Oh, my. That most disgustingly moronic speech EVAH! yesterday is having it's toll on even the most staunch Obama supporter: 'Wesley Mouch'.
Past Time for a New Agenda
President Obama tried on Monday to restore the plunging confidence of investors, insisting the United States remains a triple-A country whatever Standard & Poor’s might think. It didn’t work with the stock markets, which sank again, and it did nothing to reassure the most important shareholders: ordinary Americans living from one paycheck to another, worried about their jobs or wondering how they will replace the one they lost.
Anyone hungering for a robust vision to invigorate the economy and increase employment is still hungry.

Hungry, yes, for some kind of REAL leadership from the White House. Sorry, this 'Community Organizer in Chief' isn't doing very well on organizing people with whom he cannot relate: people who've had jobs already; those who have no desire to beg sustenance from the Government; those who are leaders themselves in business and (what little remains) industry. Our 'Community Organizer in Chief' is effective only on those who lack prior capabilities. He can take the average moocher and, voila! there's a Democratic voter!.
But when it comes time to lead successful people like investors, business leaders, bankers, business magnates, well, how can anyone expect someone who's been none of those things to step up and actually deliver and influence those when they most need it?
Somewhere, there's a Community missing it's Organizer. Unfortunately for everyone living here, it's not the United States of America.
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