Tuesday 14 May 2013

NARAL and Sandra Fluke embrace convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell

Jai singh | 19:25 |
Sandra Fluke, the trash can who won't stay shut... h/t Twitchy

..links to this graphic on NARAL's Facebook page...

From NARAL's graphic there, amid the inanities that only a dedicated abortion supporter could stomach, this: "..abortion care..".

Seriously? Framing a medical procedure that snuffs out an unborn life isn't caring for thinking humans; it's more an animal husbandry procedure useful for thinning the herd.

"Without souls, humans are but animals".

Despite our advanced technical savvy, these Godless Democrat animals have forced on us a society that's closer to an Animal Farm than we've ever been in our Republic's history; given that a slim majority has collectively decided that destroying unborn humans is 'caring', and should be 'safe and legal'.

Embrace Kermit Gosnell, Sandra Fluke, use him to justify your own sick, twisted, perverse quest to kill the unborn.

You've earned Kermit's loving embrace.

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