Saturday 28 September 2013

ObamaCare: A Necessary Component for Downsizing America

Jai singh | 08:01 |
Mark Steyn brings insight
But out there beyond the islands of privilege most Americans don’t have the same comfortably padded margin for error, and they’re hunkering down. ObamaCare is something new in American life: the creation of a massive bureaucracy charged with downsizing you — to a world of fewer doctors, higher premiums, lousier care, more debt, fewer jobs, smaller houses, smaller cars, smaller, fewer, less; a world where worse is the new normal.

Would Americans, hitherto the most buoyant and expansive of people, really consent to live such shrunken lives? If so, mid-20th century America and its assumptions of generational progress will be as lost to us as the Great Ziggurat of Ur was to 19th century Mesopotamian date farmers.

George Orwell, after attending a meeting of impoverished but passive miners, remarked sadly that “there is no turbulence left in England.” The Democrats, and much of the Republican establishment, have made a bet that there is no turbulence left in America, and the citizenry will stand mute before ObamaCare’s wrecking ball. Unless they’re willing to accept a worse life for their children and grandchildren, middle-class Americans need to prove them wrong.
Yes, Americans have been primed to accept whatever our Dear Leaders bring to the table, and Barack Obama is the chosen ‘savior’ who brings about our downsizing.

BHO arrived at Occidental College in California, looked out across America, at our wealth and our ‘living large’ attitudes, and recalled his childhood in Indonesia, his mother’s and grandparent’s (and father’s?) incessant mind-numbing infusions that Marx-Commun-ism must be America’s future; then, his college years, spent ‘maturing’ his beliefs and his hatred for ‘colonial’ Americanism, values and beliefs.

Because he had VOICE and PRESENCE and COLOR, his path was strewn with rose petals by appreciative left-leaning Democrats, who needed just such a mouthpiece to carry their water.

But even some of those what brung him must be looking out and wondering, ‘what have we done?’. Or at least I hope they are, because this swirling bowl’s gonna flush out everyone sooner than later. And we will all be ‘equal’ to the rest of the world; much diminished in stature, and wealth, and expectations.

And Barack Hussein Obama will smile, smile, smile.

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