Monday 9 May 2011

Canadian elections bring Conservatives to power, with pure-dirty-socialist New Democrats nipping at their heels.

Jai singh | 06:41 | | | |
Of course, Canada's liberal leaders couldn't trot out a dead terrorist to use as voter-bait, as ours undoubtedly will. Ours will also have the siren call of 'free' goods and services', sure to attract the moochers who will vote their own self-interest over national interests and future prosperity. That's why they are termed 'socialists'; it's all about their welfare, the present-day  me-first individuals are at the top of their thoughts; the grandkids who will have to be responsible for their debts will just have to suffer. This "ME!" generation of American Social Democrats, launched in the '60's with the hippie movement and LBJ's 'Great Society' programs and now fully 'matured' (if that word applies to ANY socialist?) are undermining our nation's future, one dirty socialist vote at a time.

Canada is now pretty much split between the fiscally-responsible Conservatives, led by Stephen Harper, who won this new and exciting majority government for the first time since 1988, vs. the far-left socialist New Democratic Party (NDP) (note how that name seems to fit OUR United States' Democratic party? the party of moochers and looters and Social Democrats?) which won (for the first time ever) more than 100 seats. The big loser was the 'middle', the Liberals; we witnessed the "collapse of the Canadian Liberal Party". Just not socialistic enough for many far-Left Canadians; much like our own  Classic Liberals had to flee from the Democrats, seeking shelter in Libertarian and Conservative - Tea Party re-alignments here in the United States.

So we see a deepening divide, even in a traditionally left-leaning nation, with grown-ups taking over and squalling brats to the left demanding more free lunches. Maybe the grown-ups will save the day.

We need to address the Democratic Party's far-left drift to socialism. Many elements that make up that party are not even pretending anymore. The lowest class of people are those who will vote their own self-interest over that of the nation and the nation's future, that's exactly what the far-Left brings to the table, what they seek to  'organize' for 'CHANGE!'; an attack on capitalism for neo-socialism. Worse, those who will vote for or against a person based solely on a candidate's race, religion or sex; you who vote that minor factor are not even thinking when you cast a vote. You know who you are, and your thoughtless vote is a danger to  and undermines our electoral process.

A shame some candidates are elected 'just because' they can give a good speech and 'community organize' large segments of a population for to secure Party-line votes based on a promise of 'I'll take care of you, just vote for me, we'll take what we want from the evil RICH! and give to the needy! To each according to their needs; from each according to their means, and if you vote for me, your needs will be met!"

Damn, that sounds familiar, doesn't it?

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