Saturday 5 November 2011

#Occupy DC verbally attacks DC Caller reporter Michelle Fields

Jai singh | 10:55 |

Can you imagine a TEA Party group doing this? And what the response from LeftLibProgg Democrats would be, if they did?

These dirty socialists are increasingly 'losing control' of their member's actions (or, if they have no leaders, they are getting ever-more bold and vicious). Sooner or later there will be some real violence; we've already seen the street riots in Oakland.

Far-Left people always get violent and act out like this. Just look at how Communism began in Russia, with the People's Revolution; then during the reign of Lenin and Stalin, the millions of deaths at the hands of these sorts. And the many more millions in China killed under Mao, and Communism.

It's not the same, you say? Where's the 'Communists'? Look just a bit closer at these 'occupiers'. Listen to their ideologies. Suffer the 'human microphoned' General Assemblies and the mindless chanting; strip away the veneer of raw stupidity and you've nothing more than basic Marxist philosophy: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

First Amendment rights? Sure! Express all you like, 'occupiers'. But to 'occupy' a public place for weeks on end, create piles of human scatological debris and crater local economies? That's a bit much.

And what, exactly, do they want? They want nothing more than money taken from others and given to them; their ideology is thievery, thinly politicized.

Send 'em home, people. Before they become really violent, and cause Mr. Obama to declare martial law, and cancel his electoral spanking now scheduled for next November.

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