Monday 25 June 2012

Deconstructing the @Shoq takedown: Harold M. Edelstein flies again

Jai singh | 05:38 | | Be the first to comment!
I was minding my own bidness yesterday, watching the Twitter-flow of the feeble-minded 'Stop Rush' 'volunteers' pushing their weak-sauce reasoning for attempting to undermine the rights of an American citizen to conduct business, to deny First Amendment rights to both Rush Limbaugh to speak and to his audience to listen (by using Liberal Fascist tactics of harassing Clear Channel advertisers until they stopped advertising) when a small, virtual, welcome 'explosion' happened. A link, generated by a left-leaning Twitterer with whom @Shoq had been quarreling (imagine that!) to a New York Times obituary, dated 1982, of one 'Harold M. Edelstein', a swank (but Liberal) Wall Street executive who was also a decorated WWII veteran. The obit was brief, as follows...

Harold M. Edelstein, former managing director of the Oppenheimer Fund and former president of Bernstein-Macaulay Inc., an investment advisory company in New York City, died of cancer Tuesday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where he lived.

He was 59 years old.

Mr. Edelstein, who retired in 1977, also taught classes in investing at the New School for Social Research [an avant-garde hyper-partisan-to-far-Left School, known for it's elitism and for it's unwavering dedication to partisan left-wing philosophies -ed] and at Fairleigh Dickinson University. He was a bomber-navigator with the Eighth Air Force in World War II, attaining the rank of major.

Mr. Edelstein is survived by his wife, the former Nancy Levin; two sons, Andrew and Matthew; a daughter, Carolyn; a brother, Leonard, and a sister, Elinor Shain.
(boldings mine)

A good man, by all accounts; as his son Matthew (@shoq) himself pointed out...

Shoq’s Dad Was A Filthy Liberal: Oh, And A War Hero, Too!
By Shoq, on March 2, 2011, at 5:22 pm
This afternoon, I stopped by my mom's house…

…just to check in on her, as I try to do regularly, even if I don't need the free lunch. When I arrived, she was scanning pages of my Dad's war diary, a classic piece of memorabilia chronicling his 25 missions over Germany in a B-17 "Flying Fortress," while serving in the Eighth Air Force's 96th Bomb Group in England from 1943 to 1944.

Noticing something odd, I snatched the paperback-sized tome from her, and was shocked to find a newspaper photograph stuck to an inside cover page, from whence it must have come unstuck after some 65 years of being hidden there between that page and the book's inside cover. This incredible artifact, shown below, witnessed my dad being medaled with the Distinguished Flying Cross, one of our nation's highest military honors. ...

Seems the gentleman was a pretty good old bloke; many of the WWII generation were unsung heroes, including some of my own. A shame old Hal Edelstein found Progressivism to be so 'swank'.

So what? Why did this linking by an old friend of @Shoq's mean anything?

Roots. and Nails.

Mr. Matthew Edelstein, son of war-hero Harold M. Edelstein, has spent countless years of his life viciously attacking people whom he finds to be repulsive because of their political leanings. And I mean, viciously, as only the scion of an uber-wealthy Wall Street executive could be. And because he was so well-insulated, he also expected to get away with his viciousness. And he went to great lengths to keep hidden, for to get away with his cruel viciousness. Matthew R. Edelstein lied for years upon years, trying to keep hidden his real identity; which was revealed years before. Years of denial and lies were washed away: this one bit of evidence linked yesterday afternoon just stops Matthew R. Edelstein's shoq-ing squirmings.

I won't bother linking all the evidence of Matthew R. Edelstein's past-hatefulnesses that got him dragged kicking and screaming to this junct-ure, that's what the g00gle is for. But I will post, one more time, the one @Shoq tweet that, to me, justifies my schadenfreude in seeing Matthew R. Edelstein exposed...

Somewhere, Andrew Breitbart is laughing, laughing, laughing at this angry little pussy.

Now, somebody needs to just let him slink back into his cesspool, to trouble us no further.

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Sunday 17 June 2012


Jai singh | 21:31 | | | | Be the first to comment!

This is a slideshow of my graphical answers to the 'Stop Rush' anti-American far-Left Liberal Fascists Clockers who, instead of trying to compete with Rush Limbaugh, are trying to STOP his show.

These sorts make me sick.

"I don't agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Instead of that wholly-American sentiment, these whiny little shitstains seek to SHUT UP! Rush Limbaugh. Because they can't compete, and can't stand that he's given them massive butt-hurt for 23 YEARS!

They can go fuck themselves, with swordfishes. Sideways.

Look for more of these, time permitting!
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Thursday 14 June 2012

Velvet Revolution: Brett Kimberlin loses again.

Jai singh | 20:03 | | Be the first to comment!
This new blog, Velvet Revolution, seeks to steal the phrase 'Velvet Revolution' away from convicted 'Speedway Bomber' Brett Kimberlin. An excerpt from Velvet Revolution's first post...

Brett Kimberlin, Convicted Speedway Bomber & Terrorist
On November 30, 2004, convicted terrorist bomber, drug dealer, and perjurer Brett Kimberlin formed a Maryland corporation for the purpose of soliciting tax-exempt donations from the public and charitable foundations, to promote an alleged “network of more than 100 progressive organizations reaching millions of people demanding progressive change through our various campaigns”. Campaigns such as offering bounties for the head of the Chamber of Commerce, the impeachment of a Supreme Court Justice, and proof that John Kerry actually won the 2004 presidential election.

This corporation was also known as the Velvet Revolution, or “VelvetRevolution.US, Inc.” according to its corporate filings.

Kimberlin, convicted of a 1978 series of bombings in Speedway, Indiana, is a product of a different time: the day of “radical chic”, of the celebrity terrorist, when murderers like Ilich Ramirez-Sanchez (“Carlos the Jackal”) were featured on the cover of Paris Match! Where today our government might reward a serial bomber like Kimberlin with a drone strike or a vacation in lovely Florence Colorado, Kimberlin served a scant 20 years in relative comfort, during which time he was able to collaborate on a biography with Mark Singer of The New Yorker. Singer would go on to describe Kimberlin as a “top-flight con man” when he realized that Kimberlin had lied about selling marijuana to the hapless Dan Quayle.

Go read the rest, and much more about convicted Speedway bomber Brett Kimberlin, at the Velvet Revolution blog. That's what it's there for.

I posted something on 'Blog Brett Kimberlin" day, and included this original pshop, which if I do say so myself isn't bad. Brett Kimberlin an his buddies bragged that they had 'killed Breitbart' by stressing him out so much that his heart finally gave up. True or not, the bragging beckons balance. But from a bolt of lightning, not a bombshell.

"Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends." --  J. R. R. Tolkien

You'll eventually lose, suckah!


Velvet Revolution

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Wednesday 6 June 2012

Wisconsin Public-Sector Unions Stay Defeated & Broken. Strong Victory! for the rest of U.S.A.!

Jai singh | 05:06 | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Freaking Union thugs and Dirty Socialists lose (yet) another one.

After spending all those Union Dues to 'buy' Wisconsin's State Legislature (just as they tried to 'buy' the Wisconsin Supreme Court), the Democrats come up looking like idiots, morons and fools, yet again!. The GOP again thwarted the Union's neo-Marxist, dirty socialistic desires.

So, LeftLibProggs, what's your game plan now? After spending all this unrecoverable time and money and spittle-flecked fury; after bringing in all the 'big guns' from around the Nation to recall the 'evil' Wisconsin legislators and, having failed that, to again assail Governor Scott Walkter (who, with his leadership and his correct tactics of dismantling the public-sector unions, actually saved jobs for teachers, AND saved taxpayer money), what's up now?

You'd think they would learn! But listen to THIS fool, crying his widdle eyes out on national TV! (h/t Darleen Click)

Go home, take freakin' baths already. Dry your eyes. Use a nice Koch kleenex!


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Sunday 3 June 2012


Jai singh | 21:44 | Be the first to comment!

I spotted this photo.
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