Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Federal Government's Popularity is Now Rated at Lowest Level EVER.

Jai singh | 06:06 | | | | | |
How popular is the Federal Government right now? Lowest ratings ever recorded.

The only people who love government now are likely to be simple government employees; and of course government-loving LeftLibProggs; and of course those who live life large whilst suckling at government's teat. Democrats love promising more government teat to moochers in return for their votes, so you know they want to keep United Federal Sow well-fed and funded with Other People's Money.

But, for most good people, our mammoth Federal government has earned the lowest ratings ever recorded, even lower than when it was considered 'evil' under George Bush. Even the enlightened O!bumbling O!ne now sitting in the White House (a temporary home to him, thank goodness) can't make these ratings smell any better...

It turns out the Federal Government is now less popular than any polled industry. Including Bankers, Lawyers, and Oil men.

It didn’t used to be that way. In 2003, the first year the government was added to the poll, it had a net +6 favorable rating, 41/35. A 41/35 rating this year would have put the government 12th of the 24 industries (+ government for 25 total) that were polled.

But as it turns out, the government hasn’t kept that rating. By 2004 the government was in the negative, and by 2008, the last year of the George W Bush administration, the government was running at a -42 net, 18/60. That number rebounded in 2009, after the election of Barack Obama, to a -25 net, 29/54, but has worsened again in every year since.

So now under Obama the result is slightly worse than it ever got under Bush, having dropped to a -46 rating, 17/63, which is dead last in the poll. The oil industry was slightly better off, despite the gulf and high gas prices, at a -44. Bailouts haven’t dragged banks nearly as far, as they only register a -17, while perennial pincushion lawyers only hit a -16.

Everyone who is an American should be affiliated with the TEA Party, because only the TEA Party is pushing back against the Federal government's great overbite.

The rest of you, Democrats mostly, who lurves some massive Government, are but whimpering wussies, unknowingly waiting for the inevitable collapse, after which you'll find things...not one bit to your liking.

Good luck with that!

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