Monday 29 August 2011

Paul Krugman, ANOTHER Leftist, wonders why we don't believe in 'their' AGW

Jai singh | 05:40 | | | | | |
Mr. Perry (and many Conservatives; a majority I would surmise) realize that the climate is changing. But what we deny is that it's caused solely by human activity.

Having the Left embrace the notion of human-caused (AGW) climate change didn't help convince us. The worst possible happenstance for nascent scientists was that failed left-wing politician Albert Gore embraced the notion of human-caused climate change after his bitter defeat in 2000.

Now, we have the Left pushing AGW as one of their weapons of ideological CHANGE: AGW used as a world-wide tool, used as a weapon by the haters on the Left, against free enterprise.

When you say that 'deniers' only do so because they are ill-informed, you should realize that many of those who are doing the informing are not considered by Conservatives to be of any use or value; and that the AGW believers, to have embraced these left-wing spokesmen, to help shove the notion of human-caused climate change down the world's throat, wasn't such a good idea.

Worse: there's an as-yet unspoken (but they are itching to speak it!) meme circulating around the Left's environmental movement that, given their belief that humans have caused this problem, the real solution is to force the human population down to 1/3 or so of it's current numbers. That's what these Al Gore sorts want: far fewer people on this planet. If there is a civilization-turning point, then these wackos may well celebrate the dying of billions of people, to avenge their 'Mother Earth'.

Look around you, ask yourself: is the Left's ideology served by supporting the notion of AGW climate change?  Do these ideological bedfellows 'fit' with you, for your own left-wing desires and purposes?

How far are you willing to go with this, Krugman?

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