Monday 26 March 2012

ObamaCare: Supreme Challenge to Our Freedoms

Jai singh | 05:43 | | | |
It's amazing what Left Liberal Progressives are willing to give up in order to be coddled from cradle to grave by a massive, hulking government. In this case, they are willing to give up the very core principles that this Republic was founded on: the idea that we, citizens, are independent thinkers and have the rights to reason individually whether or not we choose to purchase a thing.

If ObamaCare stands, the necessary checks on our government’s power all but vanish, as the Commerce Clause will become the grand hammer the Left desires. Government will have almost unlimited power to tell every citizen, and every group of citizens that make up our families, churches and corporations, exactly how they must behave and what they must purchase, under penalty of law. So much for the notion that Americans are still independent thinkers, and that Government should operate under strict Constitutional guidelines, and exist mostly in the background.

These Left Liberal Progressives left their mother's womb for what reason? Seems they spend much of their lives wanting to return to it, and to force everyone else back into one as well.

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