Saturday 19 October 2013

Americans: Fat, Dumb, Happy, and Doomed.

Jai singh | 08:00 | Be the first to comment!
Bob Belvedere over at Camp of the Saints linked an essay by Mark Steyn, "Potemkin Parliament", in which Mark tell us what we already know: America, the Little Republic that Once Could and Did, is doomed to failure. That prompted me to leave this comment at Bob's Camp...

I've little faith in the typical 'American' 'Citizen' - hardly any of whom are worth the polish on the boots of a WWII vet.

I've said before that I believe our Republic crested July 1969, when we put a man on the moon. Seems since then there's been more American people interested in our own personal comforts. That may be a natural proclivity, given human history; but one that doesn't sustain or improve our current or future freedoms: we are too easily purchased. We should always be ready to fight to sustain a free Republic for our succeeding generations.

How many people plop their fat asses down in front of a TV and suck in the pablum that spews forth, hour after hour, day after day, week after week ? How many people sit in air-conditioned homes or offices, without interacting with their neighbors next door or in the streets? How many are cocooned in their own little bubbles, praying (if praying is even on list of what we do) that nothing upsets the Government's Applecart, that shining font of giving, that protective layer that keeps us cool in the summer and warm in the winter?

We've 316 Million Souls living in the USA today, some 7 Billion worldwide; tomorrow there will be more, and the next days, weeks, years...even more. Religious beliefs are weakening here and in other 'enlightened' countries. What that means is, instead of considering others' souls, our newly 'enlightened' leaders are considering others as animals, and are treating us as such.

The way they see it, in secular Darwin World, the value of any individual's life (except their own, of course) is directly proportional to the total number of lives living at that moment. Without religion, this is how we, humans, are, and increasing will be, considered by those 'enlightened' leaders who will consider us at all.

We are but animals, needing proper husbandry; that, helpfully provided by 'enlightened' leadership, elected by us but, for the most part, caring little about us, about our past heritage, and about our children's futures.

Doomed, yes. Deserving said doom? That's what the majority of 'Americans' have decided for all of us - from their couches, easy chairs and recliners.

Yes, we've that many hundreds of millions, and damned few of us deserve what others built for us.

Will there be succeeding Republics that learn from our mistakes? That learn that soft living makes for easy controlling? That moving to far-Left, as the Democrats have done, should be countered more forcefully than we've bothered to do? That a supposedly Conservative party, the Republicans, the GOP, will but cave to the Leftists every time and every chance they get, because they too like 'easy living', the spirit of congeniality and pragmatism, to keep the teats open and the people happy?

Yep, we deserve this what's coming. Each and every one of us.

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Friday 11 October 2013

New Slavery in America

Jai singh | 17:41 | Be the first to comment!
ACA - ObamaCare was a ruse designed to fail, to allow the Democratic Socialists of America (the NEW!, Organized for Action Democratic Party) an opportunity to install a Single-Payer scheme, a socialist's life-long wet dream.

As Dr. Ben Carson stated, ACA - ObamaCare is the "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery". Because each person desiring and accepting this so-called 'health care' is becoming subservient to the Government's control, and is less free, and a lesser person, for accepting it.
Socialized medicine is the keystone to the foundation of a socialist State. We are becoming just that, the thing that our grandparents fought and died to stop from spreading: the centralized, controlling evil that sows socialism 'for the good of the people'. Taken from those who have, given to those who need; redistributed by the iron fist of the IRS. Who needs to rely on churches and charity anymore, when a powerful Government can simply take whatever they feel you have to spare, and give it to whomever promises them fealty?

Hey, you Useful Obama Idiots with ObamaPhones and proud of your welfare checks and 'free' healthcare? Enjoy it whilst you can. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Expect to pay, one way or the other, for what you think is yours, but really isn't.
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