Wednesday 25 May 2011

Barack Obama exhibits the dumbth at least TWICE in one day.

Jai singh | 05:00 | | | | |
Nothing more about Sarah Palin or George Bush from pipsqueak leftists, please. You've your own idiot - moron to answer for.

Barack Obama signs the Westminster Abbey guest book "5/24/08", no doubt reliving his glory days before the early stages of Alzheimer's. Then, he screws up the toast to the Queen, who elegantly rebukes him.

Original caption:
"A message from US President Barack Obama and his wife, first lady Michelle Obama, apparently signed by the President with the wrong date of 2008 in the distinguished visitors’ book during a tour of Westminster Abbey, in central London, as part of his state visit to the United Kingdom, Tuesday May 24, 2011. (AP Photo/John Stillwell, Pool)"

Alternative caption:
Blaze writer Billy Hallowell may have had the best one-liner while we were discussing the photo: “Maybe that’s the year he visited all 57 states.”

Etiquette and protocol: obviously BHO knows as much about that as he does about preserving the Constitution.
Surely we have protocol officers who could have prepped him for this occasion.

Barack Obama won't release his grades from his college years; we're seeing mounting evidence as to why.

There's no escaping getting publically graded now, BHO. You can't hide these sorts of inadequacies anymore. Appointing a new 'Czar' to monitor the Press hasn't helped a bit, has it?

Poor guy, he's on the job for a day, and this. Give him a raise. No, strike that! We've enough overpaid government employees already.

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