Sunday 4 September 2011

Sarah Palin's Iowa Speech discomfits both Republicans and Democrats

Jai singh | 18:45 | | | |
Which is just as it should be (Sarah Palin's complete speech, in video, at the link).

After all, "The entire establishment political class is corrupt." Neither Party wants to hear what Sarah Palin has to say. Witness both the expected jeers from the frothing Left, and the bemusement from Karl Rove, representing the 'establishment' Republican Party on the 'right'.

This image includes a photo of Sarah Palin's bus parked outside Indianola this weekend. Look closely and see the flaming Obama logo setting in the background, fittingly enough.

An apt analogy, I think, of what's occurring; Barack Obama is spectacularly flaming out, a One-Term and Done President who's accomplished Zero in his economic endeavors, instead inflicting tremendous damage to our Republic with his embrace of nouveau Socialism. Sarah Palin, carrying the hope of a brighter future, planting herself firmly in the foreground of American electoral politics.

But even if Sarah Palin doesn't run in 2012, her forthright ideology represents that of a huge swath of Americans, good people, and we do appreciate Sarah's efforts and her tireless support of what is the correct ideology, an ideology that we need to adapt to save this Republic. No, it's not Karl Rove's or Jon Huntsman's or Mitt Romney's, and maybe not even Rick Perry's (I'm still looking him over). Sarah Palin represents the shake-up that our corrupt political class needs. 

No matter who is the eventual nominee for Team R in 2010, it's looking like BHO has flamed out.

A pity, that, don't you think?

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