Monday 22 August 2011

Al Gore, Tennessee's Most Famous Far-Left Failed Politician, Curses Americans for their Disbelief

Jai singh | 06:03 | | | | |
Trending today in RealClearPolitics is this editorial by the Pittsburg Post-Gazette's Jack Kelly, "Chicken Little Gore goes on a tirade".

I suppose that when Al Gore said "The SCIENCE! is SETTLED!" he expected American children to stop arguing with him, bend the knee and give Him their full and expectant attention, and do exactly as He said to do. After all, He is the Goreacle, He Who Must Be Obeyed. Certainly he does not brook well any disrespectful children or tolerate their mouthy disbelief. At the Aspen Institute, Aug. 4, he unleashed on those who doubt HIM...

Former Vice President Al Gore went on a profanity-laced tirade at the Aspen Institute Aug. 4 against the rising number of Americans who are skeptical about man-made global warming.

According to a Harris poll in July, only 44 percent of us now believe carbon dioxide emissions are warming the Earth, down from 51 percent in 2009 and 71 percent in 2007.

Global temperatures peaked in 1998. People have noticed winters are getting colder.

When evidence emerged in 2009 that scientists affiliated with the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Britain were "hiding the decline" by fudging data, few journalists paid much attention.

But a lot of Americans did, apparently. In a Rasmussen poll Aug. 3, 69 percent of respondents said it was at least somewhat likely scientists have falsified research data.

According to global warming theory, carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are trapping heat in the upper atmosphere, inexorably warming the planet.

The theory ignored inconvenient facts:

• In the Medieval Warm Period (950-1250 AD), and the Roman Warm Period (250 BC-400 AD), there were no automobiles or factories, but temperatures were warmer than now.

• In geologic history, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere were much higher, but temperatures often were lower. In the Late Ordovician Period, CO2 concentrations were 12 times higher than they are today. The Late Ordovician Period was an ice age.

• Vostok (Antarctica) ice core samples indicate temperature changes have preceded changes in CO2 concentrations by an average of 800 years. This couldn't happen if CO2 caused temperature changes.

• CO2 in the atmosphere has increased since 1998, but temperatures haven't.

Now a peer-reviewed study of NASA satellite data indicates the computer models warmists rely upon grossly exaggerate the amount of heat being trapped in the atmosphere.

Mr. Gore's alarmist predictions have proved false. Polar ice caps are larger. So is the polar bear population (and the scientist upon whom Mr. Gore relied for his claim that the polar bear is endangered is facing accusations of scientific misconduct). The rise in sea levels -- which has been going on since the end of the last ice age -- is slowing down.

Mr. Gore can respond only with curses, and ever more hysterical predictions of imminent doom. His credibility is in tatters. In the public mind, he's gone from Nobel Prize winner to Chicken Little.

"Chicken Little". Heh. If I had time, I'd work that one up. But all's I have is ManBearPigore.

Al Gore is a 'Failed Politician' you ask? Why you say so?

Al Gore is a failed politician. He could not win the Presidency in 2000 because he FAILED to win his freakin' HOME STATE! After having won several elections here in Tennessee, he FAILED to WIN his HOME STATE! That line should be imprinted on his tombstone.

Al Gore is a failed politician, period, end of story. He turned far-Left and paid the price for it. As should all these politicians who turn Left, and in doing so turn their backs on their country.

Oh, and Al Gore continued his FAIL after his failed political career because he did seek out and embrace, and become the lead face for, the theory of Global Warmalism. That embracing by a far-Left politician cratered any chance the theory had to become popular (cratered, rightfully, except in the minds of those far-Left whack jobs who would bend the knee and assume the position for anyone, especially if they come in on the political charts to the left of Hugo Chavez; look to Chavez' left, you'll find Al Gore).

Seriously, who could look at Al Gore, failed far-Left politician, and see little more than a failed far-Left politician trying to push a possibly fake (but the Science! is SETTLED!) theory? He did those scientists and their theory no favors by taking the lead, really.

The worst mistake climate scientists ever made was to embrace Al Gore as their titular leader.

Gore should have stayed on that little island he went to after his 2000 loss, continued to eat cheeseburgers until he was as fat as Marlon Brando, start wearing a Moo Moo, and fer chrissakes stayed out of SCIENCE!. Any other reasonable person, chosen at random, would have presented the theory of Global Warmalism better than failed far-Left politician Albert (HUGE ELECTRIC BILLS!) Gore.

Winging around on his jets, with that huge electric bill, proves he is also a hypocrite, a jerk, and an @sshole.

That is all.

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