Tuesday 18 October 2011

Naomi Wolf, Dirty Socialist and Feminazi, just got herself busted at Occupy Wall Street.

Jai singh | 20:34 | | | | |
What's a damn shame is Jane Fonda wasn't with her.

10:00 Author Naomi Wolf arrested tonight in NY in Occupy protest with about a dozen others. Photo at left by Mike Shane and here. I was invited to the same Huff Post "GameChangers" event but declined to go. Reports suggest she was inside, came out, saw dozens of protesters, maybe said something to police and was cuffed. Or something like that. As noted below, protesters went there to target Gov. Cuomo and his "millionaires' tax."

10:20 Update on arrest of Naomi Wolf, @RDevro on the scene a: "Protesters gathered at 1st precinct where they believe Naomi Wolf is being held. They briefly sang, 'Give it up for the NYPD.''" @OccupyWallStNYC adds: "not allowing us near 1st Precinct, so we are surrounded by 50 cops on sidewalk and singing classics."

10:30 Gothamist covers Naomi Wolf arrest with how it went down here. She was basically sticking for protesters right to gather there, advising them on megaphones, etc. ... National Lawyers Guild saying Wolf was arrested for standing on the sidewalk in front of the Cuomo event, which she'd just attended.

Running that mouth in high gear instead of engaging her (fierce but tiny) brain.

Naomi Wolf, a "third-wave" feminist, was hyper critical of beautiful women and the men who admire them (the 'patriarchy'). Her rise to fame came in the early '90's...

In the early 1990s, Wolf garnered international fame as a spokesperson of third-wave feminism[6][7] as a result of the success of her first book The Beauty Myth, which became an international bestseller.[8] In the book, she argues that "beauty" as a normative value is entirely socially constructed, and that the patriarchy determines the content of that construction with the goal of reproducing its own hegemony.

Wolf posits the idea of an "iron-maiden," an intrinsically unattainable standard that is then used to punish women physically and psychologically for their failure to achieve and conform to it. Wolf criticized the fashion and beauty industries as exploitative of women

So, in honor of Naomi's arrest, I feel obliged to post a photo of a very beautiful woman. It really pains me to have to do this. But I was saving this for a special occasion, and this definitely qualifies.

Kind of favors Naomi, doesn't she?

And with a book, too. Win, win.   )

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