Friday 30 September 2011

Good News Friday: Obama might suffer a 'Landslide'; another al-Qaeda assumes room temperature.

Jai singh | 06:26 | | | Be the first to comment!

It's a significant disparity if you compare excitement and enthusiasm that Democrats had for Obama in 2008, where he was near messianic, to now where he actually has a record and he's rather mortal. There will be none of that enthusiasm again, it's almost impossible. It had a lot to do in 2008 with the fact that he was almost entirely unknown and was extremely eloquent and was lightning in a bottle. That is never going to happen again. He's got a record now and it's a bad one. So there is no way that you can ever get near that.

But I think even worse for Obama than the decline in the intensity of support among Democrats--because after all, where they are going to go--on election day they'll be out there for him--is the number on independents. The number on independents is staggeringly bad. 31% approval of independents.

Obama won the election of 2008 on the basis of independents, and the first hint of trouble came in the off-year elections at end of 2009 in Virginia and New Jersey, where independents in states that had gone Obama went 2-1 against Obama. Then in the Senate race for the so-called Kennedy seat in January of 2010 the independents went 3 to 1 against Democrats. And I think if Obama cannot rise from the 31% approval he has among independents he is going to suffer a landslide.

Also, Al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is now sand-flea bait.

This American-born radical Muslim cleric was linked to 9/11 and the Fort Hood shootings. He's spent his entire miserable life trying to destabilize the U.S.

Sort of like those dirty socialists now swarming around Wall Street, I suppose.

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Thursday 29 September 2011

When Obama says things that make you want to slap him silly...

Jai singh | 20:53 | | Be the first to comment! Jonah Goldberg did, right here:
Seriously, in 2008 we elected a community organizer, state senator, college instructor first term senator over a guy who spent five years in a Vietnamese prison. And now he’s lecturing us about how America’s gone “soft”? Really?
One word: #SCOAMF.
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#OccupyWallStreet protesters mocked by Wall Street players, who term them NEOCOMS.

Jai singh | 19:43 | | | | Be the first to comment!
These motley protesters are mocked because they are the dirty in 'dirty socialists' and are neo-Communists who can't or won't work, and who, to a person, want to be granted rights to capital taken from people who do work; these incapable-of-rational-thougth drum-beaters and dopers desire what they don't deserve, what they haven't earned; but BECAUSE of Barack Hussein Obama's approaching-evil campaign of Alinsky-style 'class envy' and 'class warfare', led by the President of the United States from the Oval Office, think they are in the right and do deserve things taken from others and handed to them.

Check 'em out, these abject NEOCOMS...

The top comment on that YouTube site implores these midget-brained 'tards to 'go on strike'. To which I respond, How can these spoiled, maggot-infested vermin go 'on strike' when they don't work in the first place? Strike against whom? Are they ready to step across the line to anarchy, to strike against society? Have you enough mace, NYPD?

What these useless sacks of barely-human wastes of good protoplasm are, are parasites on the body of free enterprise; they truly are the dirtiest element of dirty socialists; they unknowingly champion Marx by spouting neo-Communists rants. Or who knows? they might even know, and still champion Marx.

These are of a different and less significant breed; much less than the much better people who wrought this Republic and brought it through two World Wars. These hardly even qualify as true Americans in the traditional sense, really. They have nothing in common with me, or anyone else who has a strong, independent, and freedom-loving work ethic.

F*ck them, and hard.

h/t Labor Union Report

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Don't you love it when Dirty Socialists cry?

Jai singh | 16:40 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Various signs posted on a gentleman's private property in a New Orleans neighborhood, depicting Baaaaaa!rack Obama as a baby in a diaper what's needing a CHANGE!, as well as a dunce and as a puppet of George Soros, have annoyed some locals who now want to force him to take them down.

Here's the local news video, with some 8 seconds of commercials (hey! nothing wrong with that! we live in a commercial society, after all; they can make all the money they want to) featuring Ray Nagin (the former mayor of New Orleans, that other miserable failure who couldn't figure out how to get his city prepared for Hurricane Katrina, nor deal with the aftermath; so he, like our President SCOAMF, blamed Bush)...

Heh. The truth will set your free. And annoy those who still are too blind to see it.
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Only one of these men is a "GOOD MAN". Choose carefully; your Republic depends on it.

Jai singh | 04:50 | Be the first to comment!

Which side are you on? That of the dirty socialists who would install the now 'populist' tenets of Marx, or on the side of free enterprise and continued American business know-how and the accompanying societal success?

One of these men is a radical far-Left destroyer. The other will turn this economy and nation around.

I'm with Herman Cain, against the SCOAMF.

More: RSM has always been behind Cain. He's the go-to blogger for Herman Cain information.

Latest poll numbers, FOX News, with the welcome changes...
Romney ……… Sept. 9/25-27: 23% …. Aug. 29-31: 18%
Perry …………. Sept. 9/25-27: 19% …. Aug. 29-31: 26%
Cain …………… Sept. 9/25-27: 17% …. Aug. 29-31: 4%
Gingrich ……..  Sept. 9/25-27: 11% …. Aug. 29-31: 3%
Paul ……………. Sept. 9/25-27: 6% …. Aug. 29-31: 6%
Bachmann ……. Sept. 9/25-27: 3% …. Aug. 29-31: 8%
Santorum ……. Sept. 9/25-27: 3% …. Aug. 29-31: 4%

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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Twitter Etiquette and my "The ONE RULE"

Jai singh | 05:43 | Be the first to comment!
This post is from a comment I left on a website, spiffed up just a bit. This is how I use the Twitter.

I have this one rule, you see.

1) I will Follow someone for a time, long enough to see if they have any intention to Follow me back. If not, I Unfollow their sorry egotistical ass.*

The only exception to this rule (well, 8 exceptions, really) are The Pope, IAM_SHAKESPERE, and some gunny sites that are mostly concerned with pushing product.

*If they don’t Follow me back, and I still want to occasionally ‘read’ them, and they are Right-Conservative, I put ‘em in my ‘Right-Conservatives Who Are Also Elitists Who Don’t Follow Back’ list. There’s some names you’ll recognize on that list.

The secret to managing Twitter is learning the proper use of lists. If you have lots of followers and are following many people back, as you should, your ‘timeline’ gets pretty crowded. And some people tweet too damned much. The secret is to devise 'lists', populate these lists with people you really want to read, and then select and read from that list. That way you’re not obliged to read tweets from people you follow back; so you’re not swamped by a crowded timeline. Any list can be comprised of anyone, including people you’re not following (another of my lists is "Dirty Socialists"; you can guess who's on that).

(You will show up on other people's lists. If some asswhole puts you on a list that's labeled "Suckers of goat c*ck" or something similar, simply block that twerp. Your name will disappear from the offending list.)

That said, it’s always good manners to check in your timeline on occasion, and try to interact with your followers (especially those who RT one of your tweets, or reply to one of your tweets). Otherwise you might be seen as aloof. Always try to ‘answer’ a tweet sent in your direction, or acknowledge a RT given to one of your tweets; that’s just good manners and is proper Twitter etiquette.

I have the most fun on Twitter in the #hashtags. YMMV.

OH! If some LeftLibProgg twerp blocks you, and you want to keep track of his going-ons (Charles Johnson, the internet's premier asshole for instance, who is in fact a boring and stupidish Twitterer; but on occasion he has a link that's worth checking out), or if someone is *so important* twitter-wise that you want to read all of his or her tweets in your RSS reader so’s not to miss any, well, here’s the secret. Pay attention...

Twitter took all the RSS feed click-to-read dealios off of the tweet pages, because they want to keep you in their sandbox (shades of the first iterations of America Online; those clowns made it very difficult for AOL users to leave their site and actually surf the 'net. I emailed the CEO at the time, Steve Case he responded to my complaint, 'you should just get a slip account then. We are a primary destination'. I told him to go f*ck himself, and acquired a slip account). Use this technique to discover any twerp's RSS feed:

…where “twitter-username’ is the character’s name sans @; for example:

will give you the option to read RSS feed for Dan Collins (who has a pretty decent tweetly presence).

Oh, and you’ll want to know who ‘unfollowed’ you, so you can ‘unfollow’ them back.

Also there you can find out who’s not following you back, and give ‘em the boot. Add the saintly presences who won't follow you back to a list, if you deem their Tweets worthy.

But please, don't be a herd animal and just 'follow' someone for the hell of it. You are likely just contributing to a massive ego that doesn't need any more stroking. There's plenty of useful idiots out there who will give 'em that; don't be one of 'em.

And remember:


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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Obama and his General Motors HATES this FORD MOTOR CO. bit of advertising.

Jai singh | 19:49 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
So much so that BHO, and his sensitive-to-any-criticism (ATTAAAAAACK WAAAAAAATCH!) called on Ford to pull this ad.

As part of a campaign featuring "real people" explaining their decision to buy the Blue Oval, a guy named "Chris" says he "wasn't going to buy another car that was bailed out by our government," according the text of the ad, launched in early September.

"I was going to buy from a manufacturer that's standing on their own: win, lose, or draw. That's what America is about is taking the chance to succeed and understanding when you fail that you gotta' pick yourself up and go back to work."

That's what some of America is about, evidently. Because Ford pulled the ad after individuals inside the White House questioned whether the copy was publicly denigrating the controversial bailout policy CEO Alan Mulally repeatedly supported in the dark days of late 2008, in early '09 and again when the ad flap arose. And more.

With President Barack Obama tuning his re-election campaign amid dismal economic conditions and simmering antipathy toward his stimulus spending and associated bailouts, the Ford ad carried the makings of a political liability when Team Obama can least afford yet another one. Can't have that.

The ad, pulled in response to White House questions (and, presumably, carping from rival GM), threatened to rekindle the negative (if accurate) association just when the president wants credit for their positive results (GM and Chrysler are moving forward, making money and selling vehicles) and to distance himself from any public downside of his decision.

From The Detroit News:

Let's hope Ford keeps this ad visible. While we're at it, let's hope no one buys another Government Motors vehicle.
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Heckler to Obama: ANTICHRIST!

Jai singh | 05:16 | | | | Be the first to comment!
To which I respond,


Is Obama the Antichrist?

I don't think he is, really. But, he does lead the Democratic Party, which is anti-God, pro-Atheist. And he is anti-Capitalism (definitely a dirty socialist), anti-gun, and dare I say it?

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Monday 26 September 2011

Titans Win Against the Broncos Without Any Input From Their Fifty-Six-Million-Dollar Man.

Jai singh | 06:58 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Fifty-six (56) million dollars, potentially, in a package deal. Let's see, how many yards did Chris Johnson run for yesterday? Twenty-one (21) yards on thirteen (13) carries. Not enough to even remotely earn his game check.

But, bitching aside, they won the game, largely because of a goal-line stop of Denver RB #23 Willis McGahee by #90 DE Derrick Morgan. McGahee was heard to say after the game "If we would have scored, we would have won, no doubt about it." There's your "No Shit, Sherlock!" quote of the day.

Here's a photo sequence of that goal line stop... more, below the fold.


Left flank

Right flank

Which one's better, the right flank or the left ?

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Sunday 25 September 2011

Eighty Ignorant Wall Street Protesters Carted Off to Jail.

Jai singh | 06:47 | Be the first to comment!
Just a quick pregame post.

NYT..."Gunning for Wall Street with Faulty Aim".

IOW, these stupidish dirty socialist fleabags don't even know what the fuck they are protesting.

Michael Kirby Smith for The New York Times
TO THE STREET Many downtown workers encountered demonstrators last week at Zuccotti Park, some with a group called Occupy Wall Street.
Eighty of the slime balls went to jail.

Andrew Hinderaker Police officers arrested protesters who had marched from Zuccotti Park to Union Square.

Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times   Protesters who marched up from Wall Street area were arrested on Fifth Avenue at 12th Street.

Look at his tongue hanging out. Real successful people, these.

I love to see these neo-Communist assholes who protest our Capitalist system get busted. Makes my day to see communists punched (if that's what happened), really.

Oh! One more...

That's what I'm talking about.

Next time, don't be such a dirty socialist. Take a bath, get a job if you deserve one, and try to be an American, m'kay?

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Friday 23 September 2011

Amazing Pink Floyd cover and Blu video

Jai singh | 21:26 | | Be the first to comment!

Watch the video; the band's cover of Pink Floyd's 'Have a Cigar' is very good, but the accompanying film - video by Blu, featuring animation chalked on the walls of Buenos Aires, is truly amazing.

More Blu here; and with a dvd for sale at

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The Friday I'm-Sick-of-Politics Video

Jai singh | 06:08 | | Be the first to comment!
Screw you, Megan Kelley. Up yours, Romney.


There was too much blue space in that most excellent and exotic photo of Raquel Welch, so I helpfully updated it with a nice chart spotted here.

Hope you enjoy and appreciate my none-too-subtle efforts.

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Thursday 22 September 2011

While you slept, there was a Reckoning.

Jai singh | 05:27 | | | Be the first to comment!
Convicted cop killer Troy Davis was finally executed for killing Officer Mark MacPhail in a Burger King parking lot in Savannah, Georgia. In 1989. Justice delayed, 22 years.

After decades of legal wrangling, and a last-minute flood of Twitter-induced rage on the internets, the Supreme Court delayed the execution. When I went to bed last night, I was expecting this long drawn-out Liberal whine-fest to culminate in a permanent stay of Davis' execution.

But Justice prevailed; the stay only lasted 4 hours, and Troy Davis finally met up with the people's Justice.

About damned time.

Oh, another execution last night; a White Supremacist (the one who dragged James Byrd Jr. to death) was put down in Texas. That one was not lamented by anyone. He doesn't even deserve a posterboard.

Hey, you whiny girls and guys who believe in your hearts that this Troy Davis fellow was innocent, and only got executed because he was black, why don't you enlist OJ to help you find the 'real' killer ?

Both of these killers are now drinking the devil's scalding Koolaid in Hell this morning. Or so we can hopefully imagine.
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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Now, for your enjoyment, I present "FILL IN THE BLANKS!"

Jai singh | 16:37 | | | | Be the first to comment!
What new internet term does this photo of Barack Obama (who is lifting his hand up during this official UN photo, in effect facepalming the guy next to him) bring to mind? I've helpfully given you sufficient clues to get you started.

H/t this photo to @Velvethammer, from her post "Caption This! Obama UN Photo Op Faux Pas", blogging at the most excellent blog "Ironic Surrealism". Also blogging, Thomas Lifson at the American Thinker blog, who adds...

Our genius president has done it again. In a group photo of national leaders at the Open Government Partnership event at the United Nations, President Ego decided to wave at the camera, blocking the face of the man standing next to him, so it is not possible to identify him.

Ordinarily, I would suspect this is a photshopped image. But it comes to us via Obamaphillic MSNBC, and is credited to Allan Tannenbaum-Pool / Getty Images.

(Just in case you get stuck on what goes in the blank spaces, see here. )

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Rick Perry video: "Obama: President Zero". I'd've called him President SCOAMF, but that's just me.

Jai singh | 05:05 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Here's a hard-hitting preview of things to come. Helluva job, Mr. Perry.

You're a Good Man.

Oh, and this Day by Day cartoon spotted here (where there is an updated Gunrunner - Fast and Furious (.pdf) file that keeps us up to date on this developing scandal, Obama's Watergate), because there's no chance I'd let a reference to the best western movie (next to Unforgiven, of course) escape my notice..

The "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" soundtrack, presented for your convenience.

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Tuesday 20 September 2011

Obama's Grand Scheme: "Hey, let's tax the RICH!". Been there, done that, doesn't work.

Jai singh | 06:14 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Look to the past to learn from it; ignore what's happened before at your own risk. Barack Obama has thrown his re-election chances to the winds it seems, charting not as Bill Clinton did after his massive butt-hurt loss of Congress in 1996 to Center, but giving in to his far-Left constituency's desire to engage class warfare: a massive scheme that ignores the fault lines in Social Security and Medicare and instead hits up 'the EVIL! rich' for more and more taxes.

Guess what? Didn't work last time it was tried. Thomas Sowell ...

Ninety years ago — in 1921 — federal income tax policies reached an absurdity that many people today seem to want to repeat. Those who believe in high taxes on "the rich" got their way. The tax rate on people in the top income bracket was 73 percent in 1921. On the other hand, the rich also got their way: They didn't actually pay those taxes.

The number of people with taxable incomes of $300,000 a year and up — equivalent to far more than a million dollars in today's money — declined from more than a thousand people in 1916 to less than three hundred in 1921. Were the rich all going broke?

It might look that way. More than four-fifths of the total taxable income earned by people making $300,000 a year and up vanished into thin air. So did the tax revenues that the government hoped to collect with high tax rates on the top incomes.

What happened was no mystery to Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon. He pointed out that vast amounts of money that might have been invested in the economy were instead being invested in tax-exempt securities, such as municipal bonds.

Secretary Mellon estimated that the amount of money invested in tax-exempt securities had nearly tripled in a decade. The amount of this money that the tax collector couldn't touch was larger than the federal government's annual budget and nearly half as large as the national debt. Big bucks went into hiding.

Mellon pointed out the absurdity of this situation: "It is incredible that a system of taxation which permits a man with an income of $1,000,000 a year to pay not one cent to the support of his Government should remain unaltered."

One of Mellon's first acts as Secretary of the Treasury was to ask Congress to end tax exemptions for municipal bonds and other securities. But Congress was not about to set off a political firestorm by doing that.

Mellon's Plan B was to cut the top income tax rate, in order to lure money out of tax-exempt securities and back into the economy, where increased economic activity would generate more tax revenue for the government. Congress also resisted this, using arguments that are virtually unchanged to this day, that these would just be "tax cuts for the rich."

What makes all this history so relevant today is that the same economic assumptions and political arguments which produced the absurdities of 1921 are still going strong in 2011.

If anything, "the rich" have far more options for putting their money beyond the reach of the tax collectors today than they had back in 1921. In addition to being able to put their money into tax-exempt securities, the rich today can easily send millions — or billions — of dollars to foreign countries, with the ease of electronic transfers in a globalized economy.

In other words, the genuinely rich are likely to be the least harmed by high tax rates in the top brackets. People who are looking for jobs are likely to be the most harmed, because they cannot equally easily transfer themselves overseas to take the jobs that are being created there by American investments that are fleeing from high tax rates at home.

Small businesses — hardware stores, gas stations or restaurants for example — are likewise unable to transfer themselves overseas. So they are far more likely to be unable to escape the higher tax rates that are supposedly being imposed on "millionaires and billionaires," as President Obama puts it. Moreover, small businesses are what create most of the new jobs.

Why then are so many politicians, journalists and others so gung-ho to raise tax rates in the upper brackets?

Aside from sheer ignorance of history and economics, class warfare politics pays off in votes for politicians who can depict their opponents as defenders of the rich and themselves as looking out for working people. It is a great political game that has paid off repeatedly in state, local and federal elections.

Tax the rich, the capital leaves the country. Unionize the workers, who then demand too much from employers, the jobs leave the country. Have we not noticed the decline in our manufacturing base? To what can we attribute that, pray tell?

What about this is difficult for Democrats to fathom? Why do they insist on ignoring the fact that we operate in a global economy, and try to treat U.S. politics as if we were a closed shop, with an isolated experimental economic platform that they can tinker with at will?

The 'Evil RICH!' won't pay a dime more than they are paying right now. But the optics for the President to his LeftLibProgg base would certainly shore up that small fraction of the Bell Curve of voters; however, the remaining majority of center-right voters will treat him to a nice defeat in 2012.

Is this Barack Obama's way of throwing in the towel? Cleaving to his ideology for a last-gasp effort to CHANGE us to something we don't want to become, and can never ever become, a far-Left proto-Socialist nation that history tells us would be doomed to failure?

Let's watch this closely, mindful of history. The stupids to the Left think that Obama is moving U.S. in the right direction, unmindful of the cliff's edge to oblivion directly beneath their feets.

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Monday 19 September 2011

Congressional Black Caucus' Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) tacitly admits to RACISM.

Jai singh | 05:23 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
These jokers just don't get Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., do they? The very existence of the CBC is racist in itself; when the head honcho of the group says things like this, the separation of races just gets wider. Cleaver...

"If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House," Cleaver told “The Miami Herald” in comments published Sunday. "There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president."

So, what's the CBC's racially-charged problem this time? You've the floor, Marxine...

"We’re supportive of the president, but we getting tired, y’all,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said in August. “We want to give [Obama] every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is."

Unemployment amongst Blacks is 16.7%, nearly twice that of the 'official' national unemployment rate. Which is much less than the 'actual' unemployment rate.

What is Obama's strategey, Marxine? Obama's strategy is, dearie, to "fundamentally CHANGE this country" and that means CHANGE in ways YOU won't like, blacks won't like, Independents HATE, because that CHANGE will bring down this Republic by economic failure. You didn't think he could just come in here and all of a sudden make your life a living nirvana, a paradise, did you? You're not one of those who expected 'free money' to flow from 'Obama's Stash!', are you? Or just from the pocketses of the evil RICH, redistributed to you and yours as gifts? Sorry, that won't happen. If you don't earn something, you don't deserve a thing. Redistribution is thievery, Marxine.

If this nation finally gets back to the business of promoting 'happy businesses', then unemployment will drop and we will recover. That WON'T happen as long as Mr. Obama is in the White House, because his ideology of social and neo-Marxist CHANGE is anathema to free enterprise and to the tenets of Capitalism.

If you truly value 'your' people, Rep. Cleaver, Marxine Waters, then urge Barack Hussein Obama to resign.

Piss Be Upon Him

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Sunday 18 September 2011

Titans whip Ravens in home opener, 26-13

Jai singh | 18:14 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Yes we did whip the Ravens! But it was a surprise to all, especially to me.

9/11 Remembrance at Halftime

Tit-ans Tee Weather
Just about every Titans fan who came to this home opener wondered how in the hell we were going to perform against a team that beat the (turns out, overly-) vaunted  Pittsburgh (PissBeUponYellowTowels!) Steelers, after losing to the Jacksonville Jaguars last weekend in the awful Jags stadium; a place that's half-wrapped in tarpaulins, many seats are mothballed because they can't sell the damned place out. It has a permanent for-sale sign out much longer before they move to Los Angeles I wonder? No wonder we lost last weekend; how can a team get interested in playing when they're playing in a half-dead venue?
#5 (inch) Joe (Flaccid) Flacco

So, Ravens Quarterback Joe (Flaccid) Flacco brings his non-performing self to LP Field, and proved that even Viagra can't help if you're a weenie with a wobbly throw.

Ray Lewis was mentioned only once, and spent his sideline time mainlining formaldehyde to try to keep rigor mortis from setting in. He's done, Ravens staff, please let him go.

In all, this was a good home opening win for Coach Munchak, our Hall-of-Fame coach who proved he was no Jeff Fisher, by taking it to the Ravens in the 3rd and 4th quarters, when Fish might've slacked off and tried to milk a lead for just enough time by running the clock. Fisher lost a few dozen games doing that, trying to just squeak by. Looks like Munch won't have that nonsense. If there's points to be had, go for 'em, put 'em on the board.

Someone's grownup stepchild?
Great work, if I do say so myself.

Next, the Broncos, with Orton behind center and Tim Tebow playing, what, defensive end next weekend? Who knows.

Bring 'em.

Hasselbeck: finally, an adult at quarterback.

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Saturday 17 September 2011

GM to reopen the SATURN plant in Spring Hill. Because they were raped.

Jai singh | 20:28 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Not to build the wildly unsuccessful Saturn vehicle of course, but something will begin to roll off the assembly lines, if the Union signs the agreement agreed to by negotiators in Detroit. And they will, because it's sweet. GM caved, big-time.

The UAW and GM just signed a new labor contract. The UAW, with new president Bob King, bent GM over a convenient table and raped the greasy little bitch for all’s it’s worth; securing a $5K signing bonus for each employee re-hired, no movement towards easing the pension burden, and no sharing of the health care costs. And re-opening the ill-fated Saturn plant in Spring Hill (there’s feints within feints there; the Unions need a foothold in a right-to-work State, to push for unions with card check &c. at Nissan and Volkswagen). Absolutely a full win for the UAW, and unions.

It was expected, GM being on the government dole for so long, there was no maneuvering or bargaining positions to exploit. How could GM cross Obama’s Army, since Obama still has GM by the short hairs ?

Officials at G.M. and the union declined to discuss specific terms of the deal. But people briefed on the negotiations said that workers would receive a signing bonus of $5,000 in lieu of cost-of-living wage increases. Entry-level workers, who are paid about $14 an hour, are expected to receive an increase of $2 to $3 an hour.

The company has also agreed to reopen its idled assembly plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., the people said.

The U.A.W.’s tentative, four-year agreement with G.M., announced late Friday, also opens the door for the automaker to bring back laid-off workers and move jobs back into the United States.

I'm afraid the plant, if it reopens at all, will be short-term, and GM is still not viable long-term. GM did not get any concessions from the Union on pensions or the sharing of health care costs. How could they demand any concessions? They had been bailed out by Obama, subsidized by taxpayers; by you and me and every other sucker paying for the Obama- GM bailout. How could GM demand that reasonable cuts in pensions and the sharing of health care costs be structured in a sensible contract and agreed to by Union thugs, who are Obama's Army? There's no way GM was negotiating from a position of strength. Instead, the company's fate is sealed. It's just a matter of time.

Bob King wasted no time; he started slobbering all over Obama right away...

Mr. King took the unusual step of acknowledging the Obama administration’s support of the industry in his statement: “None of this would have been possible without the efforts of President Obama, who invested federal funds to help turn the company around, protect the auto supplier base and keep good-paying jobs in America.”

Bad, bad news for GM. When the Unions win as big as they've won, businesses lose, and eventually will need bailing out again by Papa DocBama.

Next time, when it comes to GM needing a bailout, let's hope that it's past Obama's time in office, and there isn't a bailout to be had. Let GM restructure by bankruptcy as should have happened already; break the unions, recalibrate the plants for profitability. Basically, start from scratch.

Now, sell the American people on GM, after this debacle. Let's see how many people vote with their pocketbooks. Won't be me buying a GM product, at least not a new one.

I'll start a clock. Let's see how long this weak, kneecapped donkey will run.

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Friday 16 September 2011

The dying, the dead, and the 'Free to Die'

Jai singh | 06:07 | Be the first to comment!
Paul (since the passing of Ted Kennedy, the Heart and Soul of modern Liberalism) Krugman is bemoaning that now-famous exchange between Ron (NOT a Conservative or TEA Party member) Paul and Wolf (Obama's Water Carrier) Blitzer during Monday's TEA Party - CNN debate:

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Representative Ron Paul what we should do if a 30-year-old man who chose not to purchase health insurance suddenly found himself in need of six months of intensive care. Mr. Paul replied, “That’s what freedom is all about — taking your own risks.” Mr. Blitzer pressed him again, asking whether “society should just let him die.”

And the crowd erupted with cheers and shouts of “Yeah!”

Krugman's take is that evil Conservatism causes these deaths; implying that if only we could give these dying people more care, they wouldn't die.

Is that a fact, Paul Krugman? Is Liberalism just a modern incarnation of Ponce de León's failed search for the Fountain of Youth? Do you think LeftLibProgg policies, if properly funded by some impossible economic engine, will helpfully extend and enhance the lifespans of every citizen? Should the power of Government be turned to making sure every person contained within in our borders, legally or illegally, and those we just know about in other countries, lives a life free of want and disease, and succeed to your defined level of achievement and outcome no matter what?

That engine is as mythical as Galt's motor or Rearden metal. What we've had is an economic system that works well enough to keep people who work well enough off. To try to get everyone to that level, as Krugman and others of LeftLibProgg persuasion desire, is practically impossible. But they have to try; it's the trying that's destroyed this Republic.

Yes, destroyed, for all intent and purpose. Sure, there's some semblance of normalcy as people whiz about and go about their daily routines. But the edges are decaying, it's becoming a bit more transparent, as economic numbers continue to fall.


Given the agreed-upon desirability of protecting citizens against the worst, the question then became one of costs and benefits — and health care was one of those areas where even conservatives used to be willing to accept government intervention in the name of compassion, given the clear evidence that covering the uninsured would not, in fact, cost very much money. As many observers have pointed out, the Obama health care plan was largely based on past Republican plans, and is virtually identical to Mitt Romney’s health reform in Massachusetts.

Now, however, compassion is out of fashion — indeed, lack of compassion has become a matter of principle, at least among the G.O.P.’s base.

And what this means is that modern conservatism is actually a deeply radical movement, one that is hostile to the kind of society we’ve had for the past three generations — that is, a society that, acting through the government, tries to mitigate some of the “common hazards of life” through such programs as Social Security, unemployment insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.

Are voters ready to embrace such a radical rejection of the kind of America we’ve all grown up in? I guess we’ll find out next year.

The past three generations, Krugman? That's back to LBJ, and the 'Great Society'. As I've remarked before, I consider the July 20 1969 moon landing the pinnacle of U.S. achievement. Since then, since the nearly-concurrent implementation of LBJ's far-Left social program, we've had continuing decline in America's moral systems: families now rely more on Government to care for their parents and children, eschewing the tight-knit social networks that kept the US out of debt for hundreds of years. As we've become more dependent on a powerful central government, we've become less caring about 'people'. LBJ and government policies after provided detachment from personal responsibility to others, even to family members, so as Americans could enjoy their prosperity and newly-found, unimaginable to prior generations of harder-working Americans, lifestyles.

Now, we're in a downturn of massive proportions, with no end and no bottom in sight. Even if we 'turned around' today or in November 2012, we would still face a crushing debt load that defies an average person's ability to comprehend it. And, interest on that.

I'm beginning to wonder: if even we continue to succeed in our repudiations of Barack Hussein Obama and all that he represents in election after election, even to the point of succeeding beyond our wildest hopes and desires (a Republican House, Senate and White House), would that 'success' make much difference at all, given where we're at now? The debt is baked into the cake already; we have a population of Americans with me-first GIMME! expectations, a population comprised of morally weak and soft and the most spoiled EVAH! ever to live in this Republic.

It's obvious: there's not much we can do. Nevermind. This is all dying, all of it.

Oh, speaking of the dead: twenty years ago today, in 'Grunge' ruled Seattle, Nirvana, fronted by the long-dead Kurt Cobain, released their seminal album "Nevermind". That's apropos I'm thinking.

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Wednesday 14 September 2011

ATTACK WATCH! dot COM! (paid for by desperate Democrats who are losing their IDEOLOGY!!!1!!11!)

Jai singh | 15:55 | Be the first to comment!
Never before has a political party exposed itself to such hilarity.

And it's just getting started. An intro to ATTACK WATCH! here...

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Bob Turner wins; Barack Obama loses.

Jai singh | 04:47 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
New York District 9 'special election': Weiner's seat (vacated when, well, Congressman Weiner became overly exposed).
Anthony Weiner
Objects in this Photoshop are MUCH LARGER
than for-reals.
Results: Bob Turner (R) by a comfortable margin over David Weprin (D). The first Republican elected in this district since 1923.

Turner ran on Barack Hussein Obama's record, and got the vote of the JOOOOOOOS!, who felt Mr. Obama had turned his back on them. "REVENGE OF THE JEWS!", screams Drudge.

harbinger: anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; sign: Turner's win is a harbinger of the SCOAMF's defeat in 2012, in what might be a landslide.

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.


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Tuesday 13 September 2011

NY9's results (a win for Bob Turner) represents a slap at Barack Obama's direction, leadership and ideology.

Jai singh | 21:21 | | | Be the first to comment!
No matter how much he and his handlers try to spin this loss, it's a major disaster for Barack Obama, and hopefully a harbinger of things to come.

I'm writing this at 11:00 PM CST, and the results are coming in solidly in favor of Bob Turner (GOP) over David (Barack Obama) Weprin (far-Left Democrats).

Another feather plucked clean out of the SCOAMF's hat; losing a district he carried by a wide margin in 2008.

Stormclouds, baby~!

Update: finished the pshop at 11:19; the AP calls the race for Bob Turner 53-47.

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Monday 12 September 2011

Photo: President Obama and former President Bush at the WTC Memorial, 9-11-11

Jai singh | 06:00 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Uplifted nose, vs. head bowed.

"very illustrative of something", commenter happyfeet says, followed by "It’s Teh Won waiting for God to kiss him directly on the lips."  Which is, so far, thread winner, I'd say.


It's photos like these that are not in Barack Obama's best interest to see published, New York Times.
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How to deal with a Union Thug...

Jai singh | 05:32 | | Be the first to comment!

Wildcat Union strikers from the ILWU shut down the dock and spilled 'scab' grain last week in Longview, Washington. Right now, there is a 'restraining order' in place, supposedly keeping these thugs at bay.

Particularly annoying to these Unionists was this photo, which depicts ILWU President Robert McEllrath being taken into police custody in Longview.

ILWU President Robert McEllrath being taken into police custody in Longview, WA
 Next time, tase him, bro.
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Saturday 10 September 2011

September 11, 2001 Attacks - A Photo Slide Show

Jai singh | 22:01 | Be the first to comment!
All of these photos taken by military photographers.

From Guns and Patriots, appropriately enough.

In the days after the Sept. 11 attacks, military photographers were granted access to otherwise restricted areas at the World Trade Center site and the Pentagon. These photos document the ghastly results of these sudden strokes that in a matter of hours thrust America to war.

One other thing: Why have we not managed, after 10 years, to build some replacement buildings?

It took 18 months, during the Great Depression, to build the Empire State Building.

Ten years later, nothing.

Mayor Bloomberg, for shame.

These, from El Marco's photo essay. More, there.

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Friday 9 September 2011

Whimsicality IX: Date Night, Lil' Bro?

Jai singh | 22:07 | | | Be the first to comment!
Lil' Bro's Date Night!

(Let's set this up...when Cowboy Blob's 'Lil' Bro' wins his caption contest, Cowboy posts Lil' Bro's picture in the sidebar with the caption "Ladies! He's Single"!. So, if by some twist of fate, that message got out to the many lonely ladies in North Korea, and whimsicality happens, they all show up in Cowboy's front yard which quickly fills with the admiring hopefuls; and Lil' Bro's date night would be...interesting, to say the least...    )

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Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa Jr. show support for the ILWU wildcat strike.

Jai singh | 17:24 | | | | Be the first to comment!
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) illegally blocked a train and spilled 'scab' grain on the ground at a terminal where they were protesting...something. Probably overpaid and demanding too much in benefits, plus annoyed that the dope breaks were cut down to twice a day.

Here, police are seen tackling the wrong thugs. Obviously.
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I've got your "Obama's Job Address: Key Optics" ri' cheer,

Jai singh | 07:32 | Be the first to comment!
Mr. Bag News Notes man.

You're welcome.
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Obama's "I've Got a SCREAM!" 'Jobs' Speech

Jai singh | 06:45 | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!

Full speech available here. My 'live-blogging' 'analysis' here.

Trending at memeorandum, "FACT CHECK: Obama's jobs plan paid for? Seems not.", from the Associated Press...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's promise Thursday that everything in his jobs plan will be paid for rests on highly iffy propositions.

It will only be paid for if a committee he can't control does his bidding, if Congress puts that into law and if leaders in the future - the ones who will feel the fiscal pinch of his proposals - don't roll it back.

BHO's claims:

1)"Everything in this bill will be paid for. Everything." Not true at all...

Essentially, the jobs plan is an IOU from a president and lawmakers who may not even be in office down the road when the bills come due. Today's Congress cannot bind a later one for future spending. A future Congress could simply reverse it.

Currently, roughly all federal taxes and other revenues are consumed in spending on various federal benefit programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' benefits, food stamps, farm subsidies and other social-assistance programs and payments on the national debt. Pretty much everything else is done on credit with borrowed money.

So there is no guarantee that programs that clearly will increase annual deficits in the near term will be paid for in the long term.

In other words, everything is NOT paid for with current revenue. We'll have to beg, borrow or steal it from China, future generations or Taxed Enough Already US workers and businessmen and women...who, mind you, are expected to create jobs for this army of ever-increasingly hostile and leftward-tilting 'workers'. Why should we?

2)"Everything in here is the kind of proposal that's been supported by both Democrats and Republicans, including many who sit here tonight." Really, BHO?

Obama's proposed cut in the Social Security payroll tax does seem likely to garner significant GOP support. But Obama proposes paying for the plan in part with tax increases that have already generated stiff Republican opposition.

For instance, Obama makes a pitch anew to end Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, which he has defined as couples earning over $250,000 a year or individuals over $200,000 a year. Republicans have adamantly blocked what they view as new taxes.
What about TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY do you not understand, Mr. Prezzidint ?

3)"It will not add to the deficit." Hardee-hardy-har-har! But of course it will add to the deficit. Anything you do adds to the deficit. You are a deficit-driving golfing machine, Mr. el Presidente!!

It's hard to see how the program would not raise the deficit over the next year or two because most of the envisioned spending cuts and tax increases are designed to come later rather than now, when they could jeopardize the fragile recovery. Deficits are calculated for individual years. The accumulation of years of deficit spending has produced a national debt headed toward $15 trillion. Perhaps Obama meant to say that, in the long run, his hoped-for programs would not further increase the national debt, not annual deficits.

How about both? He can't lift a little finger, it seems, without spending monies he doesn't have or deserve.

4)"The American Jobs Act answers the urgent need to create jobs right away." More importantly to you, it answers your need to get re-elected. And to give sop to the Unions, your 'army' of street thugs. Oh, and...

Not all of the president's major proposals are likely to yield quick job growth if adopted. One is to set up a national infrastructure bank to raise private capital for roads, rail, bridges, airports and waterways. Even supporters of such a bank doubt it could have much impact on jobs in the next two years because it takes time to set up. The idea is likely to run into opposition from some Republicans who say such a bank would give the federal government too much power. They'd rather divide money among existing state infrastructure banks.

That, and to ensure re-election, and to feed the goons. Gotta keep the goons happy.

I predict a strong TEA Party response to this, after it's dissected by good men and women in our elected Congress. I'll bet there will be much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teefs by the LeftLibProggs who might've heard BHO's line about cutting some 'sacred cow' social programs. Right on cue, from 'Wesley Mooch'...

Though the plan would be paid for by more deficit reduction, he left those vital details until later. It was gratifying to hear him call for higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy, but his warning of cuts to Medicare and Medicaid — lifelines to the most vulnerable — raised concerns about trading one important program for another.

There will be jobs created, Mr. Obama. Beginning after November 2012, after your defeat, things will start to improve.

Trust me on this.

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Thursday 8 September 2011

Obama's "I've got a SCREAM!" Speech. And, Lady GarGoyle freaks out Madonna.

Jai singh | 20:48 | | | Be the first to comment!
Obama's speech?

I sorta live-blogged it in comments at pw. Got carried away on the little Droid, actually.
  • Al Sharpton just asked if there were enough Labor and Civil Rights groups on the ground to recall Republicans who oppose BHO. I’m leaving MSNBC now.
  • “The erosion of high expectations is happening because you don’t agree with ME! “
  • “Jobs, jobs, jobs, … my bill … PASS IT NOW BITCHES! “
  • Plays the ‘jealous of China’ card. He’s gonna really feel like a chump when they get to the Moon, and we can’t get out of LEO.
  • Every job he’s detailed has been a UNION worker’s job.
  • Unemployment extended for another year. Why should a moocher work?
  • Paid for by more cuts? MASTERSTROKE! He can now blame the additional cuts on evil Republicans, assuring his re-election.
  • Dems bobbing like Monica Lewinsky.
  • Ugffh. Speaking of Monica, there’s Hillary.
  • OK, now he’s going full-on Dirty Socialist. Hurry up, there’s a pregame show to watch.
  • Why wait 14 months? Resign now, things will get better. -John Galt

Hereafter referred to as the "I've got a SCREAM!" speech. Or, as the Command-Performance Re-Election Speech. The Jobs Speed that Couldn't Work.

Oh, this I spotted whilst surfing; Madonna rebuffs Lady GarGoyle's 'obsessive' fan-love.

Seriously. Who could look at that woman and feel any sense of attraction? Ugffh.

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Obama's Speech

Jai singh | 15:27 | | | | Be the first to comment! Solyndra. Dirty Socialist Date 5/26/2010.

Well, OOPS! UNEXPECTEDLY Solyndra went tits-up, with $535 Billion of taxpayer money.

We also have the Department of Energy's Inspector General and the FBI crawling all over the place.

This Solyndra speech, chock-full of HOPE and CHANGE and GREEN and, as it turns out, EPIC FAIL.

1. So we recognized that we've got to go back to basics. We've got to go back to making things. We've got to go back to exports. We've got to go back to innovation. And we recognized that there was only so much government could do. The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra, will always be America's businesses. But that doesn't mean the government can just sit on the sidelines. Government still has the responsibility to help create the conditions in which students can gain an education so they can work at Solyndra, and entrepreneurs can get financing so they can start a company, and new industries can take hold. [AND give the Company $535 Billion so the CEO &c. can donate substantial GREEN to DEMOCRAT INTERESTS -ed.]

2. That's not all. You're also proving something more. Every day that you build this expanded facility, as you fill orders for solar panels to ship around the world, you're demonstrating that the promise of clean energy isn't just an article of faith -- not anymore. It's not some abstract possibility for science fiction movies or a distant future -- 10 years down the road or 20 years down the road. It's happening right now. The future is here. We're poised to transform the ways we power our homes and our cars and our businesses. And we're poised to lead our competitors in the development of new technologies and products and businesses. And we are poised to generate countless new jobs, good-paying middle-class jobs, right here in the United States of America.

Another BHO EPIC FAIL speech tonight. I don't expect much more than the same-ole tripe, and wanting to spend more money to improve his re-election chances (which, now, are looking rather grim).

More importantly, immediately following the speech (and in some cases, WHAT SPEECH?) I'll be cracking a beer and pulling for the Saints.

Oh, one more time...


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Old Fart Thrown in Jail for Hollering Like a Fool at Paul Ryan's Townhall Meeting.

Jai singh | 10:31 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Brings a smile to my stone face.

"The new normal" for Wisconsin.

What is a Wisconsin Unionist?

A Scream, not a Dream.
A Thief, not a Pentient.
A Privateer, not a Pauper.
A Thug, not a Knight.
A Socialist, not a Man.
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Where are we right now?

Jai singh | 09:01 | Be the first to comment!
This was written as an answer to commenter Carl in the previous post. FWIW.

Carl, exactly where are we, right now?

We are on the very knife's edge of losing this Republic.

There is no room for 'middle ground', there is no 'moderate position' that anyone can assume that will retain the system as we've known it.

The entitlement system we've espoused, beginning with FDR's "Social Security" programs, continuing through LBJ's "Great Society" programs and kicked into high-gear in the last 30 years by the far-Left-shifted Democratic party (who've learned how to buy votes by raiding the Treasury for funds, heralding the end of the Republic: read de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America") has all but broken our collective backs. It can't be sustained. No way, no how, no moderates can fix it. Democrats only want to increase the flow of capital (socialist 'redistribution') to keep their votes. Republicans can only be labeled as 'bad guys' for mentioning the inevitable (witness Perry's demonization for correctly calling Social Security a 'Ponzi Scheme').

If you can see a way that our system can continue to function as it's doing now, please inform someone. None of our elected officials have a clue. BHO and his group just want to be standing there when it all fails, to stop the violence and fascism that will ensue, and make sure we are 'CHANGEd' to the system they support. But that new system isn't going to be anything like what we have lived under to date.

Is there a way to retain all of what we've built over the last 235 years, this Republic and it's freedoms, the free enterprise system? Not likely.

But we have to try.

And that means cutting heavily into entitlements. Slashing back at all of them, including Social Security. We should've started decades ago, but nooooo, no politician wanted to get blamed.

Now, the work will be much more difficult, and may not be possible.
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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Mmmmm... SCOAMF...

Jai singh | 07:47 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Seen on I-70 in Kansas. I particularly like the one paid for by Ann Barnhardt, a wonderfully electric spark of energy in this failing Republic.

(image courtesy of RS McCain)

Socialism...redefined for fitting to America, by our Radical in Chief.

Socialism, a word that's CHANGEing to fit the needs of these people who are followers of Marx, but know that they couldn't just flip a switch and 'make it happen' overnight. There are plans within plans, and decades of work are coming to fruition.

If you're truly interested in how we are getting boiled, I suggest reading Stanly Kurtz' "Radical in Chief" as a primer. It's an acclaimed work that traces BHO's formative years in the '80's, from his introduction to the Democratic Socilalists of America (DSA) party to present, and presents the techniques used by socialist organizers to weasel into America's political system. BHO spent 'quality time' with various "socialist incubators" including Peter Dreier, Frances Fox Piven, Richard Cloward, Frank Reisman, Manning Marable, Cornel West and a host of other DSA members he first met at the Cooper Union Conference in Chicago.

Manning Marable wrote in How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America... "It is impossible to struggle against racism and still remain a proponent of capitalism." and "Without hesitation, we must explain that a basic social transformation within America's social and economic structures would involve radical changes that would be viewed as clearly undemocratic by millions of people."

These socialists are CHANGEing our very structural fabric, and most fat, dumb and happy Americans don't realize it. It's like boiling a frog in water...

What Barack Obama heard and learned from these dirty socialists was the plan they've developed: how to penetrate various local, state, federal legislatures; expand the entitlement programs to catch as many people as possible in the web of 'free LUNCHES!'; restrict capitalism through ever-increasing and heinous regulations (thanks, EPA!); and create a proto-Socialist 'grassroots' movement through Community Organizing (thus was born ACORN).

The water was just a little warm in the early '80's, as these groups developed a synergy.

Guess where we are now? On the verge of collapse due to the expansive entitlement programs that are little more than Ponzi schemes. There's no more money. Our Community Organizer in Chief (who is also a radical) is pushing buttons to make this Republic CHANGE, as he promised.

But don't you want to go watch "Dancing with the LOST Stars" or something ?
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