Tuesday 4 October 2011

Three Doors for Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Choose Wisely

Jai singh | 05:58 | | |
Hey, Hey, you Occupy Wall Street peoples, there's already a grassroots movement ticking that wants essentially the same things you want, but we want to get there without taking the door the far-Left is pointing to.

Here's an open letter written to speak to these (seemingly stupid) kids (well, when you follow a bunch of provocateurs onto a bridge, smack dab into a police arrest, what else can you call 'em?) that explains the paths you have in front of you.

Door #1: Far-Left, the Road to Serfdom, to Communism (the path that Modern Democrats are taking;

Door #2: Anarchy (the 'Road Warrior' option); and

Door #3: The Fix or Rebuild our Republic' option (because the Left has so damaged the original Constitution, it might be necessary to rebuild it after they've been soundly defeated).

The entire establishment political class is corrupt. And it has declared open war against those Americans still left who believe in fiscal responsibility and a constitutional check on federal powers. Both the establishment Republicans and the Democrats (and their ancillary and parasitic attendants in the media and the inside-the-beltway political machinery) have shown themselves immediately willing to scapegoat the one anti-big government faction willing to insist on making the difficult choices necessary to save the country from the bloated, cynical, complacent pig class who presumes to run it in our name — though never in the way we wish. And that’s because party doesn’t really matter any longer, as I’ve been saying for years now.

From that 'open letter' referenced above...
Good people occupying Wall Street, and those beginning to Occupy other locations in other cities, do not let yourselves be tricked into throwing out one bunch of tyrants in favor of another, for the other is no less tyrannical than the first. Those of us in the Tea Party movement understand your frustration with the current state of affairs in our Nation's Capital. We will be the first to agree when it is said that the type and amount of influence special interests, including those perpetrated by big business is entirely out of hand and unacceptable. Be cautious, however in your acceptance of leadership who would simply use your movement to exert their own flavor of special interest in the halls of government, for they are the same beast in a different coat. ...

We are at a pivotal point in our evolution, and there are two or three courses we can take. One is down the road being followed by the progressive left toward communism and central planning. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need as Carl Marx put it. This sounds good on paper, it sounds very altruistic. The problem is that it fails to take human nature into account, and in the end, can only be imposed at the point of a gun. There will always be those who are a little more equal than others, and who will, to maintain their more equal-ness, oppress the rest.

The next possible course is Anarchy, complete chaos, and while this may have a certain swashbuckling appeal, I would urge the investigation of Somalia to see the results of that form of non-government. It is the best example we have in the world today. People are starving in the streets and the strongest among the people make the rules with violence and terror.

The third option, perhaps the most difficult, and the one requiring the most courage, it to repair or re-create our representative republic. That is the aim of the Tea Party. We submit that humans are basically good in their nature when guided in their spirit by a set of principals the most notable of which is, treat others as you would wish to be treated, and love your neighbor as yourself. We believe that all people are created equal and have the right to live free, own private property, be secure in their person, papers and property, have the right to defend themselves and the right to equal opportunity, have the right to fail miserably, and pick themselves up without being bailed out by taking from others. We believe in the right of all people to live as they wish, so long as their living does not infringe on the rights of others. We believe in the right of all people to worship as they choose wherever they choose, or to not worship at all if that is their choice. We believe in sound currency, free from manipulation. We believe in clean air, water, and a prosperous economy, and that these things are not mutually exclusive. We believe in the freedom of speech for everyone, not just the popular, and we believe in a free press. We believe in honesty and integrity and we believe emphatically that with these rights comes responsibility. We believe that with freedom comes the necessity to be responsible for one's own affairs. We believe in taking responsibility for our government as well, that only an informed and reasoned electorate can effectively govern themselves, therefore it is the duty of the citizenry to inform themselves, to discuss and debate among themselves, freely and civilly, the issues of the day.

We believe in caring for our elderly and our children. We believe in caring for those who, through no fault of their own, cannot care for themselves. We believe in the right of States to govern themselves, that local government is better and more responsive that state government, and state government is better and more responsive than Federal government, and the best government is that which governs least.

So I applaud your plumb, those of you who are gathered in the cause of freedom, but I caution you to beware of your bedfellows. I implore you to take a little time. Study our founding documents. Read the Declaration of Independence, Read the Constitution, Spend some time with the Federalist Papers. Read Bastiat's The Law. You might be surprised to find how much you have in common with those early patriots who threw the British East India Tea Company's tea into the Boston Harbor, because the Government had granted a big corporation a monopoly to sell tea in America.

While you work out your principals, and you are wise to do so, please remind yourselves why this country came into being. We have wandered far and wide from those principals for which our early citizens fought and died. Before we fight and die again in the cause of freedom, lets us take just a moment, spare a modicum of effort, and define for ourselves what we want that freedom to look like.

I can see the TEA Party joining the Occupy folk, but never if Unions and the far-Left manage to heist it in their favored direction; a direction that doesn't include our original founder's basic tenets, and freedoms that we've enjoyed.

If you choose to involve those sorts, as it seems some of you have, then Katy bar that first door, and we'll meet in the middle.

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