Sunday 28 April 2013

StopRush: Unrepentant Liberal Fascists Dying in their Bathrooms

Jai singh | 09:02 | Be the first to comment!
Still wheezing along, on spindly prog's legs, is "StopRush", that Media Matters for America (MMFA)-founded-and-funded group of hyperventilating hyper-Leftists who's only desire in their miserable lives is to SHUT UP! Rush Limbaugh. For starters.

One even died for it. After spending all night whacking away at his newest Daily KOS screed, he collapsed in his bathroom. What an ignominous way to go: ignoring your body's cries for help to satisfy your collective's desire to control others' speech.

Another StopRush gadfly, the whackadoodle known as "Shoq", Matt Edelstein, recently suffered prostate cancer, but survived after surgery. I'm glad he survived. He's but a former shell of himself now; I've avoided any mention of him because of that. Hopefully his mental processes are recovering from that bit of nassty in-your-gut reality, and he gets on with his life, such that it is. Certainly entertaining fellow Left-Lib-Proggs on the Twitter isn't much of a life, really.

I was alerted to a Daily KOS post written by one of the now-primary StopRush twits (after "Denver Union Guy" passed in his crapper, StopRush scraped the barrel's bottom to find 'Proglegs', a nondescript functionary with zero writing skills but certainly, we hope, a better heart). That post won't be linked here, because Daily KOS is a sewer, unfit for real Americans to attend.

The post's substance, such that it is, was to vilify an email that a real American, a Rush Limbaugh advertiser, sent to them in regards their abusive spam-bullying attacks. Seems there are strong, good, fight-the-good-fight people left in America, thankfully!

I'd like to thank that Dentist from the Buffalo Dental Group for his reply to his hateful, faceless, KOS-clueless attackers, and provide that email here so other strong Americans can see exactly why and how they should respond to these Stop Rush Liberal Fascists (or to any other Democrat who tries to silence free speech)...

I want to thank you for writing to us concerning our ads during Mr. Limbaugh's radio program. I took the liberty of showing the video clip to two (2) separate groups of women, the first being several in our office, as well as my wife and two of my oldest daughters (ages 23 and 21). They all reacted in the same way. First, they thought it was hilariously funny, but they, as well as I, agree with him. He is absolutely dead on correct. However, I must state that we are a very conservative family. Why should I, or we, be forced to pay for her birth control and sexual activity. It is not healthcare. Should health insurance also pay for aspirin (Rush has a creative use for aspirin), tylenol, and ibuprofen? Most sane people think that would be ludicrous. The purpose of insurance, including health insurance should be to cover those things that an individual cannot individually pay for, such as hospitalizations, surgeries, accidents and other large expenditure events. To cover routine services is simply an inefficient cost added transfer of funds. I will offer the analogy of cars. When you own a car, you have insurance to cover accidents and liability for damage to others. In the event of an accident, these can be very costly, and can be far beyond what most individuals can afford. However, I never have heard (nor is it offered) gasoline and oil change insurance. To do so would be absurd, as those purchases are routine and expected. If gasoline insurance were offered that would cover unlimited "fill-ups" (analogy to free care and office visits), driving would go through the roof, as would the cost of gas. Think about it.

I try to listen to Rush and Sean Hannity when ever I am able to. We love Marco Rubio. They are true patriots and great Americans. We usually have Fox News on in our reception area at our offices. You might find it hard to believe, but we really try to attract the conservative segment of the market to our practice. They are usually the finest people that we meet.

As for Ms. Fluke. If she were our daughter we would be horrified. It is interesting to note that Georgetown University is a Catholic university. The Catholic faith does not endorse such activity. She is a disgrace to Georgetown.

We have come to live in such a PC world, that we are afraid of the truth. I would suggest that you might want to broaden your thoughts, and watch some of Dr. Benjamin Carson's speeches, or other Rush Limbaugh programs, most notably his CPAC keynote talk. I would also suggest watching Marco Rubio's talks. Dr. Carson is an amazing person, coming from poverty to be the head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins.

I have seen and heard far too much vulgar vitriol coming from the liberal activists such as Jon Stewart and Bill Maher to ever condemn Rush Limbaugh. There is no comparison. Limbaugh speaks the truth while the liberal side espouses vile hatred. However, the liberal activities never reported. Nothing that goes against the liberal mainstream media or the obama machine ever gets reported. I have heard too much character assassination of fine conservatives, including the same term (and worse)that Rush uses being used against fine conservative women such as Michelle Bachman. The difference is that these women usually have been faithfully married to the same man for many years. I don't get it???? What did we ever hear about the slaughter at Benghazi? Nothing, just cover-up and lies. The US government actually had time to deploy a drone to watch the ambush and attack live, in the Situation Room of the White House, yet nothing was done to aid the Americans under attack. They could get a drone there, but could not get much faster air support there. Hmmm. The two former Navy Seals that were there, and were killed, are true heroes as they held off the attackers, saving an estimated 30 lives in the process. They actually disobeyed orders, as they were 3 times told to "stand down" and not aid the diplomats. They pleaded for support..... that did not come. Mr. obama..... went to bed. He should be impeached for treason. Yet, why have we never heard from those rescued? They have been ordered not to talk. Hannity, Levin, Huckabee, and Levin are the only ones that still report the truth. I thank God for Fox News. Presently, we have a trial going on for an abortionist who murdered children after they were born by cutting their spinal cords with scissors. How could someone do that? It is too gruesome to imagine. However on the mainstream media..... almost no report. Our society is sick.

As for impact on women, (remember I actually have 4 daughters so I am very sensitive to fairness and equality for women), when is the last time any of the liberal mainstream media hosted any issues on women's repression and lack of rights in the rapidly increasing muslim regions of the world? Never. My wife actually just reminded me about this fact. Women are considered property of men.

I realize that is quite unlikely that you will ever want to become a patient of ours, but I would welcome the opportunity to discuss politics, or I should actually say the fate of our country, which at the present time doesn't look too good. The liberal culture and agenda is rapidly destroying our country. America is failing, primarily for one reason. We have lost all of the values and virtues that built our country for the first 200 years of our existence. I love our country too much to "drink the Kool Aid".

Again, thank you for writing, but if I could, I would sponsor the entire Rush Limbaugh show. I believe in and proudly stand by my convictions. Please keep an open mind and don't believe everything that you hear.

He gets it. He's not afraid to face down his far-Left attackers. He's a role model for Americans; an example of what America once stood for: liberty and freedom, not Political Correctness and divisiveness.

A comment I left at protein wisdom just this morning that summarizes what I think has happened to this once-proud Republic, a nation that pulled together to win WWII and land men on the moon...

From Pablo’s Steyn link (this pontification from a NYT blockhead)
“The alleged involvement of two ethnic Chechen brothers in the deadly attack at the Boston Marathon last week should prompt Americans to reflect on whether we do an adequate job assimilating immigrants who arrive in the United States as children or teenagers.”
How’s that assimilation supposed to happen when the Party Now In Charge of the Ruling Party (today’s hyper-Left Democrats) only came into existence because they’ve sought to, and have managed to, split Americans into fractious disparate groups and pander to each group’s weaknesses?

There’s no single ‘American’ attribute left standing that we can point to and say, ‘Immigrant! This is what is America! Rally to us, and be assimilated!”.

Once, we could point to flag, language and culture. Those three basics were discarded by the Left in favor of Group Ghey, Group Femi, Group ‘Shades of Brown’, Group (insert a ‘splintered-for-Democrat’s-pandering-pleasure’ here).

That’s what we’ve lost, a rallying point that is uniquely American. There’s nothing of substance for these Chechens to have assimilated to.

Groups of far-Leftists (StopRush, Obama's  OFA 'Organizing For Action' and countless others) are still in the process of tearing down this nation's strengths. When all is said and done, and they've succeeded? They will be the first put up against the walls. But do they realize that?

No, they can't see it, because perpetually chasing after the false nirvana painted so vividly (but in false colors) by their rickety far-Left ideology is blinding them to reality.

They may succeed in getting their screeds written and enacted, but their doom is to fall out after, clutching at fading hopes and dreams, desperately clinging to those rolls of rough toilet paper they've managed to seize as their lives fade to black.

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Sunday 21 April 2013

Obama's Gun Control "Blue Clown Frown"

Jai singh | 12:34 | Be the first to comment!
Always it's a good thing to see an arrogant evildoer thwarted. And the anger in his eyes, the pout in his lips, the twitchy unhappiness of his surrounding cast? Priceless!
The Senate turned back the President’s assault on the Second Amendment. President Obama does not like it when he doesn’t get his way, and it showed. With some of the relatives of Sandy Hook victims at his side, he attacked those who opposed his will.

Voting on a bill that restricts the rights outlined in the Constitution should have been the only option for the Senate. Instead, 54 Senators attempted further restrictions on our freedoms. Surprisingly, the vote wasn’t even close: 46 against and 54 for. Even some Democrats, fearful of losing in the next election cycle, went with the majority.

Barack Obama's "Blue Clown Frown"
Not even four months into Obama's second term, his agenda is collapsing. First, his failure to cower Republicans into overturning his own Sequester; now the Democrat-controlled Senate won't even give him his pet gun control project. Coming apart? You tell me...
Things are looking up for Republicans. President Obama’s agenda is collapsing before our eyes. Obama is pointing to the 2014 midterm elections to capture the House and revive his presidency. “My job is not simply to occupy the Oval Office,” he said at a San Francisco fundraiser. “My job is to make sure we move the country forward, and I think we can best do that if Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the House once again.” Obama said Pelosi is “thoughtful” and “visionary” and “never lets ideology cloud her judgment.”
Any person who claims that Nancy Pelosi is 'thoughtful and visionary' is thoughtless and unobservant. Recall her "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it"?

We are still finding out what's in it, Nancy, and what we are finding isn't making anyone happy.

ObamaCare isn't exactly a well thought-out plan, and even now no one can say for sure that it will succeed without breaking the various state's and the federal budgets (as if that's something any Democrat cares about).

Oh, and Obama's line, that Nancy Pelosi 'never lets ideology could her judgement'? That's not just a lie, it's a damned lie. Who amongst us, even and especially hardcore far-Left Progressives, could believe that? Only the most docile and controlled amongst us could give that statement any credence. Coming from a President? Well, this President will say anything to anybody to advance his agendas; agendas that only his closest advisers have inkling of.

Oh, and on the so-called 'Affordable Care Act', Obama's signature misdeed...Obama will force states to comply with ACA, by sending in federal agents...
President Obama will not wait on states to enforce ObamaCare. The Obama administration has announced its intent to disregard state laws and state constitutional amendments prohibiting the enforcement of ObamaCare. Federal agents from the Department of Health and Human Services will assume absolute control over states’ health insurance industry and regulation in states that refuse to comply with the federal healthcare mandates.

In an exclusive telephone interview with The New American, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak reported that his office has received a letter from Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) Deputy Administrator and Director Gary Cohen informing him that the federal government will impose ObamaCare regulations on insurance companies in Oklahoma. The CCIIO is part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

According to a story in Politico, Doak’s colleagues in Missouri, Wyoming, and Texas have received these notifications, as well.
That's the American way. Pass a measure in the dead of night, with no Republican votes; then when the various States pass laws to nullify it's implementation, send in the Feds. We need another frown from Obama, soonest.

If we can have more of these angry looks from our Dirty Socialist in Chief, then I'd begin to have hope for our little Republic. But there must be many, many more angry, petulant, annoyed moments like this Gun Control success for us to have a chance.

Keep frowning, Mr. President! That's how we know our Republic is staying safe!

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Monday 15 April 2013

"First Successful Bombing, Terror Explosion since 9/11"

Jai singh | 20:21 | Be the first to comment!
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: What strikes me is part of the reason for the psychological shock is that if you think about it, Bret, this is the first successful bombing -- terror explosion since 9/11. We've had some that were attempted, like the one in Times Square that never succeeded.
Jackie Bruno, NECN
We've had by my count, about ten terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 9/11, all of them have been shootings with one exception, which is a man who drove a car into a crowd at University of North Carolina. But this is the first explosion. I think that's what gives this the sort of psychological resonance. People running in the street of a big city, the smoke. Of course, it's nowhere near the scale of 9/11, but it's the first time.

And I think that is sort of a historical echo that we're feeling and it reminds us of how vulnerable we felt at the beginning of this whole decade of terror. And that even though, we thought that we had largely escaped, and we have largely escaped, it is still out there. (Special Report, April 15, 2013)

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