Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bill Clinton now HATES! Anthony Weiner. Why, you ask?

Jai singh | 05:58 | Be the first to comment!
Sydney Leathers and Monica Lewinsky

The BOYZ aren't sharing their TOYZ!

Barack Obama needs step in quickly, before this fight gets really nasty and damages his Party. He could set the two masculine warriors down and have a chat...or a cigar?

Call it the CIGAR SUMMIT! bada BING!

Seriously, I can understand why Bill Clinton stepped out of line with Monica and the rest of his Gals Friday (and Monday, Tuesday Wednesday...)

but Anthony Weiner? Seriously? Huma Weiner is teh HAWT!

Just ask Hillary Clinton...

Hillary Clinton and Huma Weiner
Headlights ON!

Yes, it seems now that Bill can't stand the Weiner. Neither, obviously, can Hillary...


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Saturday 20 July 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents lead protests over Zimmerman verdict

Jai singh | 09:05 | Be the first to comment!
Trayvon's parents to join together to protest a jury's verdict? Really? Finally, they get back together, after it's too late?

Tracy Martin and Sabrina Fulton: "that wasn't the Trayvon we raised".

Bullshit. You became careless, and missed your opportunity to get Trayvon back on a solid path. You failed as parents.

Missed the school suspension, did you? Missed the 'fudged' police reports, did you?
Sanford Police Department (SPD) investigator Chris Serino, for instance, said publicly of Martin, “This child has no criminal record whatsoever.” He called Martin “a good kid, a mild-mannered kid.” The media almost universally sustained this tragically false narrative.

Martin had the seeming good fortune of attending school in the Miami-Dade School District, the fourth-largest district in the country and one of the few with its own police department.

For a variety of reasons, none of them good, elements within the SPD and the Miami-Dade School District Police Department, or M-DSPD, conspired to keep Martin’s criminal history buried.

The exposure of M-DSPD practices began inadvertently on March 26, 2012, when the Miami Herald, the one mainstream outlet to do real reporting on the case, ran a story on Martin’s background.

The Herald’s headline, “Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin,” should have caused the other media to seek the truth about the very nearly sanctified Martin.

It did not. What it did do was to cause M-DSPD Police Chief Charles Hurley to launch a major Internal Affairs (IA) investigation into the possible leak of this information to the Herald.

At the end of the day, Hurley rather wished he had not. The detectives questioned told the truth about Martin and about the policies that kept him out of the justice system. Hurley would be demoted and forced out of the department within a year.

Hurley’s detectives, all of them veterans with excellent records, told a different story under oath when questioned by Internal Affairs. They knew the shell game was about to be exposed upon first learning that Martin was one of their students and outside agencies would be requesting his records.

“Oh, God, oh, my God, oh, God,” one major reportedly said when first looking at Martin’s data. He realized that Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

In each case, the case file on Martin was fudged to make the crime less serious than it was. As one detective told IA, the arrest statistics coming out of Martin’s school, Michael Krop Senior, had been “quite high,” and the detectives “needed to find some way to lower the stats.” This directive allegedly came from Hurley.

“Chief Hurley, for the past year, has been telling his command staff to lower the arrest rates,” confirmed another high-ranking detective.

Trayvon Martin's problems began at school in Miama, where he immersed himself in 'culture'. His part-time, divorced, could-care-less parents ignored or missed the signs. Bottom line, they failed to provide the solid family structure that's so necessary for any teenager to avoid the pitfalls of our horrid American culture. Those were pitfalls Trayvon couldn't escape alone. And didn't escape.

So, today, Tracy Martin and Sabrina (who? Fulton?) get back together again, to protest a jury's verdict.

Who is going to protest Tracy and Sabrina's parenting failure?

I'll be your huckleberry...

Bad Parenting Sucks!
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Thursday 18 July 2013

George Zimmerman's Fate: Run Down by Eric Holder's Department of "Justice"

Jai singh | 05:59 | Be the first to comment!
Eric Holder's DOJ is using bully tactics to run down George Zimmerman, an innocent American, for the purpose of pushing our U.S. Government's now far-Left agenda.

Hey Eric! Instead of scrabbling to criminalize a human's Natural Right (the right to self-defense), why not inquire as to why Trayvon Martin's PARENTS failed to raise him correctly?

Trayvon Martin's fall began at home ("home", such as it was); and that fall is being repeated endlessly, yearly, daily, hourly, for generation after generation of Americans. There's been a harmful breakdown in our American family's structure that's led to an obvious and significant rotting of our culture. Marriages are trivialized; children are raised as if they are but afterthoughts, and become victims for it.

Trayvon Martin should not have been allowed, by his parents, to immerse himself in a culture that's steeped in criminality. Go watch any video featuring 'heroes' of Rap culture; you'll see what I mean.

Trayvon Martin so hated authority that, instead of calling 911 on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, he called his girl friend for advice. Even authority as innocuous as a School Bus Driver got some of his "Whoooop Ass". As for the tea and skittles he purchased that fateful night? Trayvon was likely manufacturing "Lean" with his tea and skittles. Right under his Father's nose.

Trayvon Martin's problems started with his part-time, divorced, careless Parents, who failed to provide a solid family structure that's so necessary for any teenager to avoid the pitfalls of our horrible American culture. Those were pitfalls Trayvon couldn't escape alone.

And now we see the Federal Government, the United States Department of Justice, managed by Eric Holder, chasing willy-nilly after George Zimmerman.

Eric Holder is, too, caught up in an awful culture: far-Left ideology.

Is this really what we've allowed the United States of America to degenerate to?

Oh, My God. help us, one and all.

Oh, and Erich von Holder, Henrich Holder, Barack Obama's Left Hand Man? Love your new look, really.

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Sunday 14 July 2013

Lessons from Trayvon Martin's Untimely Death

Jai singh | 06:12 | Be the first to comment!
A shame that Trayvon Martin, still a child legally (and, as a child, still his parents' ward) got sidetracked on what appears to be a common mainstream cultural path: drug usage, fighting (he hit his school bus driver), stealing (he had women's jewelry and a screwdriver). He might've outgrown this phase of his life, if he had had solid parenting; two still-married adults who, together, could've given him a better chance...

We'll never know.

Let this be a lesson to anyone who gets married just for the 'love' of it: that's not what marriage is about.

Marriage is about raising children correctly, to their adulthood.

Learn from Trayvon's parents' mistakes: if you have a child, get married, stay married, raise your collective child(ren) correctly so they will have the best opportunity to avoid terrible cultural pitfalls.

Parents have an obligation to raise their children better than Trayvon's parents raised him.
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Friday 12 July 2013

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin: Trayvon Martin's Parents

Jai singh | 05:34 | Be the first to comment!
An overarching theme of Trayvon Martin ‘supporters’ is that he was a child. This child was stalked and killed by evil child-stalking gunman George Zimmerman.

Who is responsible for a child‘s welfare? Who is supposed to keep a child from absorbing and joining a street culture that promotes thug life? If Trayvon was a child (and he was still, legally, a minor) the responsible parties who failed him first were his parents. Those same self-aggrandizing sops who ignored his welfare for their own, and now seek to cover their own failings by shifting blame to George Zimmerman.

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, failed parents, share as much responsibility for Travyvon Martin’s behavior (the drug use, the fighting that got him kicked out of school, the thug behavior pattern that got him killed) as George Zimmerman. They failed to properly raise and nurture their child.
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Wednesday 10 July 2013

New Android App: Gun Geo Marker by Brett Stalbaum, UCSD

Jai singh | 05:35 | Be the first to comment!
From Washington Times Communities, a chilling story indeed. Seems a far-Left 'lecturer' (read: a professor who thinks he's justified for doing, saying, creating whatever tool he thinks will serve his urgent need to further his narratives, because the means always justify the ends) has developed an Android geotagging App that anyone can use to anonymously target the homes and of any gun owner...
DALLAS, July 9, 2013 - A newly released Android app may expose gun owners’ addresses to the entire world. The “Gun Geo Marker” application, now available in the Google Play App Store, is intended to allow anonymous reporting and public tracking of “irresponsible gun owners.”

Developed by University of California San Diego lecturer Brett Stalbaum, the anonymous application encourages random users to document the home or business addresses of allegedly irresponsible gun owners via real-time mapping. What
determines “irresponsible” gun ownership is entirely at the discretion of the unknown user marking the map.
We've seen this happen before. Biased media sources (including Nashville's The Tennessean) have seen fit to publish names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders, exposing them to targeting by thieves and other like-minded Democrats, all because their Left-Wing bias against private gun ownership justifies these cynical, hurtful, and possibly harmful disclosures.

Well, turn about is fair play. In the Discus comments to that post, commenter "Turnabout Is Fair Play" posts the following information:

Turnabout is Fair Play
Irresponsible App Developer:
Brett O Stalbaum
(619) 443-0097
1016 Stage Coach Trl
Julian, CA 92036-9317

There you go, Brett O Stalbaum of the University of California San Diego UCSD!

Let's hope this Android App 'Gun Geo Marker' makes you as fabulously famous! as you deserve to be!


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