Wednesday 19 February 2014

Fiscal Conservatives, heads up: Why Democrats Hate Christians

Jai singh | 06:53 |
Throughout human history, traditionally the first place a person would go for help, sustenance, safety and shelter was with one's family and close community, not Government. Family always came first, then community. Faith-based churches were the bedrock of early communities.

Churches and religion are under assault by the Left, by today's Democrats. Just look around you.

Today's new Democrats prefer and endorse Atheism, because atheists are more easily amenable to State controls. Faith-based churches are (were) made up of groups of people not giving first allegiance to State, but to God; that route to sustenance and safety must be denied and replaced, as Statists progressively move FORWARD.

Our newly far-Democrats (Leftists, Statists, Progressives) assault faith-based religions and churches, and most especially target and hate Christian churches, so as to break up these communities in order to make more people seek State for sustenance.

Without faith in God, without churches and communities, State becomes by default the atheists' and society's first and only source for safety and sustenance.

"Without souls, without God, humans are but animals."

We are all now seen as animals, viewed by these Government-first Statists as needing their Animal Husbandry.

We are needing STATE to provide the things most people would turn to family and faith to provide.

So, fiscal Conservatives, the next time you hear Democrats assaulting faith and religion, doesn't matter if you yourself are agnostic or atheist; know this: their intent is to become our only God.

You should, no matter what belief or lack thereof you personally have, oppose the assault on other people's faiths and religions. Because without people having recourse to churches and faith-based communities, there is only ONE provider left: Big State, Big Government.

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