Monday 31 December 2012


Jai singh | 05:49 | Be the first to comment!
Demand a Plan, says some Hollywood 'stars' and their supporters, to end gun violence!

Sure, and let's START IN HOLLYWOOD!


Hollywood IS a Culture of Violence. They've spent decades and earned millions by desensitizing our kids to gun violence. Let's DEMAND A PLAN to shutter their hypocritical mouths!

Demand a Plan to STOP actors and actresses from coming off a movie set filled with 'shootings and killings' and in the next breath try to tell US how to act and what to do!

And these video games? They aren't helping kids be better people, grow to mature adults, either. That stupid crazed kid shooting up a school in Sandy Hook spent much of his waking hours playing violence-desensitizing video games. No wonder he felt shooting kids was the right thing to do! He was desensitized by Hollywood and their culture of violence!

Our entire culture is obsessed with violent movies and video games. And these hypocritical bastards want to undermine our Bill of Rights and our Constitution, deny Americans their 2nd Amendment rights, but keep on putting out and making millions off this virtual crap that harms children? Hell, no!

Hmmmph. Oh, and f*ck Susan Sarandon sideways with a frozen swordfish. She's the first one I recognized in that video, mostly because I'm not keen on Hollywood's 'finest'.

Let's add Cher and Alec Baldwin too.

Oh, and these: Olivia Wilde, Matt Damon, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Kal Penn, Jennifer Aniston, Robert Di Nero, Barbara Streisand, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Afflack, Chris Rock, Scarlett Johannson, Wanda Sykes, Rosie O'Donnell, Hugh Hefner, Al Franken, Joy Behar, Robert Redford. And all the rest of the Hollywood Hypocrites.

We'll need a veritable school of frozen swordfish for servicing these far-Left tools.

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Sunday 30 December 2012

"The Gun Ban Song"

Jai singh | 10:17 | Be the first to comment! the tune of "Roasting LeftLibProgg's Chestnuts Over Searing Open-Pit Fires"

Very well done.


Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."
-Mohandas Gandhi

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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Thursday 20 December 2012

Barack Obama: Time's "Person of the Year". Or 'Something'.

Jai singh | 21:53 | Be the first to comment!
This year we've seen both Time and Newsweek splendidly fellating our Leftwards-marching Chief Executive (although Newsweek's pronouncement was more ballsy).

Which magazine's cover best illustrates Barack Obama's true nature?

This one. Mine. I've nailed him.


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God, Guns, and Cheap Whores

Jai singh | 21:32 | Be the first to comment!
This, spotted at Bob Belvedere's Camp of the Saints.

I approve this message.

Bob Belvedere explains Speaker John Boehner as a cheap whore who gave in to Barack Obama's 'War on the Rich' by offering to raise taxes on millionaires. And became a 'quarter whore' (depression-era lingo there) by conjoining with the other House whore, Nancy Pelosi, in furthering her plan, that is essentially the plan Obama favors. Naturally and of course Barack Obama is both House whore's pimp.

The Camp of the Saints: John Boehner is a Cheap Whore

For me, the revelation that John Boehner is a cheap whore came because of an answer given to a question posed by Jeff Goldstein, who is most certainly not a cheap whore like John Boehner.

Jeff’s [who is not, like John Boehner, a cheap whore] question [links mine]:
Speaker Boehner has now signaled that he’s willing to consider gun control, raise taxes on “the rich”, and allow the President’s spending spree to continue with no cuts in sight.

Doesn’t that make the leadership of the Republican Party in the House, you know, Democrats?
The answer came in the Comments section of Jeff’s post and was provided by Ernst Schreiber, who, like Jeff, is not a cheap whore like John Boehner [links mine]:
Go read the rest.

I concur. Speaker John Boehner is, obviously, a cheap whore.

Can we have Eric Cantor installed as new Speaker soonest? He might not be as cheap a whore.

Or, he might. I've very little trust in any GOP politician nowadays.

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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Stop Rush: an update UPDATED!

Jai singh | 21:51 | Be the first to comment!
"Stop Rush", that far-Left hate organization created by Angelo Carusone (a gay 'lawyer' who either quit school or...whatever join "Media Matters For America", itself a far-Left hate organization, much like the "Southern Poverty Law Center") is still somewhat active.

But without a lot of *real* measurable success: Rush Limbaugh is still telling Americans who tune in to his daily show exactly what HE thinks, regardless of what Obama and his cartel of leftists PREFER Americans to hear and think.

I've poked a few sharp sticks into the various gasbags tweeting their lies and false ideological narratives from time to time; when the mood strikes me. And, I've created a few graphics illustrating the Stop Rush Klan's hatreds, their extremist ideologies, and their shallow, blatant hypocrisies.

Recently, one of their top sprockets died: a tweeter using the handle @DenverUnionGuy, Richard Myers of (he didn't lie this time!) Denver. Turns out this fellow was a 'Wobbly', an anti-Capitalist Anarchist!

Just the sort of far-Left fellow who gravitates to Stop Rush and Daily KOS (he published many Stop Rush diaries, as well as running the Stoprush dot net website after Matt Edelstein (@shoq) suffered self-inflicted damage (by psychologically abusing a much younger woman, @Vdaze, whom he was trying to bed; getting caught at abusing, denying it, trying to cover up his abusive stench much like a cat scratches at a pile on a hardwood floor).

No kidding, watching the antics and machinations of this entire Stop Rush Klan is better'n any reality TV show on the air! Duck Dynasty, meet Shoq Puppetry!

The poor gals tweeting day-after-day, week-after-week, do it for the money. There's about 4 or so paid 'volunteers' who each have several different sock puppet accounts

UPDATE: see these recent #StopRush hashtag RSS feed screenshots, detailing the massive RT and sock on these images for large images...

#StopRush's abusive, paid, users have learned how to game @Twitter, to avoid the consequences of violating Twitter's TOS. Terms of Service TOS rules forbid multiple unsolicited mentions, so, by using RT and sock accounts, these Stop Rush paid activists game Twitter's system in order to violate Terms of Service and harass, intimidate and annoy business accounts who've advertised on Limbaugh's radio show.

An example of one of the 'gals', disclosing a hidden sockpuppet account...

The 'Boop' gal in Athens, Georgia, is this one, now famous for allowing her typing fingers to override her fierce but tiny mind, and for once, to tell the actual truth!

Hang in there, Rush Limbaugh! It's gonna take a much bigger Klan of Dirty Socialists and neo-Commies than this bunch of losers can muster to bring you down!


UPDATE 2.11.13: 

Does Media Matters for America still warrant that 'Tax Exempt Status' they enjoy? As a non-profit, their partisanship must be kept at a dull roar. But new developments say otherwise.

Seems that the founder of hyperpartisan Stop Rush, Angelo Carusone, was recently promoted to VP of Media Matters for America.

Yeah, that's hyperpartisan as it can get! #StopRush on Twitter is now closely affiliated with the newest far-Left venture, #UniteBlue.

Looks like some of the cats at Media Matters realize this. We haven't see much of @StopRush or @GoAngelo (the same person) around lately. After the death of their resident Wobbly, one @proglegs emerged with a KOS diary, to take his place.

@Proglegs wasn't very sophisticated. His account was almost immediately suspended for Twitter TOS violations. )

From the KOS post's comments (no linky to those foul 'holes), this revealing comment by Herr Proglegs...

Whomever disagrees with any of these Liberal Fascists will be targeted. FOX News is already under attack (also by Media Matters for America). Glenn Beck suffered a minor setback. Who's next? Mark Levin? (he's a powerful attorney, my favorite radio talker, and these wusses are too scared to face off against him).

This is why it's important to oppose this Stop Rush astroturf agitprop campaign.

They lie when they say they are all 'volunteers'; they lie when they say they only oppose Rush Limbaugh for his so-called 'hate speech'; they lie when they say that their Twitter activities are legitimate.

Liars lie, and from top to bottom, Stop Rush LIES.

Oh, except for this revealing tweet, captured last May...

Don't be fooled: this Stop Rush campaign is a machine, created by far-Left haters and controllers; it's Vice President Angelo Carusone, paid by Media Matters for America; the so-called 'volunteers' are paid by proxy. I've no doubt that the money starts flowing from the topmost levels of the far-Left Democrat Party, possibly through Barack Obama's failed Communist nominee Van Jones. 

This Stop Rush campaign is pure Liberal Fascism.

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"An open call to gun-control advocates and gun supporters"

Jai singh | 19:01 | Be the first to comment!
This post, written by Jeff Goldstein at protein wisdom, is likely the best I've read on the gun control debate. Jeff knows his stuff, and how to get his message across succinctly (boldings mine) ...
To those who have offered support for the announced attempt by Obama and the Congress to go full out for gun control — be they unprincipled and timid Republicans, liberty-snatching and opportunistic leftists, or even just mostly apolitical adults who’ve become so Oprahfied that they think with their syrupy hearts, that is, like children — here is your chance to venture out of your consensus circle and actually defend your position.

The text of the second amendment reads: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

And what the President wants to do — with many in Congress along with him — is infringe on the rights of the people. This is a political power grab, opportunism masquerading as compassion. And I defy gun control advocates to show me how this isn’t so.

An “assault weapon,” which is a military term defined militarily as “selective firearms (full auto-continuous, or burst fire plus auto-loading) of sub-caliber” [source: second amendment foundation] is already subject to onerous taxes, long wait times, and special approval for ownership — and is not the kinds of weapon, legally purchased, you ever see in spree killings. That is, they are under a de facto ban already to nearly everyone who legally owns other types of firearms.
Jeff continues, detailng the correct definition of an 'assault weapon', which is a military full-auto or three-shot-burst selective fire device. The 'black rifles' we purchase are sporting versions, sharing the same rounds; the diminutive .223, usually, that round sanctioned by the UN for not causing as much destruction to tissue. A more 'humane' bullet when compared to, say, the 30-06 Springfield, one of the most popular hunting cartridges available.

Jeff continues...
Yesterday on Facebook I carried on several “debates” simultaneously with the pro-gun control crowd. And what became readily apparent is that most of them knew not a thing about firearms — and those who did were simply interested in positioning themselves on what they perceived to be the “compassionate” side of the issue. These latter folks are easily recognizable because they tend to introduce themselves into the debate by way of asserting some appeal to authority — eg., “I’m a gun owner and an avid hunter and outdoorsman, but even I would tell you that no one needs an assault weapon” — as if his having purchased a gun of his choosing gives him the moral authority to determine what someone else might “need.”

But here’s the thing: the second amendment was intended to protect a natural right, the right to life, to self-preservation, to autonomy outside of the sphere of governmental molestation; and in fact, it is the right that protects all the other individual rights laid forth in the Bill of Rights. Hunting, someone needs to tell Joe Manchin and others, is incidental to the second amendment’s design and purpose — an activity made either easier or more enjoyable to some that comes as a result of the primary right itself, which is intended to keep the individual (and the nation) free and protected.

And it is absolute. “Shall not be infringed” being about as straightforward as it gets, legislatively speaking.
Precisely so. Seems our far-Left Democrats only want to 'seize the moment' to opportunistically ramrod a CHANGE to our Republic's structure. Bad enough that they've already made several terrible CHANGEs to our society (including the big one, ObamaCare).

Let's not further rip this Republic apart with yet another far-Left power grab. Move away from the stoked, heavily manufactured rage, move deliberately and see what can be done about whacked-out kids who needed to be committed to a mental health center long before they snapped.

We cannot allow some knee-jerk reactionary like Barack Obama and his collective of too-far-gone to far-Left Democrats to 'community organize' our rights out of existence, based on actions of a few crazy kids who didn't have the mental health care they needed. The orchestrated, coordinated 'three minute hates' happening on every slavish Obama Mainstream Media television network (eg. MSNBC, NBC) are custom made for an imperious authoritarian to use to manipulate and control his subjects. And he's gotten many of his followers to such a willing state of drone that using the word 'subject' is accurate and appropriate.

Yes, I'll give the Devil his due...Obama is just the type of person to perform and condone whatever machinations are necessary to push his misguided and anti-Constitutional ideology into place, to hell with whomever disagrees.

A damned shame many of the lighter-weight citizens (Jeff nails with "Oprahfied") of this faltering Republic chose so self-centered ("What can you do for ME?" "What's coming to ME?"), and poorly.

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Barack Obama's Assault Drones

Jai singh | 06:00 | Be the first to comment!
Our Mr. President Obama has launched himself into an attack on "assault rifles" owned by American citizens. We can't be allowed to have such weapons, the far-Left explains, because...well, just because. We might use them to kill kids, because some people who are mentally unstable enter "Gun-Free" zones and kill with abandon. Therefore, since we value human life here in the United States, we must keep these assault rifles out of the hands of American Citizens, or at least restrict ammunition and magazines.

I'm thinking we should look at Nobel Peace Prize-winning Mr. Obama, and take away his assault drones.
In the US, mass child killings are tragedies. In Pakistan, mere bug splats

Barack Obama’s tears for the children of Newtown are in stark contrast to his silence over the children murdered by his drones …

If the victims of Mr Obama’s drone strikes are mentioned by the state at all, they are discussed in terms which suggest that they are less than human. The people who operate the drones, Rolling Stone magazine reports, describe their casualties as “bug splats”, “since viewing the body through a grainy-green video image gives the sense of an insect being crushed”. Or they are reduced to vegetation: justifying the drone war, Obama’s counterterrorism adviser Bruce Riedel explained that “you’ve got to mow the lawn all the time. The minute you stop mowing, the grass is going to grow back”.
A two-man team in a New Mexico bunker, on orders from Mr. Barack (I got Bin Laden! And I have a Nobel Peace Prize!) Obama, a Hellfire missile is launched...
Bryant was one of them, and he remembers one incident very clearly when a Predator drone was circling in a figure-eight pattern in the sky above Afghanistan, more than 10,000 kilometers (6,250 miles) away. There was a flat-roofed house made of mud, with a shed used to hold goats in the crosshairs, as Bryant recalls. When he received the order to fire, he pressed a button with his left hand and marked the roof with a laser. The pilot sitting next to him pressed the trigger on a joystick, causing the drone to launch a Hellfire missile. There were 16 seconds left until impact.

“These moments are like in slow motion,” he says today. Images taken with an infrared camera attached to the drone appeared on his monitor, transmitted by satellite, with a two-to-five-second time delay.

With seven seconds left to go, there was no one to be seen on the ground. Bryant could still have diverted the missile at that point. Then it was down to three seconds. Bryant felt as if he had to count each individual pixel on the monitor. Suddenly a child walked around the corner, he says.

Second zero was the moment in which Bryant’s digital world collided with the real one in a village between Baghlan and Mazar-e-Sharif.

Bryant saw a flash on the screen: the explosion. Parts of the building collapsed. The child had disappeared. Bryant had a sick feeling in his stomach.

Did we just kill a kid?” he asked the man sitting next to him.

“Yeah, I guess that was a kid,” the pilot replied.

“Was that a kid?” they wrote into a chat window on the monitor.

Then, someone they didn’t know answered, someone sitting in a military command center somewhere in the world who had observed their attack. “No. That was a dog,” the person wrote.

They reviewed the scene on video. A dog on two legs?

But the far-Left drones are only caring that Americans be stripped of their guns.

For the children.

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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Sunday 2 December 2012

Barack Obama's Weekly Address

Jai singh | 20:03 | Be the first to comment!
Barack Obama's 'Entitlement Class', given to his faithful hangers-on...

Yes, that's our Community Organizer in Chief, still campaigning in Pennsylvania.

At, appropriately enough, a toy store, K'NEX in Hatfield, PA. And he did leave there with some rather large packages.

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Weekend's End Video

Jai singh | 19:53 | Be the first to comment!
...because I can, that's why.

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