Wednesday 29 June 2011

UrtheCast: God's Eye?

Jai singh | 04:32 |

I don't really know what to make of this. UrtheCast (h/t Theo):

Livestreams are good for more than watching Shiba Puppies (shocking, I know), now that UrtheCast (pronounced “EarthCast”) will be streaming high-definition video of Earth from the International Space Station (ISS). Two HD cameras, one still and one video, will be fixed on the Russian module of the ISS to deliver non-stop 24-hour views of Earth.

The still camera will be taking wide-angle shots spanning 45-kilometers (roughly 27-miles) with a resolution 18-feet per pixel. The other higher resolution 3-feet per pixel camera will be shooting video at 3.25 frames per second.

UrtheCast video will also be running with some custom APIs that will allow you to search, rewind and fast-forward, zoom in and out, and virtually steer the camera. The ISS orbits the Earth 16 times per day, ranging from 52 degrees north latitude to 52 degrees south latitude.

Limited to the orbital path of the ISS; so, if Iran nukes Israel when the ISS is on the opposite side of the planet, that'll be missed. But it might be back around just in time to see Iran (and Mecca) become the world's largest pools of fused silicon.

God's Eye Nebula

Coming to a planet near you Spring 2012.

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