This story now has legs. The usually lackadasical MSM, including CNN, are growing weary of Rep. Weiner's stonewalling and obfuscation. It's time to press him for more details; here, his lying is obvious. It's blood in the water (or would be, if Weiner had an "R" after his name). Just witness his anger. This video certainly didn't help his 'cause', which was to continue to attack Republicans in his ankle-biting fashion, as he's always done. A mouthy little twerp...

Rep. Weiner can't ask for Capitol police or the FBI to investigate the 'hacking'. Because there was no 'hacking'.
This guy is a potential sex offender, having demonstrated an unnatural fondness for young girls, so much so that he sends them pictures of his chicken legs and tiny prick.
A good thing this was discovered early, before he becomes a dangerous predator. Maybe he can get some help now (after he resigns of course); maybe he can regain, in time, some respect and rejoin society.
I meant
polite society, of course. Democrats will always accept him (just as they accepted Bill (Oral Office) Clinton and Ted (Got Splash?) Kennedy) because, after all, Anthony Weiner is
one of Them.
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