Sunday 21 August 2011

'Wesley Mouch', New York Times editor, excels in cluelessness yet again!

Jai singh | 09:46 | | | |
One doesn't get to read an editorial that is this steeped in cluelessness and is as disconnected as is this one very often. 'Wesley Mouch', you've exceeded your own limitations!

Firstly, there is no business who should willingly come riding to the aid of Leftists. Your policies, collectively, are anathema to this nation's success; your actions (including the over-regulating of industry, embedding your Party with corrupt Unions, your meme-speak that demonizes Corporations as 'not even people' and demonizes the 'rich' as 'not paying their fair share') are plain-spoken enough: Leftists who now control the once-proud Democratic party desire only to buy votes and support from community-organized Moochers using Other People's Money. There's no consideration given to the needs of businesses or corporations until you 'want' more from them, to wrench away more taxes used to expedite your causes.

Secondly, the policies you are begging monies for are doomed anyway. The various social welfare programs won't last: Social Security is, as all realize, doomed to fail. Medicare and Medicaid, and this newly-created monstrously damaging program ObamaCare, will drain this Republic's treasury dry (wait..they already have).

Mr. Koch responds to Mr. Buffet, and indirectly, to you:

“Much of what the government spends money on does more harm than good; this is particularly true over the past several years with the massive uncontrolled increase in government spending. I believe my business and non-profit investments are much more beneficial to societal well-being than sending more money to Washington. — Charles G. Koch, Chairman and CEO, Koch Industries, Inc.

So, that for your pipe. Enjoy your smoke!

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