Wednesday 16 November 2011

Two Nozzles of Douche (Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann) Discuss Occupy Wall Street

Jai singh | 06:19 | | | | | |
Here's Jabba the Filmmaker and Olberdouche on video (so much stupid in one place and time might well cause a Singularity of Dumb that pushes even more Americans farther to the low side of the intelligence Bell Curve).

So, why do I subject myself to this horrific Display of douchenozzelry? Just to point out that Michael Moore is blaming Obama for the raids on Occupy Wall Street venues; he's telling Olberdouche (who is sighing with mock resignation) that there are actually Americans left in the various Obama agencies that care about what happens to the cities; who seek an end to this Progression of Dirty Socialism that is Occupy Wall Street. And, more importantly, Moore and Olbermann realize that Obama isn't helping them reach 'their' version of Lefty Nirvana fast enough, and now believe that Barack Hussein Obama should probably be replaced with a 'real' Progressive.

Ha! Even these two miserable far-Leftists fail to realize that Barack Obama isn't in this for their simple-minded vision of far-Left dominance; his ideals have always been much farther left; they are disguised, they are far more radical, and Obama is desirous of such CHANGE that even these two laughing hyenas would shirk.

But, in the short-term scheme of things, we needs encourage Moore's and Olbermann's simple-minded anti-Obama rhetoric. Because the more they look to and support a third-party Ralphie Nader to run, the better off we sensible TEA Party sorts will be.

Sunset Obama 2012
I'm thinking the Occupy Charlotte group should be nurtured, encouraged and supported; because the Democratic Convention set for Sept. 3 2012 in Charlotte desperately needs to be visited by all these motley Occupy folks. And by the Nader wing; and don't forget the "Professional Left".

Maybe we can see another 1968 this time around, now that the holy-glow is off of Obama, and his unicorn is hiding from M'chelle (for fear of being eaten) in the White House basement.

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