Friday 8 July 2011

Encroaching Default

Jai singh | 05:49 | | | | |
August 2 2011 remains a potentially nassty turning point for this little Republic. On that date, we cannot pay both our creditors what's due to them and continue to pay out monies to government programs that many view as excessive and unconstitutional social welfare entitlements and, given the amount of disparaging ad hominem directed at Republicans who would speak of the obvious necessity of cutting them, ridiculously and cruelly partisan.

Yesterday, Barack Hussein Obama, after months and years spent vilifying the Republicans for daring to mention Social Security as an item that possibly can (and needs) be cut, put Social Security squarely on the table as a negotiating item that can (and needs) be cut.

So much for Democrats wailing that Republicans want to rush old people into their graves, after feeding them cat food and hiding their spectacles and medicines. There goes a few votes Obama and his Democratic cohorts were counting on, flying out the window.

I can smell a last-minute debt ceiling increase compromise in the works. We will, unfortunately, allow more deficit spending; but to offset, Democrats have lost an heinous weapon they deployed against anyone desirous of fiscal sanity. Never again can they say "Republicans and Republicans alone want to cut Social Security". That's a relief, really.

Now, we, Team Tea Party, should push for the Balanced Budget Amendment, the necessary tool to forever stop the Democrat's usage of the Treasury to buy votes for their far-left-drifting neo-Socialist Party.

Then, and only then, can we move forward to weathering this seemingly-forever-lasting national storm.

* New and exciting Saturn storm: NASA Cassini photo and story

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