Monday 15 August 2011

New York Times' editor 'Wesley Mouch' demands that Obama get busy and make JOBS!

Jai singh | 05:56 | | | | |
A 'Jobs Agenda', 'Wesley Mouch'? Don't you mean another (sure-to-fail) stimulus program where monies are diverted to certain chosen Left Liberal Progressive sorts of peoples and causes, as were the other 'stimulus' programs?

We've been there, done that. The previous $800 billion stimulus program didn't work, couldn't work as promised; the promise being to limit unemployment rates to below double-digits isn't much mentioned anymore, is it? 'True' unemployment is well up into the double-digits; some categories of people suffer true unemployment at well above 20%.

To get employers to hire more and to move forward this stagnant 'Obama' economy, government should try to become more minimalistic: we MUST reduce burdensome regulations (are you listening, EPA?); government MUST let go of the Unions (most jobs that go overseas do so because Unions have demanded too much from our home corporations in comparison to other nation's workers).

The best and most helpful Mr. Obama could be is by proposing slashing burdensome government mandates and regulations; he should stop his Party from accepting donations from the various Unions, and try to just get out of the way of private enterprise. Oh, and he could open up the offshore drilling he's still marginalizing. And allow (even subsidize) the immediate construction of some 80 to 100 new nuclear power plants (there's some shovel-ready jobs!).

None of those things will happen, because being a Left Liberal Progressive means you are counter to job creation. Unless it's a government job, of course.

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