Monday 31 October 2011

Herman Cain: I j'accuse, says...WHO? WHO IS CAIN'S RIELLE HUNTER?

Jai singh | 09:46 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Herman Cain is a businessman first, which means he’s had plenty of sexual harassment avoidance training by necessity. When a man can get accused of supposed deviancy for complimenting a woman (“nice dress” or “love your hair”) or for holding a door ajar and smiling, one must learn quickly to carefully guard every utterance and prejudge every physical motion. And even then, after years of careful and controlled behavior, a ‘trained’ feminist can ‘pick’ whatever signal she wants to imagine, and can then build a case out of absolutely nothing, using smoke and mirrors. Happens every day.

The higher up in an organization one advances, the deeper one’s pockets are perceived to be, the better target one makes.

Herman Cain says he was accused, but that sexual harassment never happened. I believe him.

Just who is coming out and making these claims? A name and a face, please.

Was this planted at Politico (a known LeftLibProgg presence) by a Democrat or by one of Perry's punks?

I just want to see what this 'new' Rielle looks like. And if a can of Coke or Pepsi is involved.

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Saturday 29 October 2011

Are you still an Obama voter? Forget getting Concealed Carry permit training from Crockett Keller, a Good Man in Texas.

Jai singh | 16:42 | | | | Be the first to comment!

Crockett Keller's CHL Radio Ad, from deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country.

…”We will attempt to teach you all the necessary information you need to obtain your [Concealed Handgun License],” the ad says. Then towards the end, it adds: “If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision under the law.”…
Can't say as I can blame 'ole Crockett for his convictions. Personally, I can't stand being around Obama supporters. Unless of course they've changed their tune since their Mistake of '08.

Why do far-Left Democrats want guns in the first place? That Party's long-time platform is antagonistic to our 2nd Amendment; their Party's prezzidint-man and his crooked henchman Eric (Resignation Watch!) Holder attempted to do a hatchet job on our rights, with this ill-conceived 'Fast and Furious' plot. Watch that scandal, and the Solyndra funding debacle closely: neither are going away anytime soon..

These current far-Left Democrats who are also die-hard dirty socialists and Obama supporters (but I repeat myself) aren't worthy or deserving of CCP training, really. Give 'em slingshots. Or spears to chuck.

h/t SondraK

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Saturday Photo: Black Bears

Jai singh | 07:07 | Be the first to comment!
What's cool about the GSMNP? Black bears, baby. And the walnuts what bring 'em.

This is as close as your intrepid photographer wanted to get, without benefit of Dukakis' tank.

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Hallowe'en Democrats

Jai singh | 06:15 | Be the first to comment!
Couldn't resist...

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Friday 28 October 2011

Friday Video: Time-Lapse Arizona!

Jai singh | 06:13 | | Be the first to comment!
This is incredible. Enjoy~!

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Eric Holder on Resignation Watch: 'Fast and Furious' chickens coming home to ROOST

Jai singh | 05:54 | Be the first to comment!
It's a first step; getting Holder, then climb the ladder. This Administration tried to 'Alinsky' our 2nd Amendment rights; allowing (no, encouraging) gun runners to take illegal weapons into Mexico, the end result, they hoped, was to point at these guns flowing freely and clamp down on gun owner's rights. Didn't work out so well, did it, Holder? Don't let the door hit you on your dirty socialist ass on the way out.

Holder’s days as attorney general may be numbered as resignation calls double overnight

Attorney General Eric Holder’s tenure in the Obama administration may be coming to an end. At least eight members of Congress have now called on Holder to resign over the growing Operation Fast and Furious scandal.
Republican Reps. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri, John Mica of Florida, Quico Canseco of Texas and Gus Bilirakis of Florida each told The Daily Caller on Thursday that they believe Holder should step down now. The number of members of Congress calling for Holder to end his career in government because of Fast and Furious is now eight, a number which has doubled in one day.
Previously, Republican Reps. Joe Walsh of Illinois, Raul Labrador of Idaho, Blake Farenthold of Texas and Paul Gosar of Arizona called on Holder to resign.
A spokesperson for Mica, a powerful congressman who serves on the House oversight committee and chairs the House Transportation Committee, told TheDC that he “thinks Attorney General Holder should resign, for more than just the Fast and Furious operation mishandling.”
Hartzler spokesman Steven Walsh said the congresswoman doesn’t think Holder is capable of leading the Justice Department after his flimsy May 3 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.
“Congresswoman Hartzler is of the opinion that documents pertaining to Fast and Furious call into question Attorney General Holder’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee,” Walsh said in an email. “In particular, she is concerned with his testimony regarding knowledge of the timeline of the gun program. Given the information we now have, she is of the opinion that Mr. Holder is not up to the task of advocating on behalf of the American people and should resign.”
At that May 3 hearing, Holder said he had not learned of Operation Fast and Furious until a few weeks before — even though Iowa GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley told TheDC he personally handed Holder an inquiry letter about the scandal months before. (RELATED: Rep. Joe Walsh to Holder: ‘Resign immediately’)
Since then Grassley and House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, the two leading congressional Fast and Furious investigators, have probed the White House for answers to questions about how Obama knew of the program before Holder claims he knew. Obama addressed Operation Fast and Furious in an interview on Univision about a month before Holder claims he first learned of the gun-walking program.
In an email, Canseco told TheDC that Operation Fast and Furious endangered many Americans in his Texas district, which includes “almost 800 miles of U.S.–Mexico border that is already struggling to deal with the threat of Mexican cartels and violence that is spilling over from Mexico into the United States.”
“Attorney General Holder’s approval of an operation that could put the lives of Americans at risk, as was the case with Operation Fast and Furious, and the fact that he misled Congress — whether intentionally or not — about his involvement has demonstrated to me that he does not possess the judgment that I believe is necessary to serve in the position of Attorney General of the United States,” Canseco said.
“Attorney General Holder’s lack of judgment has only made the situation along the U.S.–Mexico border that much more difficult to deal with as he made it possible for the Mexican cartels to be better armed, compliments of the American taxpayer.”
Canseco added that it would be in the best interest of Americans’ safety for Holder to step aside now.
“I call on him to put the safety and interests of the American people first and resign as Attorney General,” Canseco said.
Eric Holder must go. But please don't let him destroy any records that might help prove Barack Obama approved of his minion's actions.

And guess what? No matter how much BHO and LeftLibProgg Democrats disapprove, gun ownership by Americans is at an all-time high.
Skeezeballs and perverts beware: Ladies have access to guns these days, and they aren’t afraid to talk about it.
Self-reported gun ownership is at an all-time high among women, according to Gallup’s annual poll on gun ownership in the United States.
According to Gallup, 43 percent of women report household gun ownership, up from 33 percent in 2009. The poll found that 23 percent of women personally own firearms.
The trend follows a rise in U.S. gun ownership in general, regardless of party affiliation or region.
Forty-seven percent of American adults say they have a gun in their home or elsewhere on their property. That’s up from 41 percent a year ago, and the highest percentage since 1993.
Republicans are still more likely to report gun ownership, but the number of Democratic gun owners spiked dramatically — rising from 30 percent in 2009 to 40 percent this year.
Gallup’s Oct. 6–9 poll also determined that public support for personal gun rights is at an all-time high.

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Thursday 27 October 2011

Amendment 4:20: FREE SHIT

Jai singh | 06:18 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
I saw this buried in the pw commentary, written by Squid; it needs to see light-of-day and wider distribution, since the Left wants to take as a Constitutional Right 'free lunches'. From the Dirty Socialist Bill of Rights...

Amendment 3.14: FREE SHIT. The rightf of the People, seeing that otherf have more shit than they, to affemble and rediftribute said shit until such time af their shitty needf be satiffied, shall not be abridged.

4:20 is better as Amendment classifier I'm thinking, because that's the 'smoke it if you gots it!' time of day, and commensurate with the 'free shit' attitude these neo-Marxists espouse.

Oh, and this...

EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role in 'Occupy' Movement

The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, is playing a key role in the self-proclaimed “leaderless” Occupy Wall Street movement, organizing “guerrilla” protest events and hiring door-to-door canvassers to collect money under the banner of various causes while spending it on protest-related activities, sources tell

The former director of New York ACORN, Jon Kest, and his top aides are now busy working at protest events for New York Communities for Change (NYCC). That organization was created in late 2009 when some ACORN offices disbanded and reorganized under new names after undercover video exposes prompted Congress to cut off federal funds.

NYCC’s connection to ACORN isn’t a tenuous one: It works from the former ACORN offices in Brooklyn, uses old ACORN office stationery, employs much of the old ACORN staff and, according to several sources, engages in some of the old organization’s controversial techniques to raise money, interest and awareness for the protests.

Sources said NYCC has hired about 100 former ACORN-affiliated staff members from other cities – paying some of them $100 a day - to attend and support Occupy Wall Street. Dozens of New York homeless people recruited from shelters are also being paid to support the protests, at the rate of $10 an hour, the sources said.

At least some of those hired are being used as door-to-door canvassers to collect money that’s used to support the protests.

Sources said cash donations collected by NYCC on behalf of some unions and various causes are being pooled and spent on Occupy Wall Street. The money is used to buy supplies, pay staff and cover travel expenses for the ex-ACORN members brought to New York for the protests.

In one such case, sources said, NYCC staff members collected cash donations for what they were told was a United Federation of Teachers fundraising drive, but the money was diverted to the protests.

Sources who participated in the teachers union campaign said NYCC supervisors gave them the addresses of union members and told them to go knock on their doors and ask for contributions—and did not mention that the money would go toward Occupy Wall Street expenses. One source said the campaign raked in about $5,000.

And we thought that bunch of dirty socialists was 'disbanded'. Not so. Didn't stake 'em through the heart.

But finding the taint of ACORN definitely show Obama's hand right on the control levers of "Occupy Wall Street", doesn't it?

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Wednesday 26 October 2011

What is "Occupy" ?

Jai singh | 16:30 | Be the first to comment!

"America has to wake up to this new reality: the Cold War battle between
communism and capitalism is back, only this time it's on our front porch.
It went underground in the 70s, got an education, put on a suit, bought a
house and had a couple of kids. Then it used the schools to educate new
foot soldiers and manipulated the pop culture to indoctrinate the next
generation of fellow travelers who seek to create a new world order in the
image of old world Marxism." Read the entire article, "The Revolutionaries'
Revenge" by Sally Zelikovksy at and watch "The
Occupation Manifesto" produced by Sally Zelikovsky, Steve Kemp, and Virginia Walters
and listen to the Occupiers
discuss their Marxist vision for America.

Read the "American Thinker" article at

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Occupy Oakland: Tear Gassed, Bean Bagged, Wooden Dowelled, Arrested: UP TWINKLES~!

Jai singh | 04:56 | | | Be the first to comment!
Seems the gloves are off in Oakland, where dirty 'Occupy Wall Street' socialists were evicted from their squalid encampment in Frank Ogawa Plaza. After, they decided to 'down twinkles' the police; who responded with tear gas, rubber bullets, wooden dowels and bean bags.

Most of the losers went home, to clean(er) beds in mom's basements. Some die-hards are still wandering the streets (the plaza is closed for cleaning of 'debris and defecate').

The rolling protest came about 12 hours after hundreds of police from across the Bay Area rousted about 300 people from the two-week old camp at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. Tensions escalated after protesters vowed to return to the plaza, which was left with tents overturned and food, carpet, personal belongings and mounds of trash strewn on the lawn.

"We had to deploy gas to stop people from throwing rocks and bottles at police," said Interim Police Chief Howard Jordan, adding that he was unsure about what other crowd control methods were used by outside police agencies. There were unconfirmed reports that flash-bang grenades and wood dowels were launched at protesters.

Following the pre-dawn raid, about 500 protesters initially met at the main branch of the Oakland library at 4 p.m., chanting that they would "reclaim" what they now call Oscar Grant Plaza named for the unarmed man who was killed in 2009 by a BART police officer.

The demonstrators sparred with hundreds of police for more than six hours forcing police to close streets, reroute traffic and launch four rounds of bean bags into the crowd of protesters.

At one of the most tense moments
near Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, sparks from explosives thrown at police by protesters and tear gas canisters could be seen exploding over the scattering crowd.

The number of protest injuries were not immediately known, but two officers were hurt when protesters splattered them with paint.

As of late Tuesday, the crowd had not dispersed and an earlier tweet by Occupy Oakland organizers gave locations where the group wanted people to congregate and urged demonstrators to "bring

Chief Jordan said 102 people were arrested Tuesday, the majority taken into custody before dawn. ...

One officer said that during the camp shutdown, protesters threw bottles, skillets, other kitchen utensils and rocks at police. They also "threw plates at us like Frisbees," the officer said. Police confirmed that protesters had set off a fire extinguisher and several low-level explosives to try to deter oncoming police.

Frank H. Ogawa Plaza will remain closed until public health and safety conditions can be improved; this includes debris, human waste and hazardous materials removal.

Heh: 'Occupy' Jail, losers.


In other news, United States President Barack Hussein Obama sympathizes with the Occupy Wall Street Dirty Socialists...

"Never let a crisis go to waste, man! That's my key moocher voting bloc! I'll 'community organize' the hell out of those stupid kids, and coast right into 2013 victorious, so's M'Chelle can get in some more taxpayer-funded VACAY~!!"
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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Herman Cain 2012 - campaign video

Jai singh | 06:26 | | | | Be the first to comment!

Take this country back from the Train Wreckers on the Left. There's nothing they can do to make things better; they've had years in which to show us something.

They've showed us nothing but falling employment and rising debt, and offer us nothing but Socialism and Communism.

Kick the Democrats to the curb. For the sake of our CHILDREN~!
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Monday 24 October 2011

OCCUPY Nashville

Jai singh | 05:50 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Grow the Gulch? No, fill it with #OCCUPYNashville 'tards, and cover it up.

But that'd be a problem: I drove by the Legislative Plaza yesterday after the Titans' spectacular whupping to see the masses of steenking left-wing humanity that've come out to support these pushes for mass American socialism; but they weren't there. There were a couple tents, and some dude with two dogs sitting outside of one. But mostly Legislative Plaza was filled with kids on skates.

At least the poor dirty socialist brought along his girlfriend(s).

 Dunno, maybe the kids on skates WERE the vaunted OCCUPY forces. We know now that most of these OCCUPY people are white kids with substantive parents; kids who are spoiled with the latest electronic toys and gadgets and designer jeans who think their $30K per year 'higher' educations should be funded by you and me; educations that consisted of 'Ethnic Studies' or other pop-psychobabblings that are not marketable. No wonder they can't find paying jobs, other than burger-flippers or toilet-scrubbers.

I laugh, laugh, LAUGH! at their pathetic efforts.

If they and their nationwide counterparts did somehow manage to destabilize this Republic's economy, then they will be held responsible. I'm afraid they will then learn some very hard lessons indeed.


Oh Noes! Authoritarian Oppression at Obamaville Boston! Occupy Boston Has Internal Security Force!
(Boston Metro) –Up and down the makeshift sidewalks inside Tent City Square, muffled voices come through the walkie-talkies attached to people wearing neon-colored vests.

These are the members of the Safety Team — the policing patrol within Occupy Boston’s encampment.
On the heels of an incident last Sunday night, when a heroin addict allegedly pulled a knife on protesters and urinated on a tent, the eight-person security team has been trying to keep the makeshift community more safe.

“[The issue of homelessness] and crime here is no different than it is in society in general,” said Devon Pendleton, a protester.

Heh. Don't you love it? Obamaville Nashville has some growing to do, lads. Let's see you work up a proper 'Dirty Socialist' movement; fill Legislative Plaza with your tents and 'tards and make us PROUD!

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Sunday 23 October 2011

Titans fail to OCCUPY their End Zone. The Texans, however, did OCCUPY theirs, and frequently.

Jai singh | 20:31 | | | | Be the first to comment!

This was one miserable game, from start to finish. The booing started in the 1st Quarter; the booing was ominous.

The Defense was booed for it's inability to stop a known-sorry-ass Texan offense (both pass and run); the Offense was booed for it's inability to run, or pass (and catch) the damned ball. The entire overall effort of this Titans team, today, was one big, fat, collective FAILURE to COMPETE.

CJ didn't stand out as a catalyst because that $53 million is weighing him down, but he's not the only player on the team. Sure, he was paid the 'big bucks' to get out there and be a 'spark', but there's other players too that could've stood out. There was no team member with any 'sparks' whatsoever; no one else stood out as a 'team leader'. There was no evidence that anyone on that field was putting out the extra effort that's required of a professional NFL team player. I was reminded of the Titans team that lost in the snow, 59-0, to the New England Patriots back in 2009. If the Titans hadn't been playing at home, and were matched up against a better team than the lame-ass Texans, they might've had those numbers eclipsed today.

Fans were calling for backup QB Jake Locker just past halftime. He did come in during 'garbage' time, but he's no Tim Tebow.

Whatever those players and coaches did during the bye week was ineffectual. Yes, for that, blame the coaching staff as well. Munchak and his staff were out-coached.

Lame ducks, the lot of 'em. We expect much better, really.

Oh, some photos. At least I had fun with these.

A-10 (s) Overflight. This is what Ahmadinnerjacket is gonna see, next president.

Matt Hasselbeck: 14 for 30, 104 Yds, 1 TD, 2 INT. Lousy.
Matt Schaub: 18/23, 296 Yds, 2 TD, 0 INT. Winning.
Jake Locker: 1/1, 12 Yds, 0 TD, 0 Int
Tim Tebow: 13/27, 161 YDS, 2 TD

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TEA Party Nation: "Call For A Strike of American Small Businesses Against The Movement for Global Socialism"

Jai singh | 08:44 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Dated October 18, 2011.

My question: why so late? We've been doing this since the Immaculation*.

“I’m on strike!” - Ellis Wyatt, from the end of the movie "Atlas Shrugged, Part 1", based on the novel by Ayn Rand

Resolved that: The Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Senate, in alliance with a global Progressive socialist movement, have participated in what appears to be a globalist socialist agenda of redistribution of wealth, and the waging of class warfare against our constitutional republic's heritage of individual rights, free market capitalism, and indeed our Constitution itself, with the ultimate goal of collapsing the U.S. economy and globalizing us into socialism.

Resolved that: President Obama has seized what amount to dictatorial powers to bypass our Congress, and that because the Congress is controlled by a Progressive socialist Senate that will not impeach one of their kind, they have allowed this and yielded what are rightfully congressional powers to this new dictator.

Resolved that: By their agenda and actions, those in our government who swore oaths to protect and defend our Constitution have committed treason against the United States.

Resolved that: The current administration and Democrat majority in the Senate, in conjunction with Progressive socialists from all around the country, especially those from Hollywood and the left leaning news media ( Indeed, most of the news media. ) have worked in unison to advance an anti-business, an anti-free market, and an anti-capitalist ( anti-individual rights and property ownership ) agenda.

Resolved that: These same factions expect that, by carrying out a radical anti-business agenda, which includes the passage and inflicting of Obama"Care" on our nation, class warfare and redistribution of wealth, and expanding the government, while killing businesses in this country with an environment hostile to business, including excessive regulations ( the average business must now spend about $11,700 per year per employee to comply with government regulations! ), and by borrowing and wasting more money than has been spent in the entire previous existence of our republic, that they will "create jobs", when in fact all they have "created" have been government jobs that consume wealth, and don't "create" it.

Resolved that: Our President, the Democrats-Socialists, most of the media, and most of those from Hollywood, have now encouraged and supported "Occupy" demonstrations in our streets, which are now being perpetrated across the globe, and which are being populated by various marxists, socialists and even communists, and are protesting against business, private property ownership and capitalism, something I thought I'd never see in my country, in my lifetime.

I, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped.

I hereby declare that my job creation potential is now ceased.

“I’m on strike!”

Yes, that's the way it's been.

Again, why so late?


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Twenty-Four Years Ago Today: "The Ugliness Started With Bork"

Jai singh | 07:08 | Be the first to comment!

"The Bork fight, in some ways, was the beginning of the end of civil discourse in politics."

Joe Nocera, writing in the New York Times, 'gets it': the straight-line reason why we have such a great divide between the Republicans and the Leftists. It all started 24 years ago today; when Democrats culminated what was a no-holds-barred attack on Robert Bork, Ronald Reagan's most excellent nominee to the Supreme Court.

Ronald Reagan and Robert Bork

On Oct. 23, 1987 — 24 years ago on Sunday — Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court was voted down by the Senate. All but two Democrats voted “nay.”

The rejection of a Supreme Court nominee is unusual but not unheard of (see Clement Haynsworth Jr.). But rarely has a failed nominee had the pedigree — and intellectual firepower — of Bork. He had been a law professor at Yale, the solicitor general of the United States and, at the time Ronald Reagan tapped him for the court, a federal appeals court judge.

Moreover, Bork was a legal intellectual, a proponent of original intent and judicial restraint. The task of the judge, he once wrote, is “to discern how the framers’ values, defined in the context of the world they knew, apply to the world we know.” He said that Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion, was a “wholly unjustifiable judicial usurpation” of authority that belonged to the states, that the court’s recent rulings on affirmative action were problematic and that the First Amendment didn’t apply to pornography.

Whatever you think of these views, they cannot be fairly characterized as extreme; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, among many others, has questioned the rationale offered by the court to justify Roe v. Wade. Nor was Bork himself an extremist. He was a strongly opinionated, somewhat pugnacious, deeply conservative judge. (At 84 today, he hasn’t mellowed much either, to judge from an interview he recently gave Newsweek.)

I bring up Bork not only because Sunday is a convenient anniversary. His nomination battle is also a reminder that our poisoned politics is not just about Republicans behaving badly, as many Democrats and their liberal allies have convinced themselves. Democrats can be — and have been — every bit as obstructionist, mean-spirited and unfair.

That is all correct.

Robert Bork was a 'Good Man', an intellectual giant, and a proponent of Constitutional original intent, looking only to the meaning of the text's intent as written by the authors; not looking to redefine the text as left-Liberals have done, to re-frame the meaning for their ideological agenda. And, later, after the nomination of Robert Bork was scuttled, some of the Leftists admitted their wrongdoing...

But liberals couldn’t just come out and say that. “If this were carried out as an internal Senate debate,” Ann Lewis, the Democratic activist, would later acknowledge, “we would have deep and thoughtful discussions about the Constitution, and then we would lose.” So, instead, the Democrats sought to portray Bork as “a right-wing loony,” to use a phrase in a memo written by the Advocacy Institute, a liberal lobby group.

Liberals always lose when the Constitution is interpreted as intended, because this Republic was NOT conceived to become the Leftist Hell-Hole these pricks desire.

The character assassination began the day Bork was nominated, when Ted Kennedy gave a fiery speech describing “Robert Bork’s America” as a place “in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters,” and so on. It continued until the day the nomination was voted down; one ad, for instance, claimed, absurdly, that Bork wanted to give “women workers the choice between sterilization and their job.”

Conservatives were stunned by the relentlessness — and the essential unfairness — of the attacks. But the truth is that many of the liberals fighting the nomination also knew they were unfair. That same Advocacy Institute memo noted that, “Like it or not, Bork falls (perhaps barely) at the borderline of respectability.” It didn’t matter. He had to be portrayed “as an extreme ideological activist.” The ends were used to justify some truly despicable means.
Ted Kennedy and his 'Son'

Ah yes, Ted (Mary Jo Kopechne) Kennedy, the 'Liberal Lion' of the Senate. May he rot in whatever place he finds himself. There's some good riddance.

Oh, an aside: the CLASS Act, that piece of ObamaCare that was scuttled last week? That was the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, with which he had a lifelong love affair. What a shame it could never succeed! but like most of these far-fetched Lefty goals, there's just no way they can be sustained in the 'real world'.


Today, of course, the court has a conservative majority, and liberal victories are, indeed, being overturned. Interestingly, Bolick says Bork’s beliefs would have made him a restraining force. Theodore Olson, who served as solicitor general under George W. Bush, also pointed out that after Bork, nominees would scarcely acknowledge that they had rich and nuanced judicial philosophies for fear of giving ammunition to the other side. Those philosophies would be unveiled only after they were on the court.

Mostly, though, the point remains this: The next time a liberal asks why Republicans are so intransigent, you might suggest that the answer lies in the mirror.

That's right, LeftLibProggs. Look in the damned mirror, you will see not only see the reason we fight you, but you'll see anything but a true defender of America's Constitution.

A comment from the NYT site, by a 'liberal'...
The Constitution is a great document, but the institutions it created are failing in modern world. Hopefully, we'll be able to reconsider the document peacefully, and make the necessary institutional changes.
Hopefully, you can rot in hell, soonest.

You borked Robert Bork. Thanks for that, really, because you awakened a sleeping giant that, once mobilized, will not allow your hostile takeover of this little Republic.

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Saturday 22 October 2011

In which I do a 'Movie Review' of Cowboy Blob's short film 'Top Shot Audition'.

Jai singh | 15:05 | | | Be the first to comment!

This short film is intended to be a parody of the audition requirements of the History Channel's 'Top Shot', a shooting competition that... requires an audition. Since I've never seen 'Top Shot', ever, I had to familiarize myself with the show, so as to understand the spoofing. From the 'Top Shot' website...

Are you skilled with a pistol, a rifle or another firearm? You could win $100,000 in prizes on the hit marksmanship competition Top Shot. We’re looking for people with amazing shooting abilities and lots of charisma to take on exciting, physically demanding challenges that test their command of guns and projectile weapons.

It doesn't matter whether you're professionally trained or completely self-taught, an Annie Oakley or an average Joe. As long as you're in good physical shape, have mastered a firearm and can adapt to new weapons and intense physical situations, you could be America's next "Top Shot."

Email with your name, city, state, phone number, a recent photo of yourself and a brief explanation of why you are America's "Top Shot." For more information, visit Producers will get in touch if they need additional information.

This is an ongoing casting call. Currently there is no deadline for submissions or schedule for the final casting process and production of the next season. Still, we’d like to hear from you!

Huh. I could do that, as I'm skilled with a variety of weapons, including (but not limited to) pistols and knives. Rifles, well, I enjoy lever guns that have iron sights. Shotguns? any fool can use one of those! (just kidding; my inlaws are all duck - geese hunters and pride themselves on long-shot takedowns from their rented duck blinds, whilst sitting in rocking boats, in 20-degree weather where the even the dogs are shivery. Sheesh).

The review: bad news first. The film's soundtrack needs some major work. I've a nice set of speakers, and a subwoofer; the film's sound tracks up and down and side-to-side in an off-putting manner. The lead actor's voice, beginning at around 0:17, is tinny, and stays tinny throughout; I had to turn up the sound level to hear him. Worse, at 1:54, the sound drifts way left-speaker.

All good from here out! The shooting outtakes from various at-the-range videos are excellent. At about the 1:00 mark, the actor gets active in your neighborhood, taking out various suburbanites; when I first watched that, I though "uh-oh, there's gonna be some whining from the usual suspects: crybabies who think that this sort of thing isn't promoting safe shooting or bringing the shooting sports up to a high-enough level!" Sure enough, at the YouTube site, a comment from @GunWebsites...

Normally I like your vids.. not this one

I thought you were trying to be a positive example for the firearms community..

I just don't understand how this is funny.

Not a screeching rant from an anti-gun left-loon like one of MikeB302000's ilk, but still troubling. The intent of this short is NOT to promote 'gun safety' or anything like that, but to parody - spoof a for-reals shooting competition's audition, and to do so in a hilarious way. Cowboy's use of humans as the 'targets' is not any different from using humans as targets in 'Enemies at the Gates' or 'Sniper', or any of a long list of first-person shooter video games. If you want to protest actors getting shot, there's a long list of priors you can begin with. Lighten up, Francis!

Cowboy 'takes one' for the film at 1:48. One thing I'd like to have seen: the final shot, taken at 1:53, after carefully lining up on a glass beer bottle, didn't produce the visual of shattering glass (oh...something I'd never do - again: line up on a coke bottle at about 100 yards out, carefully acquire the target in my scope, and squeeze off a 6mm round that turned that coke bottle into a cloud of silicon dust! never again I say!).

Overall, I'll give this short a 3.7 out of a 5.0 possible. Audio gets a paltry 2.7; gunnery and weapons a solid 5.0.

(Now, where's that beer, Cowboy?   )

UPDATE 11/5/11
Cowboy's final 'Top Shot Audition' cut, cleaned up and re-released:

Looks (and sounds) great!

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JUSTIAGATE: The fraudulent scrubbing of Minor v. Happersett 88 US 162 (1875) in 2008, by justia dot com

Jai singh | 09:09 | | Be the first to comment!
This speaks to Obama's eligibility, NOT to his place of birth. Seems the case law that defined his eligibility was painstakingly removed from all 'easily publicly-accessible' records, long before his 'natural-born' eligibility was questioned. Now, the Main Stream Media is checking it out.

From the Portland Examiner... JustiaGate:

Date Published: October 20, 2011

Someone was incredibly busy in June 2008 working on an illegal front invisible to the public; searching and altering Supreme Court Cases published at which cite the only case in American history - Minor v. Happersett (1875) - to directly construe Article 2 Section 1's natural-born citizen clause in determining a citizenship issue as part of its holding and precedent. In this unanimous decision, the Supreme Court defined a "native or natural-born citizen" as a person born in the US to parents who were citizens; a definition which excludes from eligibility both Barack Obama and John McCain.

In June 2008 no one was discussing Minor v. Happersett 88 US 162 (1875) with regard to Obama. In fact, those who were discussing the then Senator’s citizenship status had focused instead on his birth in Hawaii in a attempt to prove the future president was not born in the United States despite publication of the Senator’s short form computer generated Birth Certificate. It would not be until October of 2008 that Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility would be questioned as to his status as a dual citizen at the time of his birth.

Meanwhile, at the “Supreme Court Center” of the influential legal research website, efforts were underway corrupting at least 25 Supreme Court cases by erasing references to the words "Minor V. Happersett" along with references to other relevant cases on the issue along with the insertion of misleading numerical citations. And In two documented cases actual text was removed.

Clearly this was done in these specific cases in order to prevent their being found by internet researchers long before anyone had even begun to look for them, even before Obama would win the Democratic Nomination at the DNC Convention in Denver, Colorado in August '08. This is premeditation and intent to deceive.

So far, 25 corrupted SCOTUS have been identified, and this number may continue to rise as the scope of the tampering becomes apparent. These cases all relied upon Minor, some specifically referencing its definition of Natural Born Citizen - a definition which makes Obama ineligible to be President as that definition is part of the holding and continuing precedent, issued from the highest court in our nation making it the law of the land, even now.

The most extreme sabotage so far discovered appears to have been done to the landmark decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark which was sabotaged to remove "Minor v. Happersett" three times, along with one reference to "Scott v Sandford", another to the Slaughterhouse Cases and some accompanying text relevant to the issue. These surgical alterations would alter and shape the national dialogue; leaving a persistent and incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the 'natural born citizen' clause. There is no doubt whatsoever that this was the specific intent of those responsible for this illegal editing of American history and law.

As previously mentioned, the specific distinction between Citizen and Natural Born Citizen made in Minor v. Happersett is in the holding of the case, the section which creates the Law, and it is this Law which has been repeatedly cited over the decades since. In order to minimize the importance of Minor, someone at Justia deliberately decided to make these supporting citations as difficult as possible to find.

This has had the desired effect, diluting the importance of Minor v. Happersett in the national dialogue across the blogosphere's political spectrum ever since. The end result: the one case which defines Natural Born Citizen was reduced to seeming irrelevance, and thus the conversation never got past doorkeepers already in Obama’s camp in the mainstream media.

Of course, a lawyer going into Court would never rely upon anything but an official source for Supreme Court law, but 99.9% of the population have no access to dusty law texts, or expensive legal research services such as Lexis and Westlaw. Those who committed these crimes were well aware of this, and used it to their advantage.

The manipulation at diluted the importance of Minor by killing the citations in Supreme Court cases spanning over 100 years. Since Google most often returns's version of the case being searched for as the first or second hit, Justia's version of Supreme Court opinions are most influential in the blogosphere's forums and comments. Erasing those citations and text on the internet literally erases the importance of Minor and its precedents to millions of Americans otherwise unlikely to ever step into physical Law Library.

This is nothing short of appalling. Justia swapped their tampered versions of the cases for the actual Supreme Court opinions and then pawned them off as if the tampered versions contained the "Full Text" of the Supreme Court's opinions. Yet Justia CEO Tim Stanley claims that making case law available to the public for free is the mission of Justia. In reality, Justia has been re-inventing our legal history and passing it off as genuine.

Attorney Donofrio's Full report " Surgically Removed “Minor v Happersett” from 25 Supreme Court Opinions in run up to ’08 Election", published today explains that exposure to criminal punishment is a direct result of not just the tampering, but more specifically, as a result of placing text on every tampered page which states, "Full text of case":
Regardless of who you supported in 2008, or whether you agree with the assertion of Minor’s relevance, every American should be outraged that 25 Supreme Court cases were surgically sabotaged and then passed off to the public as if the tampered versions contained the “Full Text of Case”. This is the very definition of “Orwellian” fascism. It’s propaganda And there is no place for it in the United States. The sacrifices for truth and justice which created and have sustained this nation are wantonly debased by the subversive deception emanating from servers. - Leo Donofrio Esq.

Clearly, the corruption of Supreme Court Cases was systemic and surgically targeted within, one of the largest and best known legal research sites on the internet. Justia is nothing if not efficient in driving traffic to its site; this is after all their business. Today they partner with Google and have Google Analytics within their site which does two things; it increases Justia’s visibility on Google searches, and it pushes their website to the top of those searches done on legal issues. When specific search terms are erased out of a document, naturally that document will not appear on a search. Anyone searching for the case name “Minor v. Happersett” and “citizenship” would never see the dozens of cases manipulated by

Justia founder Tim Stanley has for years prided himself and his companies on principles of ‘freedom of information’. On June 19th, 2008, Stanley addressed the Legislative Council Committee at the Oregon State Legislature with the following statements:
"Our goal is to provide academic researchers, government officials, attorneys, and the public with advanced features, including full‐text search, annotations by legal professionals, and comparison tools to visualize the differences in the law between the individual states…”
"In the end, we both recognize the importance of providing the public with online access to our nation’s laws because such actions promote understanding, participation in and respect for our democratic institutions and legal system."
To describe these comments, made at roughly the same time Supreme Court Cases were being scrubbed and deliberately altered at his site as ironic, is an understatement of gross proportions.

Only a person thoroughly educated in the law would know precisely which cases to look for in order to direct the changes to be made to those cases. Furthermore, only someone with access to’s database could physically make these changes from inside the website. This artificially created a near empty result set and the cases which did turn up led those inexperienced in the law, nowhere.
This appears to violate every principle Tim Stanley and have built their business upon.

The manipulations at were initially discovered by Attorney Leo Donofrio on July 1, 2011, when he published his initial report, “ Caught Red Handed Hiding References to Minor v. Happersett In Published US Supreme Court Decisions,”. Upon publication of his original discovery documenting the sabotage of Boyd v. Nebraska, and Pope v. Williams, two Supreme Court cases which cite to Minor v. Happersett as precedent on citizenship, two things happened almost immediately: First, the altered pages were returned to their original versions at Justia within an hour or so of Donofrio’s publication. Second, despite Justia CEO Tim Stanley's cries for freedom of legal information (and law suits compelling the same), robots have now been placed on the Justia URL's for the Boyd and Pope cases at, also known as the Waybackmachine. These robots make it impossible to see the tampering as it unfolded in mid-2008... with those cases.

So much for freedom of information.

One can, however, still see the tampering from screenshots taken by Donofrio and are attached to that original report on July 1, 2011 at his blog, Natural Born Citizen, which has been singularly focused on the issue of Presidential eligibility since late 2008.

As Donofrio documents in his article today, when he discovered a third tampered case, instead of rushing to publish it, he contacted a number of other bloggers and reporters to help document the evidence before Justia dispersed their robots to block it. While Donofrio originally only discovered two cases of tampering, somebody at Justia knew where the bones were buried and went about reinstating "Minor v. Happersett" in the at least 25 cases which it had earlier sabotaged. It appears that whoever knew about these additional despoiled cases, must have believed by fixing them before the corruption was exposed no one would ever suspect they too had been altered.

What tipped Donofrio off last week to the extent of Justia’s tampering was the case “Luria v. United States”. This case also firmly supports Minor on citizenship, and he double checked the text to see if it included references to Minor. It did… something he had not noticed upon previous readings of the case at

With his new insight into SCOTUS case tampering, he plugged the URL into the Waybackmachine to see if it had been altered in the past. Bingo. It had. Furthermore there was nothing blocking his ability to see those snapshotted pages, and how they had been altered compared to the original text. The gun wasn’t just smoking, the bullet was still flying.

A brief explanation of the how the Waybackmachine works. It takes snapshots of internet pages. It may not record the day a given webpage changed, but it documents the changes when it does hit that page. Thus a date on the Waybackmachine of April 13, 2004 means this was the date the snapshot was taken, not when the changes were necessarily made. There is no way of knowing precisely when the change occurred as the waybackmachine does not record the precise instant the change is made, it is only sometime later when the Internet archive records it.

The evidence he discovered there, at the time of publication of this article, is still available and shows the same exact same pattern of behavior - deception - that Justia exhibited with the Boyd and Pope cases Donofrio published back in July.

If Justia hasn't blocked access to the WaybackMachine for their publication of Luria v. US, 231 U.S. 9 (1913) by the time you read this, then it continues to be evident and accessible that on Nov. 4, 2006 the Waybackmachine recorded Justia published the true original opinion issued by the Supreme Court with no tampering evident. Minor v. Happersett is cited on page 22 directly referencing Presidential eligibility as follows:
"Citizenship is membership in a political society, and implies a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and a duty of protection on the part of the society. These are reciprocal obligations, one being a compensation for the other. Under our Constitution, a naturalized citizen stands on an equal footing with the native citizen in all respects, save that of eligibility to the Presidency. Minor v. Happersett, 21 Wall. 162, 165, 22 L. ed. 627; Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, 101, 28 S. L. ed. 643, 645, 5 Sup. Ct. Rep. 41; Osborn v. Bank of United States, 9 Wheat. 738, 827, 6 L. ed. 204, 225."
The July 6, 2008 Waybackmachine snapshot of Luria v. US is the first snapshot that shows the tampering:
"Citizenship is membership in a political society, and implies a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and a duty of protection on the part of the society. These are reciprocal obligations, one being a compensation for the other. Under our Constitution, a naturalized citizen stands on an equal footing with the native citizen in all respects save that of eligibility to the Presidency. 88 U. S. 165; Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U. S. 94, 112 U. S. 101; 22 U. S. 827."
Notice that "Minor v. Happersett" has been removed along with the reference to “Osborn v. United States”, another case which causes trouble for Obama (and McCain)

All of the WaybackMachine snapshots between July 6, 2008, and April 13, 2010 for this case, show the same tampering. The current, live Justia page for Luria v. US has been un-scrubbed and shows the original Supreme Court text. It is only with an archival resource such as the Waybackmachine that the alterations can be seen.

At publication, insertion of the URL into the Waybackmachine for this page at Justia still reveals the changes made to this page over time. Repeat this entire process with 25 Supreme Court cases and the extent of the tampering becomes evident.

This is disturbing enough, yet there was another subtle and insidious layer of deception. In every single instance of tampering, the numerical citation attached to Minor V. Happersett, has also been altered.(See Donofrio's blog for a complete break down of this.

Changing these numbers is yet another layer of deception practiced at Justia.
While Donofrio documents in detail what the finer points of law in both versions mean in his article, this publication documents what this reporter has personally witnessed – the tampering of Supreme Court Cases online in the guise of “Full Text of Case”. This article is not the legal opinion of an attorney; it is witness to an event.

It's important to note that the only way Justia could block all access to previous versions of their publication of cases would require .txt robots to be placed on their entire domain records at the Waybackmachine. If Tim Stanley were to secure from the honest and forthright archiving of the WaybackMachine, he would be an instant pariah in the freedom of information scene of which he is a leader.

Furthermore, if Stanley were to place robots on only the 25 (or more) cases which cite Minor v. Happersett, it would be a de-facto admission of guilt.

It appears that whoever tampered with these cases went back and “fixed” all of them, including 23 Donofrio wasn't aware of until this week when he conclusively established the sabotage by Justia. For all 25, the pattern is precisely the same. In 2006, the cases at Justia are pristine in the Waybackmachine; word for word from official Supreme Court cases. Then at various points in 2008, the cases are corrupted by removal of the case name "Minor v, Happersett" (as well as some other case names and text.)

The cases remained corrupted, according to the snapshots of the Waybackmachine in most cases, until late 2010.

Today however, all 25 cases have been painstakingly returned to their official Supreme Court versions; all references to Minor are back, the case and page numbers have been restored, as well as all missing text and references to other cases.  Still, the pattern is clearly visible to anyone who takes the time to look at the evidence made available by the Waybackmachine. The sophistication and surgical elegance used to sabotage these cases is astounding, and has been personally witnessed by this reporter.

Every case which has been found to date by Mr. Donofrio has been documented with great attention to all these details. This has been accomplished by downloading the full code of the original un-tainted pages and the corrupted revisions from the Waybackmachine’s date stamped archive, along with screenshots of the pages as they appeared in browsers such as Mozilla Firefox before and after the tampering occurred, and the restored pages.

The volume of data is significant and Mr. Donofrio is in the process of making the entire archive available to the public. The article he has published today contains what he refers to as a "document dump". It is in reality evidence. The reader is strongly encouraged to view the images which document Justia's actions. Upon doing so, every member of congress should be notified of the existence of this information. Such usurpation of American history and law cannot be allowed.

Screenshots and links have been sent to several specific media contacts which include the Washington Times, Accuracy In Media, and Free Republic. In the interest of putting this information in front of as many eyes as possible before publication, it has been made freely available since Friday October 18, 2011 in the form of screenshots and saved page code. Should the information presented here be altered on the internet following publication, there will be a significant number of media outlets with knowledge and proof of any further alterations to internet archives.

The penalty associated with violating the “False Writings Statute”, 18 U.S.C. 1018 is jail and a fine for each count. With at least 25 counts if not more, this could mean upwards of 25 years in prison. The manipulation of Supreme Court cases is an offense against all Americans, and the Court itself. If like Fast and Furious this scandal reaches directly to the White House, the ramifications are both dire and catastrophic.

Minor v. Happersett defined the one specific term which Barack Obama could not overcome with “Hope and Change” though he could ‘hope’ someone would ‘change’ the cases which help define the term “Natural Born Citizen,”. This case, if it had been sufficiently known to the public and media, and sufficiently documented by supporting citations, might have eliminated the possibility of Obama's nomination and/or election. Either Obama got lucky in this regard, or the “constitutional law professor” and former editor of the Harvard Law Review had some hand in directing the efforts to erase the very citations in law which define him as a citizen, and at the same time rule him out as a constitutional candidate for President of the United States.

Just as certainly as the corruption at has been documented and archived, more will be revealed. Stay tuned, it is expected that this information will generate some significant updates. They will be reported here as they happen.

This evidence of risible and wanton ransacking (then restoring) of our Republic's legal records and texts for political ends is a smoking gun, if ever there was one. It's a bit late to do anything about; Barack Obama is damaging our Republic as only SCOAMF can,  but to expose people like Tim Stanley is always significant and timeless. What a dirty bastard he really is.

h/t Ann Barnhardt

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Friday 21 October 2011

Obama a 'One-Term President': Steve Jobs

Jai singh | 07:16 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
From Big Government...

Steve Jobs told President Obama he probably would not be re-elected, Walter Isaacson wrote in Jobs’ soon-to-be-released biography.

That’s because regulations and unions in the United States were crippling its ability to remain competitive with emerging powerhouses like China.

The biography was picked up by the Huffington Post, which published excerpts earlier today.

Jobs met with Obama in fall 2010 and said it was too difficult to build a factory in the U.S., which led the company to build manufacturing plants in countries like China.

“You’re headed for a one-term presidency,” Jobs said to Obama.

Jobs also said teachers’ unions “crippled” the education system in the United States. Among his requests to Obama were an 11-month school schedule, school days that last until 6 p.m. and a merit-based system for employing and firing teachers.

Hey, Steve Jobs, Andrew Breitbart!

Hey, Obama. You are SCOAMF.

That is all.

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Thursday 20 October 2011

Herman Cain 2012: Because AMERICA means BUSINESS

Jai singh | 19:07 | Be the first to comment!

And we are tired of dirty socialists.

Go ahead, clicky to enlarge, and take this political advert I just created.

Oh, and screw Occupy Wall Street and the stolen bicycles they rode in on.
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Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wild animals, released, shot dead in Ohio. But somewhere, a lion sleeps tonight.

Jai singh | 19:59 | Be the first to comment!
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Bank of America angers Occupy Wall Street protesters, and OWS' leftist supporters.

Jai singh | 18:46 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Thank you, Bank of America, for standing up to these dirty socialists.

This screenshot from a Bank of America advert that ran on the LA Times' website (found here at "Fishbowl LA", a left-wing blog (who would've guessed?) written for left-wingers living in Los Angeles (are there any people living there who aren't left-wingers? and if so, why are you staying? we'll send suitcases...) has caused much butt-hurt amongst the 'Occupy' cry babies and their media sympathizers, like this fellow who writes for Mediabistro.

The overpaid blogger, Matthew Fleischer...

Is it just us, or is Bank of America using America’s second most widely read newspaper website to not-so-subtly tell Occupy Wall Street and all who identify with the movement to go fuck themselves?

We get that the ad is attributing the quote to Richard Pink. But, come on. BOfA is going to pull that quote at the same time tens of thousands of Americans are camped out across the country protesting, among other things, the bank’s greed, too-big-too-fail status and political influence. Coincidence? We think not.

We here at Fishbowl LA would like to cordially tell the good people at BOfA to suck it, you hypocritical scum. You were bailed out to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and you just dumped $73 billion more in toxic loans to U.S. taxpayers. You know nothing about hard work.

Why, yes, Matty, I think you've captured the essence of BOA's intent! These scrawny little shits hanging out in various 'Occupy'villes CAN go fuck themselves! And you, right along with 'em! Sideways with a swordfish!

I agree wholeheartedly with Richard Pink, and the Bank of America; it is a person's individual responsibility to succeed or not succeed; and certainly it is NOT our Government's responsibility to guarantee any person or persons cradle-to-grave welfare 'just because' they are citizens; nor is it our Government's responsibility to mandate equal outcomes for all of it's citizens, even if they do whine and throw temper tantrums. Such a framework for individual welfare was not built into our Republic's constitution, at least in it's original text; Democrats are busily re-writing that document just as quickly as their mealy-mouthed lawyers of the ACLU and their hand-picked and appointed left-wing judges can find ways to CHANGE the original intent to suit these who've become left-wing. Democrats, mostly.

Sorry, but the NEWFOUND Socialism ALL modern Democrats have embraced (the looting of the Treasury in order to buy votes from 'community organized' moochers, so as to stay in power) is anathema to REAL, ORIGINAL CONSTITUTIONAL American values. We cannot let this continue and hope to keep this Republic intact. One, we can't afford it; two, it's a moral train wreck.

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are absolutely the most spoiled 'poor people' in the world. Compare America's 'poor' to India's or Africa's poor; the disparity in their compared situations and incomes should shame these OWS protesters, if they could realize what being 'poor' really means to most people on this planet. Get out your iPhones, OWS punks, and tweet to some poor citizens in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the average GDP per capita is $171 per year. Oh, wait, there's not anyone there taking your calls. Because there's no one there with toys like yours! Oh, isn't that $171 yearly per-capita income just about what your monthly iPhone data plan runs your mom and dad ?

If it's income equality these OWS protesters desire, well, outside the borders of this Republic are billions of people who would gladly swap places with any of them, in a heartbeat.

If any of these kids want to see some real pain, let them swap places for a while. Or, if they want a socialist nation, there's plenty already out there to choose from.

Who knows? Cuba and Venezuela might welcome them, if they've any real marketable skills to bring with them, that their socialist dictators might find useful.

Really though, I don't see as to how Cuba could put a Humanities grad ('Gender' or 'Ethnic' Studies) to work, at least not without building a special shovel just to fit the poor little bastard's bright pink palms.

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A comment left to 'Laci the Dog', a guest poster on Mikeb302000's blog... UPDATED!

Jai singh | 05:54 | | | Be the first to comment!
...that might not get published. Because that little gal (no, really! she is known as 'Laci the Dog'!) hates my shorts.

It should be published, because it directly answers a post created by the Little Fuzzy One that is directly directed at me...

One commenter describes himself as a Randian Businessman: Does that mean he screams about government, yet is more than willing to take government handouts?

That, posted along with that same old tired video of Ayn Rand being, well, Ayn Rand, attacking religion. Which is fine. I'm not a slavish fan, but I do appreciate Ayn's good works and contributions to the fight against Dirty Socialisms (see the link in my response, below).

Here's my response to "She Who Chews on Master's Fuzzy Slippers". For the permanent record.

Oh! You must be referring to me.

I posted a response to a commenter, Dr. William Yelverton (a professor I've sparred with for years now) who also attempted to use the 'Rand Attack' against me.

Ayn Rand came to this nation from the Soviet Union. What she knew was Communism; what she railed and warned her readers against was the people who were sneakily bringing the thinking of Communists into this country (and into other nations) to gain ideological footholds. Socialism IS Communism; we are seeing it 'coming out' everywhere, most recently in places like Zuccotti Park (prior, in Detroit: a Democratic stronghold-city for decades now that is much worse off for it).

The normalization of Marxist ideology by the newly-gone-too-far-Left Democratic Party, and their recent pulling out of all stops: gaining acceptance amongst 'Community Organized' voters for their practice of offering Other People's Money taken from the Treasury exchange for votes keeping them in power, is Ideological Subversion, professionally speaking.

We just won't stand for it, you see. If you want that kind of nation, go to one that's already formed as such, and leave our little Republic alone.

I spotted this video at Ann Barnhardt's place t'other day; it seems appropriate right about now.

I g00gled 'Laci the Dog' to see if she has a Twitter account; turns out she is a British Subject. That's about right. We pulled away from them for a reason; remember? Brits are much further along to succumbing to dirty socialisms than we are. Plus, they have no 1st or 2nd Amendment rights to speak of.

A sad and dreary place, politically speaking. Let's not follow them into the murkiness...

An email straightens out my incorrect assumption that 'Laci the Dog' is a female British subject. WRONG! A male (ex-female?) British subject:

'Laci the Dog' is actually James Charles Michael Bannerman; a lawyer working at a tiny firm in Philthydelphia:
James Charles Michael Bannerman
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I have had a very interesting legal career. After graduating from University of Maryland in 1990. I did a micro pupillage as a barrister with John Balladen, the Rumpole of the Western Circuit, while attending University of Exeter Law School in England where I received an LL.M. in European Legal Studies. I worked on criminal cases during this period at the 14 Southernhay West Chambers in Exeter. After Law School, I worked at S.G. Archibald in Brussels concentrating on international criminal law. Prior to joining Mr. Artur's office I worked for the Department of Justice in Washington, DC where I concentrated on firearms cases. My experience in Philadelphia has been hands on. At times, it's a bit rough and tumble because everyday I get up and fight with district attorneys and attempt to charm judges and juries.
A damned ambulance-chasing Philadelphia lawyer (or at least the parking-lot sweeper and coffee-fetcher who works for a lawyer there ).

Figures. You should've stayed in Exeter, JCMD, 'Laci the Dog'; you'd've made as fine a rumphole there as you do here, I'm sure of it. Plus, no evil GUNZ! to cause you such butt-hurt.

My apologies to hormonally-imbalanced females everywhere for mistaking this asshat as a 'female' (my mistake, for assuming 'Laci' as female-sounding thus female; but many mistaken souls assume that 'Lady GaGa' is wholly female and that one fools a lot of people); this guy just acts like a hormonally-imbalanced female who just ran out of hormone-replacement pills.

I won't be as nice to him, now that I've been straightened out.

MikeB302000 (Mike Bonomo) is, as we know, a United Nations employee and agent provocateur living in Rome whose blog is in place to circumvent the 2nd Amendment in this country. Likely he's paid to do so by the United Nations, since I caught him (and have evidence to prove it) blogging from his United Nations office in Rome.

Strangely enough, he seems like a nice guy, not as venomous and hormonally-challenged as are guest bloggers 'Laci the Dog' and 'Dog Gone', both of whom I had figured as females.

'Jade Gold', the other pustulant guest-blogger, is well-known as Guy Cabot. That one is not worth even acknowledging his existence. 'Laci the Dog' might be his mate.

Enough of speaking of this lousy bunch.

MikeB302000, I enjoyed your blog more before you brought in these far-Left assholes, really.
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Tuesday 18 October 2011

Naomi Wolf, Dirty Socialist and Feminazi, just got herself busted at Occupy Wall Street.

Jai singh | 20:34 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
What's a damn shame is Jane Fonda wasn't with her.

10:00 Author Naomi Wolf arrested tonight in NY in Occupy protest with about a dozen others. Photo at left by Mike Shane and here. I was invited to the same Huff Post "GameChangers" event but declined to go. Reports suggest she was inside, came out, saw dozens of protesters, maybe said something to police and was cuffed. Or something like that. As noted below, protesters went there to target Gov. Cuomo and his "millionaires' tax."

10:20 Update on arrest of Naomi Wolf, @RDevro on the scene a: "Protesters gathered at 1st precinct where they believe Naomi Wolf is being held. They briefly sang, 'Give it up for the NYPD.''" @OccupyWallStNYC adds: "not allowing us near 1st Precinct, so we are surrounded by 50 cops on sidewalk and singing classics."

10:30 Gothamist covers Naomi Wolf arrest with how it went down here. She was basically sticking for protesters right to gather there, advising them on megaphones, etc. ... National Lawyers Guild saying Wolf was arrested for standing on the sidewalk in front of the Cuomo event, which she'd just attended.

Running that mouth in high gear instead of engaging her (fierce but tiny) brain.

Naomi Wolf, a "third-wave" feminist, was hyper critical of beautiful women and the men who admire them (the 'patriarchy'). Her rise to fame came in the early '90's...

In the early 1990s, Wolf garnered international fame as a spokesperson of third-wave feminism[6][7] as a result of the success of her first book The Beauty Myth, which became an international bestseller.[8] In the book, she argues that "beauty" as a normative value is entirely socially constructed, and that the patriarchy determines the content of that construction with the goal of reproducing its own hegemony.

Wolf posits the idea of an "iron-maiden," an intrinsically unattainable standard that is then used to punish women physically and psychologically for their failure to achieve and conform to it. Wolf criticized the fashion and beauty industries as exploitative of women

So, in honor of Naomi's arrest, I feel obliged to post a photo of a very beautiful woman. It really pains me to have to do this. But I was saving this for a special occasion, and this definitely qualifies.

Kind of favors Naomi, doesn't she?

And with a book, too. Win, win.   )

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Ex-Clinton pollster: Obama, Democrats making "critical error" in embracing Occupy Wall Street leftists

Jai singh | 06:06 | | | Be the first to comment!
Let Democrats totally embrace these kooks, then, and expose to the American people just how far out-of-touch they really are.

Pollster Douglas Schoen...

President Obama and the Democratic leadership are making a critical error in embracing the Occupy Wall Street movement—and it may cost them the 2012 election.

Last week, senior White House adviser David Plouffe said that "the protests you're seeing are the same conversations people are having in living rooms and kitchens all across America. . . . People are frustrated by an economy that does not reward hard work and responsibility, where Wall Street and Main Street don't seem to play by the same set of rules." Nancy Pelosi and others have echoed the message.

Yet the Occupy Wall Street movement reflects values that are dangerously out of touch with the broad mass of the American people—and particularly with swing voters who are largely independent and have been trending away from the president since the debate over health-care reform.

The protesters have a distinct ideology and are bound by a deep commitment to radical left-wing policies. On Oct. 10 and 11, Arielle Alter Confino, a senior researcher at my polling firm, interviewed nearly 200 protesters in New York's Zuccotti Park. Our findings probably represent the first systematic random sample of Occupy Wall Street opinion.

Our research shows clearly that the movement doesn't represent unemployed America and is not ideologically diverse. Rather, it comprises an unrepresentative segment of the electorate that believes in radical redistribution of wealth, civil disobedience and, in some instances, violence. Half (52%) have participated in a political movement before, virtually all (98%) say they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals, and nearly one-third (31%) would support violence to advance their agenda.

Read the rest, and weep, you foolish Democrats who are eaten up with everything far-Left and are becoming less and less 'American' as each day passes.

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