The National Rifle Association (NRA), an organization I've long supported, gave an (A) endorsement to little shithead fleebagger Jim Holperin, and I am forced to defend the NRA for doing so.
Long before I became interested in broad-spectrum politics, long before the current chasm in Republican - Democratic ideology drove me to support all-and-only Republican tickets, I voted Democratic when the NRA endorsed a solid 2nd Amendment Democratic candidate.
Yeah, the NRA is single-issue, and believes that in order to keep that single issue front-and-center it’s best to not just pick a party and support only that party, but to judge each candidate on individual merits. Usually it’s no contest: Democrats love gun control; it is a featured party plank.
But the NRA caught massive hell from members when they were poised to endorse Harry Reid for re-up. Finally, the NRA acquiesced, and offered no endorsement in that race.
This comment set off the following exchange (limited to my responses; if you want to follow along, follow the damned linky)...
happyfeet posted on 8/16 @ 9:15 pm
I blame the cowardly self-serving fat-ass socialist douchebags at the National Rifle Association
But Holperin supported legislation deemed helpful to preserving the 2nd Amendment, therefore earning the rightful endorsement of the NRA.
What about ‘single-issue’ do you not understand ?
That single issue (the 2nd Amendment) is the only issue the NRA cares about. It’s a hell of an issue to bear standard for; and I support them for their unwavering support of it.
That is all.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has recognized the gun rights voting record of State Senator Jim Holperin with an “A” rating, and has endorsed Holperin in the current recall election.
“Your strong and vocal support of our right to keep and bear arms” led to the organization’s backing, according to the letter of endorsement.
“Hunting, fishing, trapping and other outdoor sports are very important to many 12th Senate District residents,” Holperin said. “Therefore, I’ve always worked hard to defend our northwoods sporting traditions, including the least restrictive exercise of 2nd amendment rights.”
Holperin said over the past three years he’s either authored or co-sponsored legislation to authorize the concealed carry of weapons, protect the right of in-the-home self defense (Castle Doctrine), and create a mentor program for young hunters. Conversely, he’s helped to kill legislation requiring weapons to be “micro-stamped”, along with other anti-gun measures.
“I’m grateful to the NRA for recognizing my legislative record of protecting gun rights and our northwoods hunting heritage,” Holperin concluded. “I’m proud to have the organization’s endorsement and I intend to continue working to advance legislation that protects 2nd amendment rights.”
Recall that the NRA was responsible for Al Gore losing Tennessee in 2000. We worked our asses off here; it paid off handsomely, wouldn’t you say?
There are other things we are proud of. S’long, you RINO bastard...
WASHINGTON – Former president George Bush, a gun enthusiast and decades-long member of the National Rifle Association, has resigned from the group because of its statements that agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are “jackbooted thugs” who harass gun owners.
“Your broadside against federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor, and it offends my concept of service to country,” Bush wrote to NRA president Thomas Washington in a May 3 letter that was released yesterday. “It indirectly slurs a wide array of government law-enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us.”
Bush said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre’s description of federal agents as ” `wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms’ (and) wanting to `attack law-abiding citizens’ is a vicious slander on good people.” LaPierre used the description in a fund-raising letter sent to the NRA’s 3.5 million members early this year, and he defended it in the wake of the April 19 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.
Heh. The NRA: giving the TEA Party a fall-back position. You be sure to Thank us some day, m’kay?
Much like when Sarah Palin stood up for her old mentor, John McCain, for his re-election (much to the butt-hurt of ‘feets). You always dance with the one who brung you.
If the NRA hadn’t endorsed this little shit, then this little shit and lots of other little shits who are Democrats could cry “See? the NRA will turn it’s back on us in a heartbeat! Why, again, should we risk alienating our caucuses and fellow travelers and support these 2nd Amendment rights?”
Why, indeed?
Wasn’t so long ago that Democrats were not far-LeftLibProggs. Remember the blue dogs? All but dead now, driven out by the new, neo-Marxists.
But not all of them, obviously, are that far gone. This little shit did the right thing, whatever his inner thoughts are, he did pull the right levers. And was rewarded for it with that endorsement.
The NRA is the only big tent with flaps left open, I suppose.
It’s a difficult line to walk.
But we have a solid string of successes to point to.
As of this morning, 51 members of the U.S. Senate have signed letters to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton saying they will oppose any ATT that includes civilian firearms ownership. These strongly worded letters caution the President and Secretary of State to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Thanking the NRA for our long-standing work on this issue, Senator Moran remarked, “I appreciate the NRA’s partnership on this important effort to defend the rights of American gun owners. I want to thank them for their active support in sending a strong message to the Obama Administration that our firearm freedoms are not negotiable.”
There’s not 51 Republicans in the US Senate.
Both chambers of the Wisconsin legislature voted to approve one of the nation’s strongest Right-to-Carry bills by solid bipartisan margins. Today’s signing of the Wisconsin Personal Protection Act into law leaves Illinois as the only state that provides no way for its citizens to carry firearms for self-protection outside their homes or places of business.
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Glenn Beck with David A. Keene, NRA 2nd Vice President, at the NRA Convention Banquet Louisville, KY, May 19, 2008 (photo credit: serr8d) |
The official NRA line, which I pretty much nailed just above...
NRA is non-partisan in issuing its candidate grades and endorsements. We base our political decisions solely on gun-related issues, as we are a single-issue organization. By not taking into account political party affiliation and/or non-gun-related issues, we ensure we do not divide our base of support that is united in its support for the Second Amendment.
We have a pro-gun incumbent-friendly policy that dictates our support for pro-gun incumbents seeking reelection over pro-gun challengers. We stand with our friends who stand with us in Congress or the state legislature. We would lose all credibility if we abandoned our friends who have stood by us. Of course, should a pro-gun challenger win his election, then he will be the beneficiary of this policy when he seeks re-election.
Given the string of obvious successes, I can pretty much say without worry that their policy is, generally, effective.
I mentioned, above, the Reid Exception…
The National Rifle Association has learned a powerful lesson. That lesson is that they are not the all powerful group they thought they were whose members jump at their mere request. Whether or not they will retain this lesson for use in the future however? That will remain to be seen.
In recent months the NRA has made no secret their overt desire to endorse Senator Harry Reid in Nevada’s Senate race. Claiming to be a “single issue” group that only cares about the second amendment, they touted Reid’s record on gun rights as justification for this potential endorsement. What they were not ready for however was the backlash from their members who had quite a different opinion of Senator Reid.
What the NRA learned is that vast swaths of their membership were not single issue voters. They learned that their members were lovers of the whole Constitution. And as word of the potential endorsement spread the pushback was becoming obvious and even threatened the organization’s ability to raise money. …
Well, there is good news to report. The NRA has backed off. We Tea Partiers demanded it and they blinked. …
The real reason for this hasty decision and poorly provided justification for it is because the NRA has felt the sting of what Americans who have had too much are capable of. And anyone who flirts with the destructive ideology of liberalism or supports liberals will be in our line of fire.
Eventually, the gouge between Left and Right will be such that no organization can bridge it. Then, there will be open conflict, which is not a pleasant thing, really.

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