Wednesday 19 October 2011

Bank of America angers Occupy Wall Street protesters, and OWS' leftist supporters.

Jai singh | 18:46 | | | |
Thank you, Bank of America, for standing up to these dirty socialists.

This screenshot from a Bank of America advert that ran on the LA Times' website (found here at "Fishbowl LA", a left-wing blog (who would've guessed?) written for left-wingers living in Los Angeles (are there any people living there who aren't left-wingers? and if so, why are you staying? we'll send suitcases...) has caused much butt-hurt amongst the 'Occupy' cry babies and their media sympathizers, like this fellow who writes for Mediabistro.

The overpaid blogger, Matthew Fleischer...

Is it just us, or is Bank of America using America’s second most widely read newspaper website to not-so-subtly tell Occupy Wall Street and all who identify with the movement to go fuck themselves?

We get that the ad is attributing the quote to Richard Pink. But, come on. BOfA is going to pull that quote at the same time tens of thousands of Americans are camped out across the country protesting, among other things, the bank’s greed, too-big-too-fail status and political influence. Coincidence? We think not.

We here at Fishbowl LA would like to cordially tell the good people at BOfA to suck it, you hypocritical scum. You were bailed out to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and you just dumped $73 billion more in toxic loans to U.S. taxpayers. You know nothing about hard work.

Why, yes, Matty, I think you've captured the essence of BOA's intent! These scrawny little shits hanging out in various 'Occupy'villes CAN go fuck themselves! And you, right along with 'em! Sideways with a swordfish!

I agree wholeheartedly with Richard Pink, and the Bank of America; it is a person's individual responsibility to succeed or not succeed; and certainly it is NOT our Government's responsibility to guarantee any person or persons cradle-to-grave welfare 'just because' they are citizens; nor is it our Government's responsibility to mandate equal outcomes for all of it's citizens, even if they do whine and throw temper tantrums. Such a framework for individual welfare was not built into our Republic's constitution, at least in it's original text; Democrats are busily re-writing that document just as quickly as their mealy-mouthed lawyers of the ACLU and their hand-picked and appointed left-wing judges can find ways to CHANGE the original intent to suit these who've become left-wing. Democrats, mostly.

Sorry, but the NEWFOUND Socialism ALL modern Democrats have embraced (the looting of the Treasury in order to buy votes from 'community organized' moochers, so as to stay in power) is anathema to REAL, ORIGINAL CONSTITUTIONAL American values. We cannot let this continue and hope to keep this Republic intact. One, we can't afford it; two, it's a moral train wreck.

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are absolutely the most spoiled 'poor people' in the world. Compare America's 'poor' to India's or Africa's poor; the disparity in their compared situations and incomes should shame these OWS protesters, if they could realize what being 'poor' really means to most people on this planet. Get out your iPhones, OWS punks, and tweet to some poor citizens in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the average GDP per capita is $171 per year. Oh, wait, there's not anyone there taking your calls. Because there's no one there with toys like yours! Oh, isn't that $171 yearly per-capita income just about what your monthly iPhone data plan runs your mom and dad ?

If it's income equality these OWS protesters desire, well, outside the borders of this Republic are billions of people who would gladly swap places with any of them, in a heartbeat.

If any of these kids want to see some real pain, let them swap places for a while. Or, if they want a socialist nation, there's plenty already out there to choose from.

Who knows? Cuba and Venezuela might welcome them, if they've any real marketable skills to bring with them, that their socialist dictators might find useful.

Really though, I don't see as to how Cuba could put a Humanities grad ('Gender' or 'Ethnic' Studies) to work, at least not without building a special shovel just to fit the poor little bastard's bright pink palms.

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