Monday 26 November 2012

Fun with imagery 1

Jai singh | 18:11 | Be the first to comment!
Just, fun!

...inspired by a tweet from @WorldMist1. The top two panes are circulating as an image around the internet, probably from Reddit (a place I've never visited). First I'd seen of it, about an hour ago. Had to fix it!

Look closer at the three panes. A shame, really. The closest Americans can get to the moon now is by balloon.

And, we ARE the Titanic, complete with deck chairs and a band playing to the bitter end. With our little Republic in unbelievable debt, the dependency class expanding like a balloon, and Obama printing monies like he's Jesus distributing bread to the poor, only he's not, he's borrowing bread from the Chinese and making bread out of thin air; bread that must be paid back by our children's children.

Just give me an Obamaphone, I'll try to call someone who cares.
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Saturday 10 November 2012

How's about this Paula Broadwell gal?

Jai singh | 11:34 | Be the first to comment!
Let's see...Paula Broadwell was married with two kids; a fitness expert, and a writer. General David Petraeus was married, the Director of Obama's CIA; his wife also works for the Obama group.

These two clowns both cheated on their mates. Petraeus, as Director of the CIA, left himself open to possible extortion (what if Breedswell had been a Putin plant?). Neither are representative of the clan Good People; both seem to fit President Empty Chair's style quite well.

So, I have no sympathy for either of them. None. Whatsoever.

Recall when General Petraeus was called 'General Betray-Us' by the far-Left Soros assholes who hated Bush? I personally thanked General Petraeus on Wednesday, September 12, 2007. And again on the 13th. Hmmph. Well, they were right. Only it was his wife he betrayed, not his country. But that's enough. If you can cheat on the closest person to you on the face of planet Earth, you are a piece of shit. Period. Full.Stop.

And for this Bedwell gal? who wrote Petraeus' biography, entitled 'All In' ? Heh. Heh. Ha.

Loser(s). Drop off the face of the Earth, speedily.


RS McCain: "The Slut Paula Broadwell"

Stacy's poking sharp things at the feminists. Hope he's using one of Sandra Fluke's xxxl condoms...

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2012: Why Democrats Won?

Jai singh | 11:04 | Be the first to comment!
Barack Obama appealed to, and successfully herded, a mixed bag of cats who do not understand that this Republic is not too big to fail. By promising unsustainable treats, he’s damaged our, and our children’s, future.

Look at some of the breakdowns of votes from some Ohio counties, counties that should have produced more Republican votes. Was the lack of Republican turnout because Romney was perceived as an aloof white man, caring very little about women, the brown-skinned, Gays, Siamese, American Bobtail? No. Republicans who are out of work, Republicans who’s kids are on insurance policies until they are 26, Republicans who deep in their minds are saying ‘Hey, I’d really like to get hold of some of that sweet, sweet catnip!’ pulled away, quietly. Or, once they were in front of the voting machine, guiltily looked over their shoulder and pushed the button marked ‘Free Shit’.

The message, it too was strong; the resistance, too weak. This election was de Tocqueville’s prediction, proved better’n the Mayan one. I’m convinced of it.

What's going to happen? Those who voted for 'free' goods and services that they haven't earned and don't deserve, taken from those who work and pay taxes, out of the Federal Treasury, freely proffered by a Party that has lost it's connection to the US Constitution, are eventually going to learn what is the meaning of 'Unsustainable'. Their pain will be shared amongst all of this Republic's inhabitants; I will feel that pain, but I will also smile, smile, smile, because their pain is pain deserved. For their stupidly following a cult-like leader rather than our founding Constitutional principles.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years."

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Thursday 8 November 2012

Orgies in Hot Tubs, and the Disappearance of Virtue

Jai singh | 22:05 | Be the first to comment!
This by Bill Whittle is worth listening to, if you wonder what exactly happened to our little Republic on Tuesday, Nov 6 2012.

What's in our future? den Beste thinks we're falling off a skyscraper, passing the 20th floor and muttering 'this isn't so bad, is it?'.

If that's too much for you, then there's always Hyuana.


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Sunday 4 November 2012

Aggrieved emails from OFA, Democrats 2012, Barack Obama hisself...

Jai singh | 06:13 | Be the first to comment!
One thing I won't miss, after Barack Obama shuffles back to Chicago or remains in the White House, are the proliferation of begging, pleading, demanding, whipped-tail whiny-ass emails these sorry Democrats (including Barack Obama hisself and his chubby-arsed wife) are sending to my junk email account. There's never been a President who demeans himself down to the level this 'Community Organizer in Chief' does; to personally beg and plead for a few bucks from everyone he can reach.

He certainly knows how to reach potential supporters, but to reach out in order to help save a few Americans dying in Benghazi? he hasn't a clue.

Defeat Obama. Or, re-elect and impeach, I don't care. Either way, he's amply proven himself a complete and utter failure.

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