bob's Camp...

I've little faith in the typical 'American' 'Citizen' - hardly any of whom are worth the polish on the boots of a WWII vet.

I've said before that I believe our Republic crested July 1969, when we put a man on the moon. Seems since then there's been more American people interested in our own personal comforts. That may be a natural proclivity, given human history; but one that doesn't sustain or improve our current or future freedoms: we are too easily purchased. We should always be ready to fight to sustain a free Republic for our succeeding generations.

How many people plop their fat asses down in front of a TV and suck in the pablum that spews forth, hour after hour, day after day, week after week ? How many people sit in air-conditioned homes or offices, without interacting with their neighbors next door or in the streets? How many are cocooned in their own little bubbles, praying (if praying is even on list of what we do) that nothing upsets the Government's Applecart, that shining font of giving, that protective layer that keeps us cool in the summer and warm in the winter?

We've 316 Million Souls living in the USA today, some 7 Billion worldwide; tomorrow there will be more, and the next days, weeks, years...even more. Religious beliefs are weakening here and in other 'enlightened' countries. What that means is, instead of considering others' souls, our newly 'enlightened' leaders are considering others as animals, and are treating us as such.

The way they see it, in secular Darwin World, the value of any individual's life (except their own, of course) is directly proportional to the total number of lives living at that moment. Without religion, this is how we, humans, are, and increasing will be, considered by those 'enlightened' leaders who will consider us at all.

We are but animals, needing proper husbandry; that, helpfully provided by 'enlightened' leadership, elected by us but, for the most part, caring little about us, about our past heritage, and about our children's futures.

Doomed, yes. Deserving said doom? That's what the majority of 'Americans' have decided for all of us - from their couches, easy chairs and recliners.

Yes, we've that many hundreds of millions, and damned few of us deserve what others built for us.

Will there be succeeding Republics that learn from our mistakes? That learn that soft living makes for easy controlling? That moving to far-Left, as the Democrats have done, should be countered more forcefully than we've bothered to do? That a supposedly Conservative party, the Republicans, the GOP, will but cave to the Leftists every time and every chance they get, because they too like 'easy living', the spirit of congeniality and pragmatism, to keep the teats open and the people happy?

Yep, we deserve this what's coming. Each and every one of us.

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Friday 11 October 2013

New Slavery in America

Jai singh | 17:41 | Be the first to comment!
ACA - ObamaCare was a ruse designed to fail, to allow the Democratic Socialists of America (the NEW!, Organized for Action Democratic Party) an opportunity to install a Single-Payer scheme, a socialist's life-long wet dream.

As Dr. Ben Carson stated, ACA - ObamaCare is the "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery". Because each person desiring and accepting this so-called 'health care' is becoming subservient to the Government's control, and is less free, and a lesser person, for accepting it.
Socialized medicine is the keystone to the foundation of a socialist State. We are becoming just that, the thing that our grandparents fought and died to stop from spreading: the centralized, controlling evil that sows socialism 'for the good of the people'. Taken from those who have, given to those who need; redistributed by the iron fist of the IRS. Who needs to rely on churches and charity anymore, when a powerful Government can simply take whatever they feel you have to spare, and give it to whomever promises them fealty?

Hey, you Useful Obama Idiots with ObamaPhones and proud of your welfare checks and 'free' healthcare? Enjoy it whilst you can. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Expect to pay, one way or the other, for what you think is yours, but really isn't.
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Saturday 28 September 2013

ObamaCare: A Necessary Component for Downsizing America

Jai singh | 08:01 | Be the first to comment!
Mark Steyn brings insight
But out there beyond the islands of privilege most Americans don’t have the same comfortably padded margin for error, and they’re hunkering down. ObamaCare is something new in American life: the creation of a massive bureaucracy charged with downsizing you — to a world of fewer doctors, higher premiums, lousier care, more debt, fewer jobs, smaller houses, smaller cars, smaller, fewer, less; a world where worse is the new normal.

Would Americans, hitherto the most buoyant and expansive of people, really consent to live such shrunken lives? If so, mid-20th century America and its assumptions of generational progress will be as lost to us as the Great Ziggurat of Ur was to 19th century Mesopotamian date farmers.

George Orwell, after attending a meeting of impoverished but passive miners, remarked sadly that “there is no turbulence left in England.” The Democrats, and much of the Republican establishment, have made a bet that there is no turbulence left in America, and the citizenry will stand mute before ObamaCare’s wrecking ball. Unless they’re willing to accept a worse life for their children and grandchildren, middle-class Americans need to prove them wrong.
Yes, Americans have been primed to accept whatever our Dear Leaders bring to the table, and Barack Obama is the chosen ‘savior’ who brings about our downsizing.

BHO arrived at Occidental College in California, looked out across America, at our wealth and our ‘living large’ attitudes, and recalled his childhood in Indonesia, his mother’s and grandparent’s (and father’s?) incessant mind-numbing infusions that Marx-Commun-ism must be America’s future; then, his college years, spent ‘maturing’ his beliefs and his hatred for ‘colonial’ Americanism, values and beliefs.

Because he had VOICE and PRESENCE and COLOR, his path was strewn with rose petals by appreciative left-leaning Democrats, who needed just such a mouthpiece to carry their water.

But even some of those what brung him must be looking out and wondering, ‘what have we done?’. Or at least I hope they are, because this swirling bowl’s gonna flush out everyone sooner than later. And we will all be ‘equal’ to the rest of the world; much diminished in stature, and wealth, and expectations.

And Barack Hussein Obama will smile, smile, smile.

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Monday 2 September 2013

Dare not call it PARENTING.

Jai singh | 06:01 | Be the first to comment!
Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman. That happened in the blink of an eye, culminating an encounter that saw Trayvon bashing Zimmerman's head into a sidewalk, and for that aggression Trayvon took a slug that ended his life. But it didn't have to happen that way.

Why are people focusing on just that moment, on just those few minutes in a gated community in an otherwise forgettable small-town Sanford Florida, and fixing all the blame to George Zimmerman?

Who else shares that blame? Society, thug culture, sure, but there's two people who really screwed up this young man's life, almost from his birth.

Who was responsible for Trayvon Martin's upbringing, ostensibly until his 18th birthday? Who was not there for him during his formative years, to not guide, guard and direct him away from the neon lights that thug culture brazenly throws up, from the lure that drugs and thugs present, thug culture, that, after hooking young Trayvon Martin, succeeded in claiming his life?

His parents. Who were not worth a damn as parents.

Read here, and learn much.

I've added some content here, here, here and here.

Why do I have such interest in the Trayvon Martin story?

Because it moves me. I hate that a young man died so early. Worse, that his parents are allowing themselves to be used as tiny sprockets in the machinations of racialism, further dividing this country and advancing tenets of far-Left ideology. And, worse still, that his parents can ignore their (lack of) role in Trayvon's untimely death; instead, they are but tools of racialists and Leftists who are shifting all the blame to other people and things that just so happened to be in the right place at the time when Trayvon met his fate.

But Trayvon's fate was already baked into the cake. Trayvon was not raised correctly by his parents. Parents have, and must bear, the ultimate responsibility to raise their child in such a manner as to see him or her successfully reach adulthood.

Neither Tracy Martin nor Sabrina Fulton fulfilled their responsibility, and thus, Trayvon met a fate that millions and millions more American children, who fall victim to our outrageously sick, morally-bankrupt society promises: the destiny of a failed human, a soul not completing it's mission.

So, YOU, if you have an urge to procreate and do initiate another human being - soul to this sorry world, don't even think of abrogating YOUR responsibility, as these two sorry-ass 'parents' did theirs.

Teach your children well.

In the big scheme of things, that’s one’s only real purpose, and for most of us, the only legacy that really matters.

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Sunday 1 September 2013


Jai singh | 09:27 | Be the first to comment!
A new word, at least for me.
- (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy)
A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected
by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society
least likely to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods
and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing
number of producers.

What's a new word without an illustration?

My thanks! To Barack Obama and Joe Biden for their participation in this illustration, and to Matt Drudge for providing the perfect image...

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Wednesday 7 August 2013

Wendy Davis (D, Party of Gosnell) IS Abortion Barbie!

Jai singh | 06:48 | Be the first to comment!
Eric Erickson, FOX News contributor and RedState blogger, tweeted yesterday that Wendy Davis (that Texas State Representative who filibustered for hours to push for very-late-term abortion rights...a measure that eventually was defeated, but she became a Lefty HERO of the CAUSES! for it) was 'Abortion Barbie'.

Hilarity ensues!

Abortions are the Democratic Party's sweetmeats. 'Barbie" is considered a hideous, misyoginist term of HATE!. So, 'Abortion Barbie' applied to "Hero and Mystical Warrior for Wymen's Rights to KILL Fetuses Despite Whatever their Stage of Development" Wendy Davis locks them up!

Will ever a better moniker surface for a politician who achieves fame and fortune for advancing such a hideous practice?

Prosa pulchra indeed! Well played, Eric Erickson.

Oh, and Kermit Gosnell approves...

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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bill Clinton now HATES! Anthony Weiner. Why, you ask?

Jai singh | 05:58 | Be the first to comment!
Sydney Leathers and Monica Lewinsky

The BOYZ aren't sharing their TOYZ!

Barack Obama needs step in quickly, before this fight gets really nasty and damages his Party. He could set the two masculine warriors down and have a chat...or a cigar?

Call it the CIGAR SUMMIT! bada BING!

Seriously, I can understand why Bill Clinton stepped out of line with Monica and the rest of his Gals Friday (and Monday, Tuesday Wednesday...)

but Anthony Weiner? Seriously? Huma Weiner is teh HAWT!

Just ask Hillary Clinton...

Hillary Clinton and Huma Weiner
Headlights ON!

Yes, it seems now that Bill can't stand the Weiner. Neither, obviously, can Hillary...


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Saturday 20 July 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents lead protests over Zimmerman verdict

Jai singh | 09:05 | Be the first to comment!
Trayvon's parents to join together to protest a jury's verdict? Really? Finally, they get back together, after it's too late?

Tracy Martin and Sabrina Fulton: "that wasn't the Trayvon we raised".

Bullshit. You became careless, and missed your opportunity to get Trayvon back on a solid path. You failed as parents.

Missed the school suspension, did you? Missed the 'fudged' police reports, did you?
Sanford Police Department (SPD) investigator Chris Serino, for instance, said publicly of Martin, “This child has no criminal record whatsoever.” He called Martin “a good kid, a mild-mannered kid.” The media almost universally sustained this tragically false narrative.

Martin had the seeming good fortune of attending school in the Miami-Dade School District, the fourth-largest district in the country and one of the few with its own police department.

For a variety of reasons, none of them good, elements within the SPD and the Miami-Dade School District Police Department, or M-DSPD, conspired to keep Martin’s criminal history buried.

The exposure of M-DSPD practices began inadvertently on March 26, 2012, when the Miami Herald, the one mainstream outlet to do real reporting on the case, ran a story on Martin’s background.

The Herald’s headline, “Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin,” should have caused the other media to seek the truth about the very nearly sanctified Martin.

It did not. What it did do was to cause M-DSPD Police Chief Charles Hurley to launch a major Internal Affairs (IA) investigation into the possible leak of this information to the Herald.

At the end of the day, Hurley rather wished he had not. The detectives questioned told the truth about Martin and about the policies that kept him out of the justice system. Hurley would be demoted and forced out of the department within a year.

Hurley’s detectives, all of them veterans with excellent records, told a different story under oath when questioned by Internal Affairs. They knew the shell game was about to be exposed upon first learning that Martin was one of their students and outside agencies would be requesting his records.

“Oh, God, oh, my God, oh, God,” one major reportedly said when first looking at Martin’s data. He realized that Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

In each case, the case file on Martin was fudged to make the crime less serious than it was. As one detective told IA, the arrest statistics coming out of Martin’s school, Michael Krop Senior, had been “quite high,” and the detectives “needed to find some way to lower the stats.” This directive allegedly came from Hurley.

“Chief Hurley, for the past year, has been telling his command staff to lower the arrest rates,” confirmed another high-ranking detective.

Trayvon Martin's problems began at school in Miama, where he immersed himself in 'culture'. His part-time, divorced, could-care-less parents ignored or missed the signs. Bottom line, they failed to provide the solid family structure that's so necessary for any teenager to avoid the pitfalls of our horrid American culture. Those were pitfalls Trayvon couldn't escape alone. And didn't escape.

So, today, Tracy Martin and Sabrina (who? Fulton?) get back together again, to protest a jury's verdict.

Who is going to protest Tracy and Sabrina's parenting failure?

I'll be your huckleberry...

Bad Parenting Sucks!
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Thursday 18 July 2013

George Zimmerman's Fate: Run Down by Eric Holder's Department of "Justice"

Jai singh | 05:59 | Be the first to comment!
Eric Holder's DOJ is using bully tactics to run down George Zimmerman, an innocent American, for the purpose of pushing our U.S. Government's now far-Left agenda.

Hey Eric! Instead of scrabbling to criminalize a human's Natural Right (the right to self-defense), why not inquire as to why Trayvon Martin's PARENTS failed to raise him correctly?

Trayvon Martin's fall began at home ("home", such as it was); and that fall is being repeated endlessly, yearly, daily, hourly, for generation after generation of Americans. There's been a harmful breakdown in our American family's structure that's led to an obvious and significant rotting of our culture. Marriages are trivialized; children are raised as if they are but afterthoughts, and become victims for it.

Trayvon Martin should not have been allowed, by his parents, to immerse himself in a culture that's steeped in criminality. Go watch any video featuring 'heroes' of Rap culture; you'll see what I mean.

Trayvon Martin so hated authority that, instead of calling 911 on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, he called his girl friend for advice. Even authority as innocuous as a School Bus Driver got some of his "Whoooop Ass". As for the tea and skittles he purchased that fateful night? Trayvon was likely manufacturing "Lean" with his tea and skittles. Right under his Father's nose.

Trayvon Martin's problems started with his part-time, divorced, careless Parents, who failed to provide a solid family structure that's so necessary for any teenager to avoid the pitfalls of our horrible American culture. Those were pitfalls Trayvon couldn't escape alone.

And now we see the Federal Government, the United States Department of Justice, managed by Eric Holder, chasing willy-nilly after George Zimmerman.

Eric Holder is, too, caught up in an awful culture: far-Left ideology.

Is this really what we've allowed the United States of America to degenerate to?

Oh, My God. help us, one and all.

Oh, and Erich von Holder, Henrich Holder, Barack Obama's Left Hand Man? Love your new look, really.

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Sunday 14 July 2013

Lessons from Trayvon Martin's Untimely Death

Jai singh | 06:12 | Be the first to comment!
A shame that Trayvon Martin, still a child legally (and, as a child, still his parents' ward) got sidetracked on what appears to be a common mainstream cultural path: drug usage, fighting (he hit his school bus driver), stealing (he had women's jewelry and a screwdriver). He might've outgrown this phase of his life, if he had had solid parenting; two still-married adults who, together, could've given him a better chance...

We'll never know.

Let this be a lesson to anyone who gets married just for the 'love' of it: that's not what marriage is about.

Marriage is about raising children correctly, to their adulthood.

Learn from Trayvon's parents' mistakes: if you have a child, get married, stay married, raise your collective child(ren) correctly so they will have the best opportunity to avoid terrible cultural pitfalls.

Parents have an obligation to raise their children better than Trayvon's parents raised him.
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Friday 12 July 2013

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin: Trayvon Martin's Parents

Jai singh | 05:34 | Be the first to comment!
An overarching theme of Trayvon Martin ‘supporters’ is that he was a child. This child was stalked and killed by evil child-stalking gunman George Zimmerman.

Who is responsible for a child‘s welfare? Who is supposed to keep a child from absorbing and joining a street culture that promotes thug life? If Trayvon was a child (and he was still, legally, a minor) the responsible parties who failed him first were his parents. Those same self-aggrandizing sops who ignored his welfare for their own, and now seek to cover their own failings by shifting blame to George Zimmerman.

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, failed parents, share as much responsibility for Travyvon Martin’s behavior (the drug use, the fighting that got him kicked out of school, the thug behavior pattern that got him killed) as George Zimmerman. They failed to properly raise and nurture their child.
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Wednesday 10 July 2013

New Android App: Gun Geo Marker by Brett Stalbaum, UCSD

Jai singh | 05:35 | Be the first to comment!
From Washington Times Communities, a chilling story indeed. Seems a far-Left 'lecturer' (read: a professor who thinks he's justified for doing, saying, creating whatever tool he thinks will serve his urgent need to further his narratives, because the means always justify the ends) has developed an Android geotagging App that anyone can use to anonymously target the homes and of any gun owner...
DALLAS, July 9, 2013 - A newly released Android app may expose gun owners’ addresses to the entire world. The “Gun Geo Marker” application, now available in the Google Play App Store, is intended to allow anonymous reporting and public tracking of “irresponsible gun owners.”

Developed by University of California San Diego lecturer Brett Stalbaum, the anonymous application encourages random users to document the home or business addresses of allegedly irresponsible gun owners via real-time mapping. What
determines “irresponsible” gun ownership is entirely at the discretion of the unknown user marking the map.
We've seen this happen before. Biased media sources (including Nashville's The Tennessean) have seen fit to publish names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders, exposing them to targeting by thieves and other like-minded Democrats, all because their Left-Wing bias against private gun ownership justifies these cynical, hurtful, and possibly harmful disclosures.

Well, turn about is fair play. In the Discus comments to that post, commenter "Turnabout Is Fair Play" posts the following information:

Turnabout is Fair Play
Irresponsible App Developer:
Brett O Stalbaum
(619) 443-0097
1016 Stage Coach Trl
Julian, CA 92036-9317

There you go, Brett O Stalbaum of the University of California San Diego UCSD!

Let's hope this Android App 'Gun Geo Marker' makes you as fabulously famous! as you deserve to be!


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Wednesday 12 June 2013

'Slow Joe' Biden is wound up once again.

Jai singh | 05:57 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
The Weekly Standard, via JWF...
“I’m being straight about this. This is not your father’s Republican Party. It really is a fundamentally different party. There’s never been as much distance, at least since I’ve been alive, distance between where the mainstream of the Republican congressional party is and the Democratic Party is. It’s a chasm. It’s a gigantic chasm.”
Thank God for that. Because, Joe, it's not that the GOP has cast off and set sail for parts unknown (at least not the Conservatives that make up an ever-thinning slice of the GOP, but that's another issue entirely); it's the Democrats who've sped away from traditional American values and our Constitution, and wish to fundamentally CHANGE us to what we cannot be and still remain a Republic.

In fact, Joe, it's a very good thing there's some left in the GOP who would take a principled stand against you and your newly-crazy Party. Because if we didn't, we would not be Americans except in name; we'd be so far-Left as to be indistinguishable from Communists.

Which is exactly where the Democrats are headed if they keep their current vector.

I know; I was once a Blue Dog Democrat who voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976, and for Al Gore, twice, as US Senator from Tennessee.

All that before the Democrats began their CHANGE and started running far-Left.

We Conservatives act as an anchor, to try to keep this Republic together. You, Joe Biden, your Master Barack Obama, and his masters (out of sight but still pulling his strings) are too damned far-Left. And you have the nerve to say it's Conservative GOPers who've created this 'chasm'?

The 'chasm' you mention is between your freakin' ears.

That is all.

Oh, and this, revisiting 'Biden, the Wind-Up Debate Monkey'. Because some things never change.

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Friday 31 May 2013

Tuesday 14 May 2013

NARAL and Sandra Fluke embrace convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell

Jai singh | 19:25 | Be the first to comment!
Sandra Fluke, the trash can who won't stay shut... h/t Twitchy

..links to this graphic on NARAL's Facebook page...

From NARAL's graphic there, amid the inanities that only a dedicated abortion supporter could stomach, this: "..abortion care..".

Seriously? Framing a medical procedure that snuffs out an unborn life isn't caring for thinking humans; it's more an animal husbandry procedure useful for thinning the herd.

"Without souls, humans are but animals".

Despite our advanced technical savvy, these Godless Democrat animals have forced on us a society that's closer to an Animal Farm than we've ever been in our Republic's history; given that a slim majority has collectively decided that destroying unborn humans is 'caring', and should be 'safe and legal'.

Embrace Kermit Gosnell, Sandra Fluke, use him to justify your own sick, twisted, perverse quest to kill the unborn.

You've earned Kermit's loving embrace.

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Wednesday 1 May 2013

MayDay 2013, Obama Style

Jai singh | 06:23 | Be the first to comment!
Obama's signature elements: Liberal Fascism and drones.

STOP this, outlaw and ban that, take away yet another right, bash another aspect of our Constitution. Pass another law, enlarge Government until it's all-powerful and unapproachable, uncontrollable. Attack and CHANGE the foundations of this little Republic until it becomes yet another of the world's faded glories.

Right on target, Democrats, Barack Obama, "Organizing for Action".

Drone Lord Obama. Has a One Ring aspect to it, does it not?
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Sunday 28 April 2013

StopRush: Unrepentant Liberal Fascists Dying in their Bathrooms

Jai singh | 09:02 | Be the first to comment!
Still wheezing along, on spindly prog's legs, is "StopRush", that Media Matters for America (MMFA)-founded-and-funded group of hyperventilating hyper-Leftists who's only desire in their miserable lives is to SHUT UP! Rush Limbaugh. For starters.

One even died for it. After spending all night whacking away at his newest Daily KOS screed, he collapsed in his bathroom. What an ignominous way to go: ignoring your body's cries for help to satisfy your collective's desire to control others' speech.

Another StopRush gadfly, the whackadoodle known as "Shoq", Matt Edelstein, recently suffered prostate cancer, but survived after surgery. I'm glad he survived. He's but a former shell of himself now; I've avoided any mention of him because of that. Hopefully his mental processes are recovering from that bit of nassty in-your-gut reality, and he gets on with his life, such that it is. Certainly entertaining fellow Left-Lib-Proggs on the Twitter isn't much of a life, really.

I was alerted to a Daily KOS post written by one of the now-primary StopRush twits (after "Denver Union Guy" passed in his crapper, StopRush scraped the barrel's bottom to find 'Proglegs', a nondescript functionary with zero writing skills but certainly, we hope, a better heart). That post won't be linked here, because Daily KOS is a sewer, unfit for real Americans to attend.

The post's substance, such that it is, was to vilify an email that a real American, a Rush Limbaugh advertiser, sent to them in regards their abusive spam-bullying attacks. Seems there are strong, good, fight-the-good-fight people left in America, thankfully!

I'd like to thank that Dentist from the Buffalo Dental Group for his reply to his hateful, faceless, KOS-clueless attackers, and provide that email here so other strong Americans can see exactly why and how they should respond to these Stop Rush Liberal Fascists (or to any other Democrat who tries to silence free speech)...

I want to thank you for writing to us concerning our ads during Mr. Limbaugh's radio program. I took the liberty of showing the video clip to two (2) separate groups of women, the first being several in our office, as well as my wife and two of my oldest daughters (ages 23 and 21). They all reacted in the same way. First, they thought it was hilariously funny, but they, as well as I, agree with him. He is absolutely dead on correct. However, I must state that we are a very conservative family. Why should I, or we, be forced to pay for her birth control and sexual activity. It is not healthcare. Should health insurance also pay for aspirin (Rush has a creative use for aspirin), tylenol, and ibuprofen? Most sane people think that would be ludicrous. The purpose of insurance, including health insurance should be to cover those things that an individual cannot individually pay for, such as hospitalizations, surgeries, accidents and other large expenditure events. To cover routine services is simply an inefficient cost added transfer of funds. I will offer the analogy of cars. When you own a car, you have insurance to cover accidents and liability for damage to others. In the event of an accident, these can be very costly, and can be far beyond what most individuals can afford. However, I never have heard (nor is it offered) gasoline and oil change insurance. To do so would be absurd, as those purchases are routine and expected. If gasoline insurance were offered that would cover unlimited "fill-ups" (analogy to free care and office visits), driving would go through the roof, as would the cost of gas. Think about it.

I try to listen to Rush and Sean Hannity when ever I am able to. We love Marco Rubio. They are true patriots and great Americans. We usually have Fox News on in our reception area at our offices. You might find it hard to believe, but we really try to attract the conservative segment of the market to our practice. They are usually the finest people that we meet.

As for Ms. Fluke. If she were our daughter we would be horrified. It is interesting to note that Georgetown University is a Catholic university. The Catholic faith does not endorse such activity. She is a disgrace to Georgetown.

We have come to live in such a PC world, that we are afraid of the truth. I would suggest that you might want to broaden your thoughts, and watch some of Dr. Benjamin Carson's speeches, or other Rush Limbaugh programs, most notably his CPAC keynote talk. I would also suggest watching Marco Rubio's talks. Dr. Carson is an amazing person, coming from poverty to be the head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins.

I have seen and heard far too much vulgar vitriol coming from the liberal activists such as Jon Stewart and Bill Maher to ever condemn Rush Limbaugh. There is no comparison. Limbaugh speaks the truth while the liberal side espouses vile hatred. However, the liberal activities never reported. Nothing that goes against the liberal mainstream media or the obama machine ever gets reported. I have heard too much character assassination of fine conservatives, including the same term (and worse)that Rush uses being used against fine conservative women such as Michelle Bachman. The difference is that these women usually have been faithfully married to the same man for many years. I don't get it???? What did we ever hear about the slaughter at Benghazi? Nothing, just cover-up and lies. The US government actually had time to deploy a drone to watch the ambush and attack live, in the Situation Room of the White House, yet nothing was done to aid the Americans under attack. They could get a drone there, but could not get much faster air support there. Hmmm. The two former Navy Seals that were there, and were killed, are true heroes as they held off the attackers, saving an estimated 30 lives in the process. They actually disobeyed orders, as they were 3 times told to "stand down" and not aid the diplomats. They pleaded for support..... that did not come. Mr. obama..... went to bed. He should be impeached for treason. Yet, why have we never heard from those rescued? They have been ordered not to talk. Hannity, Levin, Huckabee, and Levin are the only ones that still report the truth. I thank God for Fox News. Presently, we have a trial going on for an abortionist who murdered children after they were born by cutting their spinal cords with scissors. How could someone do that? It is too gruesome to imagine. However on the mainstream media..... almost no report. Our society is sick.

As for impact on women, (remember I actually have 4 daughters so I am very sensitive to fairness and equality for women), when is the last time any of the liberal mainstream media hosted any issues on women's repression and lack of rights in the rapidly increasing muslim regions of the world? Never. My wife actually just reminded me about this fact. Women are considered property of men.

I realize that is quite unlikely that you will ever want to become a patient of ours, but I would welcome the opportunity to discuss politics, or I should actually say the fate of our country, which at the present time doesn't look too good. The liberal culture and agenda is rapidly destroying our country. America is failing, primarily for one reason. We have lost all of the values and virtues that built our country for the first 200 years of our existence. I love our country too much to "drink the Kool Aid".

Again, thank you for writing, but if I could, I would sponsor the entire Rush Limbaugh show. I believe in and proudly stand by my convictions. Please keep an open mind and don't believe everything that you hear.

He gets it. He's not afraid to face down his far-Left attackers. He's a role model for Americans; an example of what America once stood for: liberty and freedom, not Political Correctness and divisiveness.

A comment I left at protein wisdom just this morning that summarizes what I think has happened to this once-proud Republic, a nation that pulled together to win WWII and land men on the moon...

From Pablo’s Steyn link (this pontification from a NYT blockhead)
“The alleged involvement of two ethnic Chechen brothers in the deadly attack at the Boston Marathon last week should prompt Americans to reflect on whether we do an adequate job assimilating immigrants who arrive in the United States as children or teenagers.”
How’s that assimilation supposed to happen when the Party Now In Charge of the Ruling Party (today’s hyper-Left Democrats) only came into existence because they’ve sought to, and have managed to, split Americans into fractious disparate groups and pander to each group’s weaknesses?

There’s no single ‘American’ attribute left standing that we can point to and say, ‘Immigrant! This is what is America! Rally to us, and be assimilated!”.

Once, we could point to flag, language and culture. Those three basics were discarded by the Left in favor of Group Ghey, Group Femi, Group ‘Shades of Brown’, Group (insert a ‘splintered-for-Democrat’s-pandering-pleasure’ here).

That’s what we’ve lost, a rallying point that is uniquely American. There’s nothing of substance for these Chechens to have assimilated to.

Groups of far-Leftists (StopRush, Obama's  OFA 'Organizing For Action' and countless others) are still in the process of tearing down this nation's strengths. When all is said and done, and they've succeeded? They will be the first put up against the walls. But do they realize that?

No, they can't see it, because perpetually chasing after the false nirvana painted so vividly (but in false colors) by their rickety far-Left ideology is blinding them to reality.

They may succeed in getting their screeds written and enacted, but their doom is to fall out after, clutching at fading hopes and dreams, desperately clinging to those rolls of rough toilet paper they've managed to seize as their lives fade to black.

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Sunday 21 April 2013

Obama's Gun Control "Blue Clown Frown"

Jai singh | 12:34 | Be the first to comment!
Always it's a good thing to see an arrogant evildoer thwarted. And the anger in his eyes, the pout in his lips, the twitchy unhappiness of his surrounding cast? Priceless!
The Senate turned back the President’s assault on the Second Amendment. President Obama does not like it when he doesn’t get his way, and it showed. With some of the relatives of Sandy Hook victims at his side, he attacked those who opposed his will.

Voting on a bill that restricts the rights outlined in the Constitution should have been the only option for the Senate. Instead, 54 Senators attempted further restrictions on our freedoms. Surprisingly, the vote wasn’t even close: 46 against and 54 for. Even some Democrats, fearful of losing in the next election cycle, went with the majority.

Barack Obama's "Blue Clown Frown"
Not even four months into Obama's second term, his agenda is collapsing. First, his failure to cower Republicans into overturning his own Sequester; now the Democrat-controlled Senate won't even give him his pet gun control project. Coming apart? You tell me...
Things are looking up for Republicans. President Obama’s agenda is collapsing before our eyes. Obama is pointing to the 2014 midterm elections to capture the House and revive his presidency. “My job is not simply to occupy the Oval Office,” he said at a San Francisco fundraiser. “My job is to make sure we move the country forward, and I think we can best do that if Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the House once again.” Obama said Pelosi is “thoughtful” and “visionary” and “never lets ideology cloud her judgment.”
Any person who claims that Nancy Pelosi is 'thoughtful and visionary' is thoughtless and unobservant. Recall her "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it"?

We are still finding out what's in it, Nancy, and what we are finding isn't making anyone happy.

ObamaCare isn't exactly a well thought-out plan, and even now no one can say for sure that it will succeed without breaking the various state's and the federal budgets (as if that's something any Democrat cares about).

Oh, and Obama's line, that Nancy Pelosi 'never lets ideology could her judgement'? That's not just a lie, it's a damned lie. Who amongst us, even and especially hardcore far-Left Progressives, could believe that? Only the most docile and controlled amongst us could give that statement any credence. Coming from a President? Well, this President will say anything to anybody to advance his agendas; agendas that only his closest advisers have inkling of.

Oh, and on the so-called 'Affordable Care Act', Obama's signature misdeed...Obama will force states to comply with ACA, by sending in federal agents...
President Obama will not wait on states to enforce ObamaCare. The Obama administration has announced its intent to disregard state laws and state constitutional amendments prohibiting the enforcement of ObamaCare. Federal agents from the Department of Health and Human Services will assume absolute control over states’ health insurance industry and regulation in states that refuse to comply with the federal healthcare mandates.

In an exclusive telephone interview with The New American, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak reported that his office has received a letter from Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) Deputy Administrator and Director Gary Cohen informing him that the federal government will impose ObamaCare regulations on insurance companies in Oklahoma. The CCIIO is part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

According to a story in Politico, Doak’s colleagues in Missouri, Wyoming, and Texas have received these notifications, as well.
That's the American way. Pass a measure in the dead of night, with no Republican votes; then when the various States pass laws to nullify it's implementation, send in the Feds. We need another frown from Obama, soonest.

If we can have more of these angry looks from our Dirty Socialist in Chief, then I'd begin to have hope for our little Republic. But there must be many, many more angry, petulant, annoyed moments like this Gun Control success for us to have a chance.

Keep frowning, Mr. President! That's how we know our Republic is staying safe!

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Monday 15 April 2013

"First Successful Bombing, Terror Explosion since 9/11"

Jai singh | 20:21 | Be the first to comment!
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: What strikes me is part of the reason for the psychological shock is that if you think about it, Bret, this is the first successful bombing -- terror explosion since 9/11. We've had some that were attempted, like the one in Times Square that never succeeded.
Jackie Bruno, NECN
We've had by my count, about ten terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 9/11, all of them have been shootings with one exception, which is a man who drove a car into a crowd at University of North Carolina. But this is the first explosion. I think that's what gives this the sort of psychological resonance. People running in the street of a big city, the smoke. Of course, it's nowhere near the scale of 9/11, but it's the first time.

And I think that is sort of a historical echo that we're feeling and it reminds us of how vulnerable we felt at the beginning of this whole decade of terror. And that even though, we thought that we had largely escaped, and we have largely escaped, it is still out there. (Special Report, April 15, 2013)

"Miss me yet ? "

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Thursday 28 March 2013

Mark Levin: "Hugo Chavez is not dead. He's in the White House!"

Jai singh | 06:22 | Be the first to comment!
Nailed it, Mark.

Download the mp3 for March 27 here.

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Sunday 17 March 2013

Sarah Palin at CPAC 2013: Video and Photos

Jai singh | 16:12 | Be the first to comment!
One of the positives of this year's CPAC, and one of my favorite people who are politicians.

"Barack Obama promised the most transparent administration ever. Barack Obama, you lied."

"We don’t have leadership coming out of Washington, we have reality television."

"Background checks? Yeah, I guess to learn more about a person’s thinking and associations and intentions. More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President — should've started with yours."

No one fires up far-Left hatred better than Sarah Palin. She fights, she doesn't hold back. She won't give in to the bastards.

We certainly need more of Sarah Palin, and dozens more like her.

"He is considered a good politician, which is like saying Bernie Madoff was a good salesmen. The difference being, the president is using our money."

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Tuesday 5 March 2013

The BIG Slice: "Why I Am No Longer A Republican."

Jai singh | 21:27 | Be the first to comment!
Hate it when my comments go into moderation at Lefty hell-holes, this one a new "Stolen Slice of America, as directed by chief Dirty Socialist in Chief Barack Obama".

"The Big Slice", "Why I Am No Longer A Republican." Rubbish. Reminds of that bobbler Charles Johnson's Little Green Flounce, when he decided he wanted to attract a nice fresh slice of liberal...PIE!.

My reply to "Heather1381" (doesn't matter if they publish it or not, now does it?)...
Your problem? You made mistakes. You chose poorly. So, anyone and everyone else is to blame! Your expectations became, that you somehow deserve other people's money, other people's care and sympathy, just because you screwed up and you feel bad about it?

Sorry, but there's plenty of exemplar people who did and do screw up, and then turn their thinking mind's eye inwards to discover what strengths they have, what innate strength of character they can mine, and what are the methods they can use to better themselves and still retain some shred of personal dignity. To live your life bitter because your expectations that others should fulfill your needs, and because they didn't you lash out, is disgusting to me, and should be shameful to you.

I'm glad you finally found peace, if you want to call your needy mindset that. But please, don't blame a political Party for your own personal screw ups. Our Constitution wasn't written to guarantee you happiness and peace of mind, but to allow you opportunity to excel if you are capable. Your newly adopted far-Left Democrat party is but a collective of dirty Socialists who expect others to provide that what they haven't earned and don't deserve.

The "Big Slice". Indeed.

Oh, @BigSlice1, Welcome to blogging. )

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Dictator Hugo Chávez dies; leaves his parrot to Barack Obama, his fondness for Cuban Healthcare to Michael Moore.

Jai singh | 18:34 | Be the first to comment!
Dirty Socialist Hugo Chávez finally does us all a favor, kicks the bucket. Michael Moore, Cuban healthcare hardest hit.

Hey, Jabba the Filmmaker, be sure to hop a plane straight to Havana next time you feel just a wee bit 'Sicko'. I'll bet they move you right to the head of the line!

Barack Obama's not a dictator; he's happy to sally forth and 'splain that to all of us. In doing so, Barack Obama becomes the only American president who ever had need to reassure Americans that he's not really a dictator. Many good Americans wonder if they can believe him, for once.

We know you're not a dictator, Barack Obama. We can ask any one of your parrots.
Not a dictator, but as it seems in the photo below, Barack Obama, you're a lover, not a fighter!

Barack Obama and Hugo Chávez: Jedi Mind-Melding ?
For fairness, I tried to find another American president who had kissed Hugo Chávez full on the lips. Couldn't. Imagine that.

"I am not a dictator!" That line's a keeper, Barack, the line that will come to define your Presidency.

As James Taranto clarifies it, that's "Obama's declaration of ineffectuality"...
When we first heard Obama's "I am not a dictator," as we noted Friday, it reminded us of Nixon's "I am not a crook." But on further reflection, Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" is a more apt comparison. Of course Obama is not attempting to cover up wrongful behavior, but he did answer Yellin's question in a weirdly literal way that was both a deflection and a revelation.

It's true, of course, that Obama isn't a dictator. He also seems to point that out a lot, as National Review's Andrew Stiles observes. Last month, for example, he noted that "I'm the president of the United States, I'm not the emperor of the United States" and called this a "problem" that he has "struggled with throughout my presidency."

It seems Obama wishes he had dictatorial powers. He probably enjoyed that little fantasy of having the Secret Service take his adversaries prisoner. In itself, that's no big deal: We wouldn't be surprised if other presidents occasionally entertain similar flights of fancy.
Sigh. Just keeps getting better, this miserable Barack Obama Presidency. Economy's hanging on by a thread; the newest bubble, the Stock Market, is ready to pop; there's more welfare and food stamp recipients than at any other time in American history.

Far-Left Democrats, led by this sorry President, are attempting to circumvent the Bill of Rights. There's 2700 new light-armored tanks purchased for the DHS, to go along with their newly-purchased billions of bullets. Seems someone is prepping for domestic unrest in a big way; the next (and final) Civil War is being whispered even in polite company.

Yes, Barack Obama, you'll always be known as the "Greatest of Great Uniters". The "Bringer of Light, Justice and Peace". The 'Best Little Post-Partisan-Wanna-be-Dictator who Couldn't'.

As for Hugo Chávez? He's always picked (for) the best...his company (Dirty Socialists), his healthcare (Cuban), and his favorite American President (Barack Hussein Obama).

Hey Hugo! Enjoy Hell, Mr. Other Dictator.

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Sunday 24 February 2013

Brooks Bayne in the Twitter Litter Box

Jai singh | 16:58 | Be the first to comment!
For those of you who could care less what happens in the bowels of Twitter, move along. Here's a jump. Look beneath if you're able to follow along, because I'm not 'splaining much.

Brooks Bayne is a wild character on the Twitter. He's amassed nearly 100K 'followers' (that word is troubling; a 'follower' is not someone who actually subsumes oneself to a @person or @institute, but someone who might be mildly interested in casually seeing their tweets scroll past in their timeline. I prefer 'casually interested party' to 'follower'; that's how I would term my interest) and with that 100K follower clout, he pretty much runs wild. He picks up enemies and friends, sometimes changing between the two as I would change socks.

That enemy-friend dichotomy spilled out of the 'twitterverse' into blogworld. Somehow, Bayne became an enemy to and with Todd Kincannon, another wildcat who just so happens to have 'invented' a popular hashtag, #TGDN, that not only allows like-minded twits to connect, but encourages them to 'follow' each other, to their mutual advantage. Because, Leftists, as is their wont, came up with methodology to 'kill' or 'suspend' accounts of ideologically opposing tweeters, by using an unfortunate Twitter mechanism called 'Spam Blocking'. Turns out that if one has a decent number of 'followers' then this spam-blocking technique by these Liberal Fascist Leftists is harder to pull off.

Last April, I posted on a spam-blocking 'list' put our by @SubCultureStuff (today she's called kidding!). That list, first made public then hidden for the #StopRush assholes to enjoy, survives in it's entirety here (you're welcome!). There was some @Twitter bruhahah, and @SubCultureStuff was banished from the Twitter forever. But there's still a litter box full of nastiness associated with @CatsrImportant...perhaps more, much more, on her in a later post? I've had good reason to keep a very close eye on her.

Back to Today, and Brooks Bayne. Today, we see Brooks Bayne's blog "The Trenches" put out another hit on @ToddKincannon. This is where I come in.

I don't care much for Kincannon's wildly loose cannon, but I appreciate his remarkable effort in establishing #TGDN. That worked so well, the Left had to establish #UniteBlue as answer to it.

Oh, quickly, on Unite Blue. #UniteBlue is the invention of Zach Green  @140elect  @UniteBlue (yes, they are one), a far-Left ObamaBot who runs a 'Twitter Political Consulting' firm, tightly cash-wadded to #OFA - Organizing for Action, Obama's perpetual campaign machine. I watched the Unite Blue - OFA work in concerted action last night: they created, using Direct Messaging between bunches of well-connected far-Left twits, a 'TwitterLaunche' of a new hashtag #WeDemandAVote, where in just a day or so some 36K+ tweets were launched against Democratic and Republican Congressperps, demanding they vote to disarm Americans. These Leftists really want to take guns from the American people.

To make this #WeDemandAVote work, these organized OFA - Unite Blue assholes created 'egg' accounts ('eggs' are new Twitter accounts with only one or two tweets, no followers; they are of zero use or value, except to spam Congressperps). It seems that OFA also moved people who hadn't tweeted in years to tweet, just to push their radical anti-gun agenda. They roused some from near-death (see this 'Martha Thayer' gal, screen shot captured above, who hadn't tweeted since Nov 26 2011) to get out and tweet. Either OFA 'Organized' Martha, or someone hacked that old account. Unsurprising, if so; Democrats are known to enlist dead voters, so why not hack and involve old Twitter accounts?

Back to Brooks Bayne. I noticed in the RSS feed I keep in my RSS Reader of teh crazee kat lady mentioned above, this encounter... (click to enlarge)

What you see there are some of the worst of the far-Left banshees all gathered 'round, surrounding and fondling Brooks Bayne. There's nothing good what'll come of that group, that's a fact. You see in the midst of that mess a mention of my friend Robert Stacy McCain of The Other McCain, always a target of the hindmost far-left goons. I don't know if Bayne has turned on him or not. Can't keep up with this high school crap, really.

In any event, I left a comment on 'The Trenches', and of course it went into moderation. You KNOW what I do with comments that go into moderation, don't you! Last night's comment left on that Organizing for Action - Tennessee: "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" post got screen captured, and it lives on. Just one post back.

Here's the comment left on "The Trenches", in case Brooks Bayne or his associates decide to not publish it...

So, that's done. Now I've other things to do.

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Saturday 23 February 2013

Organizing For Action - Tennessee: "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville"

Jai singh | 23:12 | Be the first to comment!
Organizing For Action - Tennessee (OFATN) trotted out "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" as an example for all their well-Community-Organized mind-numbed robots: a 'real' Tennessean, a 'real' gun owner, a 'real' hunter is actually FOR Barack Obama's anti-Constitutional desires to strangle American citizen's gun rights!

"Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" is certainly a rare bird. He's been given a sidearm as a prop (we know how much Obama enjoys using props, don't we?); supposedly he's a gun owner with a Concealed Carry Permit who somehow supports Barack Obama's grand scheme to further constrain our constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.

Guarantee this "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" fellow is NOT an NRA member. If he was, I'd personally revoke his membership myself.

Let's take a closer look at this heavyset 'John P. of Knoxville" fellow, shall we? (click on the OFA TN screenshot for a larger view)... (h/t geoffb, who also linked this Weaselzippers post)

Firstly, the sticker on "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville"'s (borrowed from his mother?) truck window.

"Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" is a Georgia Bulldog fan living in Knoxville, Tennessee, home of the University of Tennessee Volunteers. That immediately puts him at odds with some 95% of that town's inhabitants...there's no love lost between UT and UGA.

Next, we see "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" is really, really overweight. That screams out he's not much of an active 'sportsman' (well, hunting 'birds' isn't really an arduous task, now is it?).

'Hunting birds' to this guy likely means shooting starlings from his back porch with a pellet gun, or perhaps he does manage to shoot dove one day a year with his single-shot 20 gauge (dove season always starts at Noon on September 1st, and oh! the exercise one gets by standing or sitting in a field for 4 hours! we can tell, "John P.", it ain't much).

Small birds, I'm thinking. "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" doesn't look or seem much like he's a duck hunter; duck hunters always say 'duck' or 'goose' hunting when they speak of their sport, and they tend to look down at lowly 'small' 'bird' hunters (much like Barack Obama looks down at the majority of Tennesseans, because we kicked his ass twice now, didn't we? Oh, and also Albert Gore was smashed by his home State in 2000!).

That's the  big win for Organizing For Action - Tennessee (OFATN): finding a goober who would play along with their game. The reason they trotted out obese "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville"? because Barack Hussein Obama lost Tennessee twice (and he'd lose again, even worse next time, if somehow he could finagle a way to run again).

Obama's organizing minions of Organizing For Action - Tennessee are desperate to find someone seeming normal who will toe their far-Left ideological line long enough to get their picture taken, while seeming like a 'normal' gun owner. But "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" is not a representative of gun owners, nor a representative of Tennessee (well, we'll give OFA-TN some of the larger city's inner-city blocs of well-Community-Organized voters who've been easily Community Organized with gifts of phones and other 'free' trinkets and promises of 'more to come', if only Barack Obama could wrest away from the 'evil rich' monies and goods they somehow earned but obviously don't deserve).

Quite a coup, for Organizing For Action - Tennessee (OFATN) to find an oaf who would demean himself like this "Gun Owner John P. of Knoxville" just did.

Oh, another reason I posted this tonight? I left a comment you see there in the screenshot for the Organizing Minions on the "Organizing For Action - Tennessee" web site. Of course, my comment went straight to moderation, and it will never see the light of day there. Except, it will!

How's about that, Organizing for Action - Tennessee? I posted my comment that I left on your crappy site right here, with the proof that I left it, and that you stifled it! You go to all that trouble to find some squirrelly bird-brain ready to demean himself, and you won't allow my comments for him?

Not posting my comment? That's not gonna cut it in Tennessee, Obama-sheepboys of Organizing for Action - Tennessee! You just found yourself shined and spotlighted with the bright beam of an empowered blogger who decided to include himself on your home astroturf.

I did what you recommended: I did ACT! And I am Empowered! I am now Included~!

Oh, and this:

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