Thursday 14 June 2012

Velvet Revolution: Brett Kimberlin loses again.

Jai singh | 20:03 | |
This new blog, Velvet Revolution, seeks to steal the phrase 'Velvet Revolution' away from convicted 'Speedway Bomber' Brett Kimberlin. An excerpt from Velvet Revolution's first post...

Brett Kimberlin, Convicted Speedway Bomber & Terrorist
On November 30, 2004, convicted terrorist bomber, drug dealer, and perjurer Brett Kimberlin formed a Maryland corporation for the purpose of soliciting tax-exempt donations from the public and charitable foundations, to promote an alleged “network of more than 100 progressive organizations reaching millions of people demanding progressive change through our various campaigns”. Campaigns such as offering bounties for the head of the Chamber of Commerce, the impeachment of a Supreme Court Justice, and proof that John Kerry actually won the 2004 presidential election.

This corporation was also known as the Velvet Revolution, or “VelvetRevolution.US, Inc.” according to its corporate filings.

Kimberlin, convicted of a 1978 series of bombings in Speedway, Indiana, is a product of a different time: the day of “radical chic”, of the celebrity terrorist, when murderers like Ilich Ramirez-Sanchez (“Carlos the Jackal”) were featured on the cover of Paris Match! Where today our government might reward a serial bomber like Kimberlin with a drone strike or a vacation in lovely Florence Colorado, Kimberlin served a scant 20 years in relative comfort, during which time he was able to collaborate on a biography with Mark Singer of The New Yorker. Singer would go on to describe Kimberlin as a “top-flight con man” when he realized that Kimberlin had lied about selling marijuana to the hapless Dan Quayle.

Go read the rest, and much more about convicted Speedway bomber Brett Kimberlin, at the Velvet Revolution blog. That's what it's there for.

I posted something on 'Blog Brett Kimberlin" day, and included this original pshop, which if I do say so myself isn't bad. Brett Kimberlin an his buddies bragged that they had 'killed Breitbart' by stressing him out so much that his heart finally gave up. True or not, the bragging beckons balance. But from a bolt of lightning, not a bombshell.

"Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends." --  J. R. R. Tolkien

You'll eventually lose, suckah!


Velvet Revolution

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