Thursday 8 September 2011

Where are we right now?

Jai singh | 09:01 |
This was written as an answer to commenter Carl in the previous post. FWIW.

Carl, exactly where are we, right now?

We are on the very knife's edge of losing this Republic.

There is no room for 'middle ground', there is no 'moderate position' that anyone can assume that will retain the system as we've known it.

The entitlement system we've espoused, beginning with FDR's "Social Security" programs, continuing through LBJ's "Great Society" programs and kicked into high-gear in the last 30 years by the far-Left-shifted Democratic party (who've learned how to buy votes by raiding the Treasury for funds, heralding the end of the Republic: read de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America") has all but broken our collective backs. It can't be sustained. No way, no how, no moderates can fix it. Democrats only want to increase the flow of capital (socialist 'redistribution') to keep their votes. Republicans can only be labeled as 'bad guys' for mentioning the inevitable (witness Perry's demonization for correctly calling Social Security a 'Ponzi Scheme').

If you can see a way that our system can continue to function as it's doing now, please inform someone. None of our elected officials have a clue. BHO and his group just want to be standing there when it all fails, to stop the violence and fascism that will ensue, and make sure we are 'CHANGEd' to the system they support. But that new system isn't going to be anything like what we have lived under to date.

Is there a way to retain all of what we've built over the last 235 years, this Republic and it's freedoms, the free enterprise system? Not likely.

But we have to try.

And that means cutting heavily into entitlements. Slashing back at all of them, including Social Security. We should've started decades ago, but nooooo, no politician wanted to get blamed.

Now, the work will be much more difficult, and may not be possible.

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