Monday 23 May 2011

American Power: Dr. Charli Carpenter and the Laws of War

Jai singh | 05:36 | |
American Power: Dr. Charli Carpenter and the Laws of War

She's back! at the request of Dr. Donald Douglas, I arranged a cameo of our little CGI charmer.

This pshop seems a natural fit to Charli, on several levels. Charli Carpenter is, among other things, one of the bloggers at Lawyers, Guns and Money, a far-left-leaning site (check out their blogroll: KOS, Eschaton, all the crap holes these slime buckets hold dear). Read at the link to American Power what Charli wants to happen. And would allow to happen, if she and her pack of doggerel-writing leftist mutts had their way. It would be as if her hand were on the triggering device, destroying Israel.

Of course Charli would support 'Palestine' over Israel. She's of the Left; they are swarming now to protect BHO and the pack of lies he made in his speech at AIPAC, trying desperately to save face after Bibi schooled him in the White House on Friday.

Why should we care about Israel, you ask? Well, they are our ally, our only true friend in the region. And we’ve always stood with Israel. It’s a good thing that we’ve done so. It’s what we do. It’s who we are.

Or, were, until the far-left Democrats came along undermining and knocking down our basic American goodnesses.

Oklahoma Senator Inhofe gave a speech in 2002 outlining 7 reasons Israel should keep her land. The speech, here, is a jumble; I’ve rearranged and picked out the seven points he’s clumsily making...
Showing restraint and giving in has not produced any kind of peace. It is so much so that today the leftist peace movement in Israel does not exist because the people feel they were deceived.

They did offer a hand of peace, and it was not taken. That is why the politics of Israel have changed drastically over the past 12 months. The Israelis have come to see that, “No matter what we do, these people do not want to deal with us. They want to destroy us.” That is why even yet today the stationery of the PLO still has upon it the map of the entire state of Israel, not just the tiny little part they call the West Bank that they want. They want it all.

We have to get out of this mind set that somehow you can buy peace in the Middle East by giving little plots of land. It has not worked before when it has been offered.

These seven reasons show why Israel is entitled to that land.

The first reason is that Israel has the right to the land because of all of the archeological evidence.

The second proof of Israel’s right to the land is the historic right.

The third reason that land belongs to Israel is the practical value of the Israelis being there. Israel today is a modern marvel of agriculture.

The fourth reason I believe Israel has the right to the land is on the grounds of humanitarian concern.

The fifth reason Israel ought to have their land is that she is a strategic ally of the United States.

The sixth reason is that Israel is a roadblock to terrorism.

No. 7, I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel; that it has a right to the land. This is the most important reason: Because God said so.
There’s some overlap. Well, he’s a Senator, speaking sans teleprompter, so there you have it.

Inhofe is a Good Man. Why isn't he running for President?

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