Let's just say for kicks and giggles that the Earth's climate is irrevocably warming; then go a great leap further and allow that it's because we humans have burned fossil fuels that've been in locked storage for millions of years (thanks, unknown benefactors!). We are warming up nicely, over time.
Then comes along, just in time to take advantage of this sudden and rather helpful climate change, the denizens of the far-Left. That same order of leftists and Marxists who's ideological beliefs have spawned the worst mass-murderers in human history; men who, when allowed to gain control of nations and fates, have killed more millions of humans than any other ideologically-driven killers in our brief but bloody history (yes, that would be Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung: both leftists, Marxists).
So, after some meek and studious scientists figure out that we, using ever-advancing technology and enjoying increasingly comfortable lifestyles that have lofted our human race to pinnacles never before seen or imagined, are causing Global Planetary Warming.
Next thing we see is that these same brilliant scientists allow a failed, far-Left, head-swollen, non-scientist politician, the venerable Al Gore, to front their work to an incredulous world.
And, somehow, these brilliant scientists blissfully expected everyone to quieten to a hush and listen to sad-sack, failed, far-Left politician Al Gore and his cabin-boy crew of fellow traveler far-Leftists and enviro-mental nut cases, then meekly turn over control of the destiny of Planet Earth and every living human's future to them? Seriously?
Al Gore and his disciples, both the enviro-whackos and a smaller, more-pale group of culti-religio- 'scientists', are barely-checked misanthropes who would all be tickled pink to see a third to a half (or more) of Earth's human population die (or be killed) off, so as to chill their planet.
Listen closely! you can just hear them muttering.. 'Our planet's severe overpopulation of retched humans is the root cause of this befouling Climate Change; their incessant breeding and burning is what's causing our Mother Earth's fever, and so! they must be dealt with! And the sooner, the better!'
Yes, I think it'd be a grand idea to give over control of our destiny to a group of far-Left control freaks who not-so-subtly hate the human race; and who, if given control, would spawn a New World Order of murderous science-dictators to fix all the planet's problems, toot suite.
What could possibly go wrong ?
Home »Unlabelled » Those pesky Climate Change Deniers? Why, you ask?
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