Tuesday 26 July 2011

Various reactions to "Barack the Mad"'s pathetic debt Speech

Jai singh | 06:03 | | | |
Fred Thompson...
MSNBC's Chris Matthews: President Obama is "doing what Reagan did." Yeah - making people not want to re-elect a Democrat President. #tcot

From the Daily Caller

Sen. Orrin Hatch...
“The President spoke of consensus and compromise,” said Hatch in a statement, “but when has he ever brought people together?”

Sen Roy Blunt...
“Our problem in Washington isn’t that we’re taxing too little — it’s that we’re spending too much. Unfortunately, the President’s repeated calls for higher taxes will not encourage job creators to grow their businesses and hire more workers.”

Sen Lindsey Graham...
“President Obama has never committed to any plan that will stop America from becoming Greece. [T]he only hope I see where we avoid becoming a debtor nation,” Graham added, “is passage of a Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment.”

Sen Rand Paul...
“Political scare tactics and smoke-and-mirror ‘deals’ won’t solve our debt problem, and in fact will likely cause a larger one by forcing the downgrading of our debt rating.”

Rep. Tom Price (Ga)...
[the president] “continues to sow the seeds of division in this nation by lining his misleading rhetoric with the tenants of class warfare.”

Can't find Sen. Lamar Alexander's or Bob Corker's immediate reactions. Sen. Corker is supposed to be on the radio (Ralph Bristol's show) at 8:05 AM today. Listen live online (WWTN 99.7).

BEST FOR LAST! From the LA Times...

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles

With all of the spotlights on the high-stakes debt maneuverings by President Obama and Speaker John Boehner the last few days, few people noticed what Vermont's Sen. Bernie Sanders said:

"I think it would be a good idea if President Obama faced some primary opposition."

This is political treason 469 days before a presidential election. Yes, yes, this is just a crusty old New England independent for now, albeit one who caucuses loyally with Harry Reid's Democratic posse.

To be sure, 30 months after he returned to home cooking, George W. Bush still gets majority blame for the economy.

But here's the breaking news for wishful Democrats: George W. Bush isn't running for anything but exercise.

"More than a third of Americans now believe that President Obama’s policies are hurting the economy, and confidence in his ability to create jobs is sharply eroding among his base," the Post reports. ...

Strong support among liberal Democrats for Obama's jobs record has plummeted 22 points from 53% down below a third. African Americans who believe the president's measures helped the economy have plunged from 77% to barely half.

Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

Ahhhh, it's nice to smell the 'Primary' talk early in the mornings, isn't it?

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