Monday 24 October 2011

OCCUPY Nashville

Jai singh | 05:50 | | | |
Grow the Gulch? No, fill it with #OCCUPYNashville 'tards, and cover it up.

But that'd be a problem: I drove by the Legislative Plaza yesterday after the Titans' spectacular whupping to see the masses of steenking left-wing humanity that've come out to support these pushes for mass American socialism; but they weren't there. There were a couple tents, and some dude with two dogs sitting outside of one. But mostly Legislative Plaza was filled with kids on skates.

At least the poor dirty socialist brought along his girlfriend(s).

 Dunno, maybe the kids on skates WERE the vaunted OCCUPY forces. We know now that most of these OCCUPY people are white kids with substantive parents; kids who are spoiled with the latest electronic toys and gadgets and designer jeans who think their $30K per year 'higher' educations should be funded by you and me; educations that consisted of 'Ethnic Studies' or other pop-psychobabblings that are not marketable. No wonder they can't find paying jobs, other than burger-flippers or toilet-scrubbers.

I laugh, laugh, LAUGH! at their pathetic efforts.

If they and their nationwide counterparts did somehow manage to destabilize this Republic's economy, then they will be held responsible. I'm afraid they will then learn some very hard lessons indeed.


Oh Noes! Authoritarian Oppression at Obamaville Boston! Occupy Boston Has Internal Security Force!
(Boston Metro) –Up and down the makeshift sidewalks inside Tent City Square, muffled voices come through the walkie-talkies attached to people wearing neon-colored vests.

These are the members of the Safety Team — the policing patrol within Occupy Boston’s encampment.
On the heels of an incident last Sunday night, when a heroin addict allegedly pulled a knife on protesters and urinated on a tent, the eight-person security team has been trying to keep the makeshift community more safe.

“[The issue of homelessness] and crime here is no different than it is in society in general,” said Devon Pendleton, a protester.

Heh. Don't you love it? Obamaville Nashville has some growing to do, lads. Let's see you work up a proper 'Dirty Socialist' movement; fill Legislative Plaza with your tents and 'tards and make us PROUD!

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