Monday 8 August 2011

Moving forward from the Obama Downgrade

Jai singh | 06:16 | | | |
This Obama Downgrade (whose watch is it?) is the direct result of the NEW Democratic party that is, today, far-Left-Liberal-Progressive and shamefully neo-Marxist. The political direction of this Republic has been trending Left since FDR; we are moving ever closer as time passes to Marx's Socialism.

LBJ stumps for his 'Great Society' program
Democrats post-Kennedy have each successfully shifted us towards this goal and towards the spending crisis spawned by it; they've pushed by fiat this nation to unsustainable spending levels. To blame the messengers - S&P for noticing, and the virtual TEA Party for their desire to stop it - is flawed and shallow thinking. This national argument IS about IDEOLOGY, and the Left's ideology is NOT sustainable.

The deal as delivered last week by our political class was a joke, with only meaningless, superficial cuts that did not address the massive debt or the unsustainable levels of spending. We are spending our children into financial oblivion; and before you cry for a more 'balanced approach', there's not enough possible tax revenue out there (even if you take everything away from the targets of the Democrat's demonization program, the 'evil rich') to cover the massiveness of the debt and fund the Left's desires to spend more on social programs.

The next 'sea change' in American politics? Let's hope it's not another one trending towards the Left; if the Presidency changes party in 2012, not one with a RINO like Romney in place who offers only 'losing more slowly'; our Republic can't survive drifting further towards an impossible Leftist dream-state of absolute nanny Statism. Rather, let's try to do whatever it takes to retain our freedoms, before everything collapses for good.

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