Tuesday 1 November 2011

Wednesday Roundup of What Interests Me: #Occupy THIS

Jai singh | 10:05 | | | | | | |
#OccupyHolster: Today, in Wisconsin, the NRA-ILA can celebrate the new Concealed Carry law they helped enact. Dirty socialists and LeftLibProggs like MikeB302000 are crying in their Nazi-flavored soups.

#OccupyCasket: Yesterday, a homeless guy died in an Occupy tent in Oklahoma City. No cause of death has yet been determined.

#OccupyJail: Police in Richmond VA arrested 9 'Occupiers' who refused to vacate a city plaza. Later, there were bulldozers loading their tents and other debris into dump trucks, for proper disposal. S'long!

#OccupyElitists: Meghan McArdle posts on the 'suffering elitists' who make up the 'Occupy' forces. A good read, even if Meghan hates NASCAR fans...
...there are still all sorts of hidden cultural signifiers that tell us, yes, we're still in the elite, we know that Formula One is cool and NASCAR isn't (unless you're watching it ironically.)

So, what defines these #Occupy #OWS Owwies, you ask? In a nutshell, they are kids who spent way too much for their now-useless college degrees, on esoteric and unmarketable 'skills'. Mostly, they are coming from upscale families; they eschew the 'trades' and trade schools as being beneath their 'class'; they resent those who've already 'made it' to where they 'should be', getting the BMW's whilst they have to take stupid city busses and...ride bikes.

These typical Owwies don't want to work at no steenking Wal-Marts, nor do they want to do any plumbings or any changing of tires at the Firestones or the pushing of any brooms anywhere; they want to work for the Government at the very least, to 'pretend' to maintain their 'upper class' elite statuses. All that other worky-work stuff, that's work for the illegals, and for stupidish NASCAR fans. Isn't that why they (and their parents) support these 'open borders', and why they've expressed desires to keep illegals in the pipeline, so they don't have to do 'real work? Truly, physical work is work that they despise and simply won't do; that laborious stuff being beneath their level of (perceived) status.

Don't believe this is an internecine class struggle? Show me where the NASCAR contingent is amongst these Owwies. They aren't there; they are working or staying in close-knit family units; won't see many of them at these encampments.

Since the economic downturn, and with the ever-swelling population, such 'elitist' jobs and opportunities are not as easily forthcoming. So, they've taken their worthless diplomas to the streets, with predictable results: their little 'communities' are becoming nassty third-world slums sans the diseases: the crime rates are skyrocketing, with thefts, rapes, and prevalent drug usage. They are the next level to which this little Republic is aspiring, if we can't get our economic ship righted: filthy, dirty, third-world Haiti living. It's coming soon enough.

#Occupy'60's: The Owwies haven't studied much history. They recall the protests of the '60's of course; the stumblebums and hippies with their tie-dyed shirts and long hair and free sex and drugs; their marches (mostly) on college campuses, with the occasional stroll down Main Streets. But, mostly, college kids who didn't want to go to Vietnam, and couldn't wrangle a trip to Canada or another way to dodge the draft.

A bit farther back, there were the civil rights marches; those were of much higher class than the anti-war hippies, with no free drugs and sex in the streets.

So, these new-wave Owwie protest marches are de rigueur, and based on the 'old hippie' theories and practices, with the addition of tents and the stupidish 'General Assemblies' with the freaky 'up and down' twinkles and the 'human microphone' nonsense. Of course, lots of 'old hippies', harking back to their youth, are drawn to these sessions like moths to bong flames.

But it's a wannabe-higher-class of people than the standard '60's and '70's hippies, even if they still do all-together-now stink to high heaven.

#OccupyNashville: These kids are tolerated in some cities (Nashville, you listening?) because Owwies do know how to get help from their parents and supporters who are also, mostly, elitist Leftists. And a nice federal Judge in their pocketses.

We have a 'special' Federal Judge in Nashville who struck down Gov. Haslam's order to have these punks frog-marched off to jail.  Federal District Judge Aleta Trauger (who was, incidentally, appointed by dirty cigar-sucking socialist William Jefferson Clinton) interfered with our efforts to oust these 'Occupy' 'tards.

Richmond has smarter mayors and governators than does Tennessee, because their laws forbidding camping in public parks and plazas were already on the books, and far-Left judges like Aleta (a Vandy gal (graduated in '72) who worked a stint as Bredesen's chief of staff, '91-'92) can't interfere.

I'll bet Aleta's a dirty socialist at heart; with consideration of the law secondary to her heartfelt leftist ideologies.

Would you see these Owwies tolerated if they were of the standard 'homeless' class, members of society's unwanted? Would (or did) Nashville tolerate a homeless camp set up on Legislative Plaza in past years? Of course not. They would've been swept away as quickly as Richmond swept away their OWS vagrants couple days ago; with arrests and bulldozers.

These kids are well-connected, and have just enough smarts to game the system.

For now.

This won't end well, mark my words.

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