Tuesday 2 August 2011

Ann Barnhardt: "We the Stupid", a forthright defining of Barack Obama

Jai singh | 05:35 | | | | |
Here's a nugget of of increasingly undeniable truth, proven day by day as we see more of Barack Obama's deeds grind this Republic towards it's inevitable collapse...

Obama is the enemy. Obama is a Marxist-Communist usurper and puppet front for a cabal of Marxist-Communists who are actively trying to destroy the United States of America. Everything they have done, are doing, and will do has the single goal of collapsing and destroying the U.S. economy, military, constitutional government and culture. What part of "Marxist Revolution" do you not understand?

The Obama regime is not a failure. The Obama regime is not incompetent. The Obama regime has achieved more in two and a half years than anyone could have possibly foreseen. It has debased the currency by 50% of the GDP and guaranteed that our economy will collapse. It has looted the Treasury for more than the size of a top-ten economy and embezzled that wealth into the hands of their fellow Marxists in preparation for the final collapse of the United States. It has ground the economy of the United States to a screeching halt. It has destabilized the entire Muslim world and ensured that there will be a nuclear war centered around Israel within the decade.

Ann Barnhardt, that's an excellent article you've written. And yes, it should be promoted throughout the blogosphere; studied and passed along, so we know exactly who, and what, we are dealing with.

Tea Partyers did not win a damned thing yesterday, nor should they bask in the glow of 'a job well-done'. Once they sort out the various angles, finally 'read the bill' that was mostly left unread, I'll bet the honest Tea Party freshmen in Congress won't claim this one as theirs; and come to regret their votes (you listening, TN-06 Representative Diane Black?). Instead of claiming this as victory, they should credit this dawg of failure to the old-school G.O.P.'ers, those who forced and called Tea Partyers names; credit this to the likes of John McCain and his old blue-blood bastion of Balrogs and bastards.

The Looter-in-Chief wins $2 Trillion instantly, with which he will continue to buy votes from his community-organized mob of moochers; people who've been trained to respond like Pavlov's dogs when offered Other People's Money. This Republic has tasted the sweet honeydew - hemlock of Socialism, and because there's so many millions, even tens of millions of people today who do not have the an absolute moral basis and a strong character that is necessary for good people to realize that to accept what they haven't earned; to take 'free' monies stolen from those who did in fact earn it, is wrong and shameful; these low-class moochers (Democrats) do take and take and expect more and more, with their only absolute being the lack of shame. Yes, we are watching this Republic fail because of people's lack of absolute moral character.

Socialism destroys another democracy, as de Tocqueville predicted it would. Let's hope enough people survive the coming crash to start fresh, and learn from our mistakes.

 Ramirez h/t Darleen Click

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